
Guardian Blue

"Kazuki. If I, a police officer sworn to protect, were to stray and harm someone innocent, would you still consider me a hero?" New Chapters everyday (lmao)

Edu_Bill · แอคชั่น
26 Chs

Remnants of A Hero

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue upon the city streets, Kazuki found himself walking home after a long day of training at the police academy. His footsteps echoed against the pavement, a rhythmic cadence that matched the beat of his determined heart.

Lost in his thoughts, Kazuki's attention was abruptly drawn to a commotion ahead. Curiosity tugged at his instincts, compelling him to investigate. As he approached the source of the disturbance, a chilling realization washed over him—a young woman was being targeted by a low-level Yakuza thug.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kazuki sprang into action. His training kicked in, and he swiftly assessed the situation. The Yakuza, adorned with the telltale tattoos and a menacing sneer, loomed over the frightened woman, demanding her belongings.

"Hey, you there! Leave her alone!" Kazuki's voice rang out with a newfound confidence, cutting through the tension-laden air.

Startled by Kazuki's sudden intervention, the Yakuza turned his gaze toward the determined young man. A smirk formed on his lips, tinged with a mixture of amusement and arrogance.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A little hero trying to save the day?" the Yakuza sneered, taking a step closer to Kazuki.

Undeterred, Kazuki stood tall, his eyes blazing with an unwavering resolve. "I won't stand by and watch innocent people suffer. It's my duty to protect them, even if it means facing the likes of you."

The woman, her eyes filled with gratitude and relief, stepped back as Kazuki confronted the Yakuza. With a swift, decisive motion, the Yakuza lunged at Kazuki, fists clenched in a desperate attempt to intimidate him.

As the Yakuza member lunged towards Kazuki, his fist aimed at Kazuki's face with a wild and reckless energy, Kazuki's instincts kicked in. Time seemed to slow as he swiftly sidestepped the attack, his body moving with a grace and precision born from countless hours of training.

With a swift, fluid motion, Kazuki maneuvered behind the Yakuza, his trained eyes identifying a momentary opening. Seizing the opportunity, he delivered a well-timed strike to the back of the Yakuza's knee, causing him to buckle and stumble forward.

The Yakuza let out a surprised grunt, his balance faltering as he fought to regain his footing. Kazuki capitalized on the moment, his movements a symphony of agility and strength. He executed a series of quick, calculated strikes, targeting vital pressure points with pinpoint accuracy.

Each blow landed with a resounding impact, sending tremors through the Yakuza's body. The once-confident thug now found himself on the defensive, struggling to withstand the relentless assault. Kazuki's strikes were swift, his movements fluid, as if he had become an extension of the very air around him.

The woman watched in awe as Kazuki displayed a level of skill and finesse that surpassed their expectations. His combat prowess was a testament to his dedication and the arduous training he had undergone. But beneath the surface, a fierce determination burned within Kazuki's eyes, his focus unwavering.

As the fight intensified, Kazuki's movements became even more precise, each strike delivered with calculated force. He seamlessly transitioned between defensive maneuvers and offensive strikes, countering the Yakuza's feeble attempts to retaliate.

The Yakuza, his once-ferocious demeanor replaced by a mixture of pain and desperation, found himself pushed to the brink. He swung wildly, his attacks growing increasingly erratic and ineffective. In a final act of desperation, he lunged at Kazuki with a reckless fury.

With a deft sidestep, Kazuki evaded the Yakuza's final attack, leaving him off balance and vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Kazuki delivered a decisive blow, a strike that sent the Yakuza sprawling to the ground, his body unable to withstand any more punishment.

Silence fell over the scene as the defeated Yakuza lay on the ground, his breath ragged and defeated. Kazuki stood over him, his chest rising and falling with each breath, a mix of relief and determination coursing through his veins.

A then gathering crowd erupted into applause, their admiration for Kazuki's display of skill and bravery evident in their enthusiastic cheers. Kazuki, still caught in the intensity of the moment, glanced around at the spectators, a mix of gratitude and humility etched across his face.

As the police were called to apprehend the defeated Yakuza, Kazuki's attention turned back to the woman he had saved. Her eyes shimmered with a profound gratitude as she stepped forward, her voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you, sir. You truly are a hero," she said, her voice carrying a weight of sincerity.

Kazuki's gaze softened, his modesty shining through. "I'm just doing what's right. It's my duty to protect those in need."

With a smile and a nod of gratitude, the woman disappeared into the crowd, leaving Kazuki standing there, a newfound sense of purpose coursing through his veins. He knew that his journey to becoming a police officer was not just about fulfilling a dream; it was about making a difference, even in the smallest acts of heroism.

As the adrenaline of the encounter subsided, Kazuki resumed his journey home, leaving behind a crowd in awe of his valor. His heart swelled with a newfound sense of purpose, knowing that he had made a difference in someone's life.