
Restoring The Balance

-Shen Wei-

It goes without saying that Shen Wei was worried sick about his Yunlan, not only because a god had decided to take him away to a place no human should be allowed, but because the god who dared to steal him right under his nose was none other than Lord Zhu Rong. Back in the past those two had get along until the fire god had put his eyes on him. Everyone knew that after that, Kunlun and the fire god had a bit of a personal feud, although it wasn't to the point to fight to dead. The reason was simply, Lord Rong was younger than Kunlun and as a fire god he was prone to do mischief and even if Kunlun was quite tolerant, there was something no one messed with and that someone was him, his little ghost.

Zhu Rong once told Kunlun that he liked his handsome ghost and that he wanted to have it. Kunlun's rage, which wasn't often shown had been great and he had warned Rong to never mess up with him or the heavens will witness another war between gods and just to show the fire god he was serious, he made an oath in their sacred language that was unbreakable. Lord Rong had stopped bothering him after that, as Lord Kunlun was a mayor god, deeply respected among their kind, including the Jade Emperor.

Now, however, things were different between them, since Rong was still a god, but Zhao was only a human. Just for what reason the fire god needed Yunlan was beyond his reasoning, but he planned to find it out soon enough. Last time, he couldn't do anything to reach Zhao when in his own temple, but as Lord Rong had taken Yunlan to the celestial realm, as a Ghost Slayer, guardian of the underworld, he could invoke audience with a certain god and it could not be deny it. The gathering of the tribes had been suspended until Zhao was back, which only gave him a legitimate reason to go to the celestial realm.

Shen Wei, who stood in front of the fire that linked the temple with the celestial realm, took on another appearance, a more formal one than his Ghost Slayer, with his long hair half tied and rich black and gold robes, he used to wear when with Kunlun. The jade token which allowed him to seek audience, hanged from his waist, giving him the look of a refined Lord.

"Are you going to use the token?" Da Qing asked, looking at the exquisite Hetian Yu carved dragon phoenix jade.

"Yes, you more than anyone else should know that the fire god is not exactly best friend with Kunlun, less so now. With Yunlan being a human and missing his true fire, he must be having a hard time just by being surrounded by cosmic energy, as the gods energy comes from stars and constellations. Right now he is defenseless to act, if Lord Rong dares to try something against him."

"Lord Rong may had been mischievous before, but he is no fool. He should know better than to mess up with the Chief Guardian."

"Dear friend, I will not take any chances. He means everything to me. You can understand that right?" Shen Wei asked, seeing that the cat did agree with him.

"Fine, but take me with you. The heavens knows you both are headstrong when the other is in troubles. I know Zhu Rong better than you." Da Qing offer.

"Are you sure? This may not end well." Wei warned him.

"Zhao is still my master, no he is family to me, so I don't mind causing some troubles for his sake." Shen smiled.

"Well said, then let's not make Zhao wait for longer." Shen Wei threw the token inside the fire and speak a few words in the god's language. The fire, who was still the color of the fire god, changed back to white and a big arched door emerged from the fire. Shen Wei sighed resigned to whatever fate awaited them and cross the portal to the heavens, his destination, the fire god temple.


Once again Yunlan found himself in another majestic temple, but the experience was quite different from his time in his own or Shen Wei's. In this new one, he was even having a hard time to breathe. His previous dizziness was now almost overwhelming and he was even having troubles to remain standing, but even if he had to stay straight by his will alone, he was not going to bow down to the god in front of him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he had a feeling he didn't exactly got along too well with him.

"Ah, you were a stubborn god thousands of years ago, so I shouldn't expect for you to be otherwise even as a human." The god said, coming closer.

"Just who are you?" Zhao asked, sweating by the effort to remain conscious.

"Oh, that's right, you have lost your memories during reincarnation. Let me introduce myself once again. I am called the fire god, Zhu Rong and you are in the celestial realm right now. It is forbidden to bring humans to our realm, but as you were the great Kunlun, a well respected god, then it should be fine. There is a bit of a problem with your soul being unbalance, missing your true fire in your left shoulder, but that can be corrected if you wish it." The flame god offered.

"What do you mean?" Zhao manage to ask.

"I am the fire god, I can restore your true/soul fire, but of course, it will hurt like hell, especially since the energy in this place is overwhelming you right now, but after the fire is restored, you will be even more powerful, which truthfully, you need to be as soon as possible." The god said seriously.

"Why so?" Zhao asked as his vision begin to go back to blurry.

"Because if you don't become closer to a god, your beloved Shen Wei is going to die for you very soon, then neither you nor I will have him." The last words of the fire god seems to resonate inside Zhao's head over and over as the world was becoming black. Will have him, will have him, will have him... At that moment, something inside Zhao snapped, and a set of very loud thunders resonate over the fire god temple, deeply illuminating it. Over the Guardian forehead, a reddish symbol emerged, taking by surprise the fire god.

Zhao's mind became blank with true rage and the fires of the temple turned dark purple and even a white phoenix emerged from the flames to glide behind him. He forgot the man in front of him was a god that could kill him in the blink of an eye, he forgot he wasn't in his best shape, he forgot he could barely move, yet his powers manifest in such a way that even the fire god gave a step back, however, Zhao was not going to back down, because he was moved by an invisible force, beyond his control and dared to took the man's robes to pull him closer.

"Lord Rong, you can hurt me all you want, but leave Shen Wei out of this. I warned you before that you are not to mess up with him by unbreakable vow. I being reincarnated don't take away the vow. I don't care about the schemes of the gods, but stay away from him." Completely unnoticed to Zhao, Rong saw the human reincarnation of Kunlun become more than just a simple mortal. As his rage had reached a level beyond his human emotions, his eyes became light golden and his body was surrounded by a thin layer of golden mist.

Deep inside, the fire god did panic for a second, as he had forgot about the oath. Trustfully, he only suggested he was after the Ghost Slayer as a joke, but it had awaken Kunlun instead, which have took him by surprise, because he never thought possible, even if the human carried the soul of a god, to manifest in such a strong way, even using the surrounding cosmic energy he shouldn't be able to withstand.

"Kunlun, are you awake now? You were always quite fierce when I mention his name." The fire god stated a bit amused, after the initial shock.

"Kunlun is mostly gone, I'm still the same Zhao Yunlan, Chief Guardian of the Order, just with a few old memories back, thanks to you and yes, he means a world to me and for him I'm willing to do anything." Zhao said, not backing down.

"But that's exactly what's wrong, Zhao Yunlan. You both love each other to the point of risking everything to save the other and that will put the Ghost Slayer in deep troubles. The crows are after you more than they are after the Ghost Slayer."

"Explain." Zhao said, letting go of the god robes.

"Ah, this feels like old times. You never wanted me to be too close to your lover. I wonder, were you really that jealous? I did like him, you know, but I would never dare to steal him from you, like I promise. What I suggested before was a joke. He adores you way too much, still does..."

"Just tell me what's going on between the crows and Hell. I hope I don't need to remain you this whole disaster began with you and GongGong messing up the world." The fire god laughed.

"Yes... that's true. Ours was quite the fight and I owe you for that. Okay, then... the one behind the awakening of GongGong is not a demon, nor the Ghost Slayer brother, but a half god, the same as your lover." He said, as his temple went back to normal.

"Well, there are quite a few half gods around. Which one are you referring?" Zhao asked, having a hard time to recall most of the things that happen too long ago.

"GongGong offspring, a hidden dark lord. His mother was a member of the crow tribe and as an active user of dark magic himself, he eventually was overwhelmed by rage. Over the centuries he had secretly cultivate in the underworld, were the dark energy overflows. If I were to give him a tittle, he will be called the god of vengeance. He had grown strong enough to send out demons from hell, but he is not willing to exchange his life for his father when he can use others. The sundial of reincarnation requires to exchange a life for another and unfortunately they already have it, but to be used in a god, it requires even more than half a life. Which is why I advise you to become stronger."

"Why is that? It's not like I can do what a half god can't." Zhao asked.

"Oh, but you can do that and more, because if you end up being capture by the crows dark magic, then it will be easy for them to use his two strongest creations, Shen Wei and his brother as sacrifices to revive GongGong." Zhao's blood freeze over. He wasn't expecting this kind of turn of events.

"You have to be joking, they are planning to use my Shen Wei to revive his father?"

"That's right. Its sickening but poetic at the same time. Just think about it, two lovers that will move heaven and earth for one another, like you had prove just now, when almost going berserk for a simple joke. You both are perfect bait. Ye Zun will do anything for his brother and Shen Wei will exchange his life for his lover not matter the consequences. Add to that a seriously wounded Guardian and what you think the Ghost Slayer will do? Should I give you more examples?"

"Don't bother, I got it." He was quite conscious of Shen Wei's devotion for him. If it meant to save him, he will willingly offer his life in exchange, he had done so when he took the stab for him and almost turned into ashes.

"Aaahhh, damn crows! How dare them! Ungrateful bunch." Zhao yelled, his rage renewed.

"Indeed. Quite the scheming little things too. This half god, enjoys messing with emotions behind the stage. If you allow me to restore your fire and with your memories returning, you will be truly in pair with the Ghost Slayer. It's not that you are a simple human now, in a way you had already cross that line. However, that will not make the restoration less painful, but when you wake up, you will be able to do more for your lover and perhaps help Ye Zun, which is in a pinch right now."

"What do you mean? Wasn't he the King of Hell?"

"Not anymore. Right now he is missing inside Hell. Actually, he stole the sundial from the demons, so this time Kunlun, it's you who owe him."

"Do it. I will not let them use me to get Shen Wei, nor lose to a dark half god." Zhao said without hesitation. Shen Wei was already worry about his brother and he kind of keep him in the dark about Ye Zun, misleading the demons, probably before he found out about using him as a sacrifice as well.

"He is coming. The Ghost Slayer is coming right now." The huge door to the temple was open with force and the floor was instantly cover with frost. Zhao turned to look as his beloved and was stoned when seen him so differently to both his Professor and Ghost Slayer. He looked like a full god, quite striking and fierce, yet calm and collected.

"Lord Rong, I came to retrieve the Chief Guardian. Please, hang him over, he is needed to..." Shen said, slightly bowing to him, then looking at Yunlan, which eyes were still light golden. This enraged Shen Wei even more and soon all the fires in the temple extinguish. "What did you do with him?" His voice was low and calm, yet it was scary to a point of making Zhao shudder.

"Shen Wei, it's okay..." But his ghost wasn't looking at him, but at the fire god.

"Ah, you look quite imposing. You have grown quite a lot more powerful, and handsome..."

"Hey! I warned you..." Zhao said moving in front of Shen, but the fire god simply laughed.

"Don't worry, he is yours and your Guardian is fine. He had a bit of an awakening, but he is still very much the same. I will return him to you once I finish with what I intended to do." He said while restoring the fires with a hand movement.

"Which is...?" Shen insisted.

"Nothing much, just restoring his soul fire."

"Lord Rong, I warn you, this man is not to be harmed..."

"Yeah, yeah, he said the same with you centuries ago and even make an oath to kill me if I dare mess up with you. Seriously, you are both so passionate, and they call me the fire god..."

"Shen Wei, restoring the true fire will bring me back my missing balance..." Zhao said.

"You will get hurt."

"I can bare it."

"No. I will not watch you suffer right in front of me."

"It will be only for a minute or so."

"You will pass out in seconds. Trust me, I know about pain."

"Ah, babe... precisely because of that I need to do this. You have sacrifice enough, let me help you."

"You are already helping. Let's go back."

"Xiao Wei, this needs to be done. It's the only way I can enter Hell."


"He is right, Shen Wei. The war is coming whatever we go to Hell or Hell come to us. Restoring his balance will make him stronger and less prone to get killed, without you babysitting him." Da Qing added.

"Hey, who ask you to come?" Zhao refuted and Rong laughed.

"Ah, Da Qing... you are funny. By the way, why coming as a cat?" The fire god asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious, he is too old to transform." Zhao said.

"Nonsense. Let's see... ah... I know." A green flame materialize out of nowhere and something was inside it. Rong took it and offer it to the cat. "Here, take this... it will also help you. We can't have you as a cat in the middle of a coming war."

"What do..." But as soon as Da Qing open his mouth, Lord Rong push the small pill inside for the cat to swallow it. The effect was almost instantly, as the cat was replaced by a young man, no older than twenty five or something close to it.

"And now is your turn..." The fire god said and put a hand over Zhao's shoulder.

"Wait, Rong!" Shen protested too late because Zhao was suddenly cover with golden flames in seconds. Zhao screamed his heart out as the fire god recited and incantation, making a symbol over the area which needed to be restored. Da Qing restrained Shen Wei when he try to stop the god and after a minute of watching his lover suffer, it was done. Zhao fell in Shen Wei's arms, barely conscious, yet he had manage not to faint.

"Just let him rest for a day, after that he will be closer to a half god. Be aware of the crows dark magic, never let it hit him and this will end well. If you play your cards right you can kill two birds with the same stone and you already posses that one stone. Now be gone, I will contact you again when necessary." And summoning a flame that engulfed them, they were transported back to the temple.


"Don't worry, I'm all sore but I'm still conscious. You see, I'm stronger than you give me credit." Zhao said, holding his shoulder so not to fall.

"I will go now and tell the others of what happen. It's already night..." Da Qing said, pretty much running out. He looked exited, now that he could take a human form. Right after Shen Wei portal them back to their room.

"Sorry babe, I can't be a wolf tonight, even when I want nothing more than to jump over you." Zhao joked, already exhausted and feeling sleepy. Shen Wei simply sighed.

"Idiot, just rest, I will try to sooth the pain while you sleep." He said removing a lock of hair from his forehead. Was it his imagination or his hair was a bit longer?

"I got horny when you touch me." Zhao stated with a smile, his eyes no longer golden, yet less darker than before.

"You get horny with pretty much everything. Lie down and you will fall asleep in not time." Shen said, helping Zhao to take off his shoes and jacket, then helping him lie down on the bed.

"What about the jeans and shirt? You can help me take them off too." Shen blushed just imagining how it would feel to undress his perverted Guardian.

"If you can't become a wolf, then don't try to tempt the dragon. It will hurt you more." Shen Wei said, slightly kissing his forehead. "Don't be so reckless..."

"Ah... can you kiss me a bit lower?" Zhao asked, already half asleep.

"Sure..." Shen Wei said with a smile before softly kissing his lips.

"Lower?" Zhao asked while closing his eyes. Shen Wei go ahead and kiss his neck, but when he pull away, his Guardian was already asleep.

"Some wolf you are... rest well my love." Shen said and lie down at his side, putting one hand over his chest to help stabilize his newly restored energy.

AN: Thanks for reading.