
What to do with the mine (2)?

"What is the meaning of this? Why are you laughing at me like that?" Second Madam Yu questioned the two women who were sitting on the stools opposite her. 

Murong Tai arched a brow and then questioned Second Madam Yu, "Madam if your daughter listened to you so much then why did she not marry my brother just as you promised? She was supposed to take my brother as her official husband but she ended up throwing a tantrum at you and then forced you to accept the prostitute as her official husband." 

"I haven't accepted him——" Second Madam Yu began but Old Madam Murong interrupted her and remarked mockingly, "With how your daughter and mother's relationship, I don't think she even cares about it. Most probably she thinks that it's a good thing that you are not poking your nose in her business."