
001 The Beginning

In the beginning, when there was just one supernatural being and his servant there was just the void. The being was made of souls primarily and his domain extended till all of creation.

Our current universe is just 1 out of 88000 in the vast kingdom. We are but a single strand of hair compared to the whole multitude of universes.

The servant of the Supernatural being was an ambitious one and he wanted power. He meditated for billions of millenniums before the supernatural being granted his wish and created the world. The world was vast and could sustain ecosystems independently, but the supernatural being faced one problem. Each soul had consciousness and a majority of them couldn't bear to be separated from him. In the end, the supernatural being agreed to bring the souls who didn't want to remain in the world back into Yuga. He marked these souls and sent them to the world promising that there would be a guide to bring them back.

So began the world and the concept of life and death.

The servant whose name was Kaal was given authority over hell to oversee the punishments of all the souls who had gathered karma. But he was warned that if ever a guide enters hell then all the souls under him would be freed

But there was one soul who defied the natural order and went against all the cycles. The soul lacked karma from the roots and was as pure as the streams of the Himalayas. This is his story as he either fails or succeeds to go beyond Yuga and become something else.

He did not need a guide to help him open the doors and even the rulers of each world could not assert dominance over him.

This is a short chapter giving a prologue to the story

ItsMagnus624creators' thoughts