
Someone left a snake!

Yu Dong still wanted to go on but then she felt the air in her lungs be knocked out in a gush as she fell flat on her back, for a second she was stunned at the happenings but when she heard Chen Mi's scream again, she immediately got to her feet and rushed out of the room. 

Her face was pale as she dashed out of the study, she has never heard Chen Mi scream like this, even when he was pregnant and on the verge of dying, he had gritted his teeth and held on without letting out an oomph, for him to scream like this and that too so wretchedly, she was sure that something was wrong.  And as she bolted inside his room, she was almost scared to death when she saw what was inside. 

" Wife, you have to save bun bun! You have to save him, I cannot stay alive if anything happens to him!" Chen Mi was so scared that he was crying, if not for Ye Liu hugging him as soon as he rushed in after Yu Dong, he would have gone to his knees and hugged Yu Dong's thighs.