
I am having a heart attack

" Here we are"  The shop that Shen Li and the others have finalized wasn't a small shop, it was situated in the middle of the busiest street at just a little distance from the tavern. A month ago the shop was one of the bustling shops, it was filled with customers inside and out but today it was completely empty. Not a sign of a single woman or mer could be seen, it was as if the shop has been deserted by its owner long ago. The reason for this scene was actually rather cruel -a month ago, one of the daughters of an official took fancy to the mer son of the owner of this shop, the mer was beautiful and was a boy of good virtue. The daughter of the official wasn't the only one who took fancy to him, many others did too. The official's daughter wanted to marry the mer but was refused, the reason was simple - she was too ugly and fat.