
Guardian Blue

"Kazuki. If I, a police officer sworn to protect, were to stray and harm someone innocent, would you still consider me a hero?" New Chapters everyday (lmao)

Edu_Bill · แอคชั่น
26 Chs

To Serve And Protect

As the trio, Kazuki, Tatsuya, and Tomoya, wandered through the bustling corridors of the police academy, they stumbled upon a stream of other recruits making their way towards the orientation hall. Intrigued by the commotion, they decided to follow the crowd, their curiosity piqued.

Inside the hall, rows of seats filled with aspiring officers awaited their arrival. Kazuki, Tatsuya, and Tomoya quickly found themselves seats in the middle, eagerly anticipating the start of the orientation. The air buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous energy, each recruit carrying their dreams of becoming a beacon of justice.

Just as the room settled into a quiet anticipation, the doors at the front swung open, revealing a figure whose presence commanded attention—Detective Kuroi. Dressed in his sharp uniform, his stern expression sent a wave of seriousness through the room.

With a commanding voice that echoed through the hall, Detective Kuroi addressed the recruits, his words carrying weight and determination. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the police academy. Today, you stand at the threshold of a noble profession—a profession that demands courage, integrity, and a commitment to protecting the innocent."

His gaze swept across the room, his eyes piercing through each individual, as if searching for the faintest trace of doubt or hesitation. "We are here to uphold the law, to serve and protect, but make no mistake—it is not a path for the faint-hearted. This world is filled with darkness and dangers that test the very core of your being."

A solemn silence enveloped the hall as Kuroi's words sank in. The memory of the fallen hero, Ayame, lingered in the hearts of those present. It had been five years since her tragic demise, and her absence cast a profound shadow over the police force.

Kuroi's voice grew even more stern as he continued, his tone resolute and unwavering. "We are in need of a new beacon of hope, someone who can rise above the challenges and become a guiding light for this city. But let me be clear—this path is not for everyone. It requires unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and a willingness to lay down your life for the greater good."

A collective breath was held in the room as Kuroi's words hung in the air. Recruits exchanged glances, their determination strengthened by the weight of Kuroi's expectations.

"In this academy, we will forge you into the best officers you can be. We will push you beyond your limits, break down your weaknesses, and mold you into the defenders this city deserves. But if any of you feel you are not ready to make that sacrifice, to face the darkness head-on, I urge you to leave now. The police force needs those who are willing to go to any lengths to protect this city and its people."

A brief moment of silence followed, as if time itself held its breath. The recruits contemplated Kuroi's words, their minds swirling with determination and resolve. And then, one by one, they reaffirmed their commitment to the path they had chosen, rising to their feet with unwavering determination.

The trio, Kazuki, Tatsuya, and Tomoya, exchanged a resolute glance, their eyes shining with newfound conviction. They had heard the call, felt the weight of responsibility, and they were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As the room filled with the collective spirit of those who dared to be guardians of justice, Kuroi's gaze lingered on the trio for a fleeting moment, his eyes recognizing the spark of determination within them. With a nod of approval, he continued his speech, igniting a flame of hope that burned brightly in the hearts of those present.

And as Detective Kuroi's words resonated throughout the hall, the trio felt an indescribable surge of determination coursing through their veins. They were ready to embark on this arduous journey, to become the beacons of hope that Kuroi spoke of.

Kazuki, Tatsuya, and Tomoya exchanged a silent pledge, their eyes filled with unwavering resolve. They knew that this path would be filled with challenges and sacrifices, but they were prepared to face them head-on. Together, they would support and push each other to their limits, growing stronger with each step.

As the orientation continued, the trio absorbed every word, their hearts brimming with eagerness. They learned about the rigorous training they would undergo, the importance of teamwork and trust, and the immense responsibility they would carry as officers of the law.

In the midst of the presentations and lectures, their minds couldn't help but wander back to Detective Ayame, the fallen hero who had left an indelible mark on the police force. Her memory served as a reminder of the dangers they would face, but also as a source of inspiration to strive for greatness.

As the orientation drew to a close, the recruits were filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. They were about to embark on a path that would test their mettle and shape their futures. But they were not alone. Bonds had formed, friendships forged, and a shared determination bound them together.

As Detective Kuroi's speech reached its climax, he shifted his gaze towards the recruits, his eyes filled with an unyielding intensity. His words carried a weight that echoed through the hall, capturing their attention in rapt anticipation.

"The time for orientation has come to an end," Kuroi declared, his voice commanding and unwavering. "Now, it is time to prove yourselves, to face the true test of your abilities. The entrance exam awaits you, a grueling physical trial that only the best of the best can conquer."

A surge of nervous excitement coursed through the recruits, their hearts pounding in anticipation. This was the moment they had been preparing for, the moment that would determine their place among the ranks of the police force.

Kuroi's piercing gaze swept across the room, his presence casting an air of both authority and challenge. His eyes briefly locked with Kazuki's, a silent acknowledgment of the young recruit's determination and potential.

"Make your way to the locker rooms," Kuroi continued, his voice resonating with authority. "Get changed into your training attire and prepare yourselves for the exam. This is not a time for hesitation or doubt. It is a time to prove your worth, to push your limits, and to strive for excellence."

With those final words, Kuroi turned on his heel and exited the hall, leaving behind a wake of anticipation and determination. The recruits exchanged glances, their hearts aflame with a mixture of anxiety and eagerness.

Kazuki felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins. He knew that the exam would test his physical prowess, his endurance, and his mental fortitude. But he was ready to face the challenge head-on, to push himself beyond his limits in pursuit of his dream.

As they filed out of the hall, ready to begin their training, Kazuki caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the distance. It was Rei, the girl he had saved from Kuroi's clutches. A warm smile graced her lips as their eyes met, a silent acknowledgment of their shared journey.

In that moment, Kazuki felt a surge of gratitude for the twist of fate that had brought them together. He knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but with newfound friends by his side and a burning desire to make a difference, he was ready to face whatever obstacles lay in his way.