
Guardian Titan: Hero Titan System

In a world enjoying a fragile era of unprecedented peace, an unforeseen threat emerges from the cosmos, shaking the very foundations of nations. Massive meteors, hurtling perilously close to Earth, send panic across the globe. In a desperate bid to avert catastrophe, nations unite to unleash their most destructive arsenal - the formidable sky missiles. The collective efforts succeed, averting the immediate danger and eliciting worldwide relief. However, the jubilation is short-lived. The missile strikes trigger an unforeseen consequence that unleashes an unknown and cataclysmic force - the Kaiju. About MC : normal person with heroic thoughts, no harem.

AmouxCreationsX · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 7:"Titan's Roar"

In the heat of battle, the awe-inspiring Phoenix Ignition Mecha, under the skilled control of twin pilots Amelia and Isabella, stood tall against the menacing Category Three Kaijus. The twins worked in perfect harmony, their movements synchronized as they expertly piloted the colossal machine. However, an unexpected strike from a Category Two Kaiju caught them off guard, targeting the Mecha's control system.

The impact rattled the Mecha and the system controlling it suffered a critical blow. Miraculously, the twins escaped unharmed, but the damage was done – the control system was in shambles. Their anguish was not solely due to the impairment of their Mecha; it was also the heart-wrenching sight on their screen that shattered their resolve.

In the middle of all the fighting, the screens showed the image of a lost child, clutching a teddy bear, tears streaming down her face. This made the twins, Amelia and Isabella, really want to help her. The child looked so scared that she fell down because she was so frightened. The big Kaiju saw her too and was looking at her.

As the Kaiju moved closer to the scared child, the twins, Amelia and Isabella, felt a strong urge to do something. They decided they had to help, even if it meant leaving their Phoenix Ignition . They grabbed a Flare gun, hoping to distract the creature so the child could run away. But things got tough – a Category Three creature was also close by, making their plan harder.

The twins, Amelia and Isabella, felt really scared. They realized how big the problem was. They were the ones who needed to keep the child safe, which felt really hard. They couldn't even look at the screen anymore because they were so afraid of what might happen.

As the moments grew tense, both Amelia and Isabella kept their eyes tightly shut, their heads bowed in quiet acceptance of their impending fate. The Kaiju's relentless assault seemed destined to bring their heroic stand to an end. Their Mecha's protective shell had taken a heavy hit, leaving it vulnerable to one more blow, a blow that might shatter their last defense.

But then, a strange stillness hung in the air, an eerie calm that stretched into an almost unbearable silence. Amid the uncertainty, the twin pilots felt a wave of confusion wash over them. Slowly, their eyes lifted, and they gazed hesitantly at their monitors. What they saw defied their expectations – both the Category Two and Three Kaijus had shifted their attention to a single focal point.

Intrigued by this unexpected turn of events, Amelia and Isabella's eyes followed the gazes of the monstrous creatures. A sight awaited them that left their hearts racing and their minds astir. A child, the very child they had fought so desperately to save, now stood at the center of this extraordinary spectacle.

In an act that shattered the boundaries of expectation, the Category 2 Kaiju relinquished its aggression, a low rumbling growl escaping its massive jaws as it conceded its intent. But it was the Category 3 Kaiju that seized the spotlight, its primal roar resounding like a thunderous declaration echoing across the battlefield. And then, in an instant, the focus of their attention was revealed—a lone figure, small against the titanic backdrop, yet possessing a presence that demanded acknowledgment.

A Titan, an embodiment of power and majesty, stood undaunted amidst the chaos. Its gaze was fixed upon the two Kaiju, a silent exchange of understanding that transcended language and comprehension. And then, with a motion that resonated with the weight of eons, the Titan roared—an assertion of dominance that reverberated not only through the air, but through the very souls of all who bore witness.

The Kaiju, creatures that had inspired terror and despair, now quailed beneath the unyielding authority of the Titan. As its roar reached a crescendo, it seemed as though the very heavens responded, the skies themselves echoing its declaration with a symphony of thunderous approval.