
Guide to power(Dropped)

A 4 year old kid thrown due to bad luck thrown into a planet filled with monsters that are wayy out of his league,a fateful meeting changed his whole life. "You monster,afterall these deaths you still have such an indifferent face"a lady said. "For my goals I would massacre this entire world an still have this indifferent face of mine"A Teen replied in a calm voice. He then beheaded the woman and confine his massacre "so much bloodlust for one so young he friend's ". .. 1:am a newbie writer so expect some mistakes although I will try not to make too much.

revolt_027 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Fight pt3

As both took their stance the skeleton spoke"Kid I will break down something's for you a ki method is more than just a method to circulate ki,It could be used to reinforce your body, make you more faster and also protect yourself with"he continued"like this "he picked up a stone with his boney hands and circulate his death ki.the stone then withered an crumbled to dust.

He looked at the stone and said"I forgot I can only use death now anyway take your ki cover your blade with it,fine tune it to how you want it it's all about how you shape it"the kid then proceed to try it.

First time he did it turned a light shade of blue,it flickered then disappear bewilderment written all over his face asked "why isn't it taking shape how I want it,also does it flickered and disappear"the skeleton looked at the kid an sighs he said"kid do I have to tell you everything figure it out yourself"

The kid shrugged and said"okay "he then proceed to different methods, however all ended up in failure he then thought (weren't we talking about ki methods)and he smacked his forehead he thought (Of course how can I be such an idiot,ki methods are the master key for everything concerning ki).

He then proceeded to his sword stance and started using his ki method his ki started spinning In a Counter-clockwise he then willed it towards his swords.The blue light appeared again however this time more brightly than before he also reinforced his body with ki,he then took a Step and disappeared from his spot only to appear 20ft away already in position.

He then said in a whisper,

0TH Form:Euphrosyne

However this however Euphrosyne was different if you look closely you can see a bud in the background however it was easy to tell that it was a flower bud.The flower however shows the signs of a perilous journey the kid would have to struggle through.

The skeleton who saw that beautiful sword art again thought(how can something so beautiful be so deadly) however he just shrugged.He then called the kid he then explained that In the spars from now on an the kid should get used to using both his sword art and his ki method as if he was breathing it should come naturally.

The kid however couldn't hide the smile on his lips when he thought he could finally fight the old man with everything he got.

Outside of the space rift the behemoth was still bashing the rift however it suddenly stopped and howled and with that Howl came 2 others, yes it was calling for its parents.(A/N: What a bxxh right he found the rift and because it's taking too long to crack open it called for it parents kids these days I say).the skeleton however already knew he probably won't get the full 3 more months with his disciple.

However he would probably curse the beast ancestors for having such a disappointment for a descendant.

As the wind whistled came some big wolves when I say big I mean big,they where thrice the size of their Child and trust me when I say it's child was already big,they released a horrifying roar filled with mana towards the space rift.

The kid and skeleton who was sparing suddenly stopped and looked towards the same direction and frowned,the skeleton who could actually see the outline of the new visitors said in a grim voice "kid you surviving suddenly just dropped to 20% even with me covering your escape"the kid who heard responded in a similar tone asked" how can you see them I can only feel that things energy and it's gaving me the chills"the skeleton responded"it's simple actually just add ki to your pupils fine tune it a little and you will see and outline of their body and size "the kid who tried got it on his first try replied in a slightly suprised tone mixed with a little bit of curiosity and a huge amount of fear.

Suprised at how big they are he exclamated"woahhh they are humongous, Their dong must be the size of an island"the skeleton however is wondering how his mind went straight to that he asked "that's the first thing you thought about when you saw them?? You truly are a loss cause".

The kid then asked"so what are those round thing in Thier body??"the Skeleton answered "oh those are Thier mana cores humans get them when they meet a certain level of strength, however beast/monsters are born with them,it changes colour based on their strength level"he concluded the kid then asked "so can you beat them"the skeleton shrugged and answered in a confident tone"Nope no chance in hell maybe if I was alive or maybe if I had more death ki,I could've defeated all 3 of them no sweat"he continued"but as you know none of those circumstances apply currently sooo no"the kid however just wondered(how can he say all that with a straight face,I should learn shamelessness from him)

The kid then asked "so what are the levels of monster/beasts"(A/N:I will make a auxiliary chapter when this arc finishes). however responded"you will know that eventually no-one likes info dumps"he shrugged the kid however responded"You probably forgot didn't you"which caused the skeleton's eyes to gave off a dangerous glint.

No need to ask what happened next with a black and blue eyes the kid and the skeleton sparred when the kid suddenly asked the skeleton"so how long do we have now"to.which the skeleton said calmly"2 days maximum "the kid sighed.

And they continued sparring day and night for a day straight however on the 2nd day something unexpected happened.

As they continue sparring outside the behemoths suddenly spoke in an unknown language»############«.and with those words all three opened their mouths and released a horrifying roar which caused a hole in the space rift.

The kid and skeleton stopped again this time however it was the skeleton turn to say"Ah shii what rude guest's we have here" and with those words echoing In the surroundings,all hell broke loose.


1:Short ik sorry but I really am trying to get this arc over with and I don't wanna info dumps you guys.

2:yes the space rift part of his past Is coming to an end soon