
Guardian Blue

"Kazuki. If I, a police officer sworn to protect, were to stray and harm someone innocent, would you still consider me a hero?" New Chapters everyday (lmao)

Edu_Bill · แอคชั่น
26 Chs

Heavy Hearts

As Kazuki arrived at the police academy, he noticed Tatsuya and Tomoya waiting at the entrance, their expressions grave. Approaching them, he could sense the weight of Hiroshi's death hanging heavy in the air.

"Hey guys," Kazuki greeted them, his voice tinged with concern.

Tatsuya turned to him, his usually jovial demeanor replaced by a somber expression. "Did you hear about what happened to Hiroshi?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kazuki nodded solemnly. "Yeah, it's terrible. I can't believe he's gone."

Tomoya sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "It's a reminder of how dangerous this line of work can be," he remarked, his voice tinged with sadness.

The three of them stood in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts, grappling with the reality of their friend's death.

"We need to find out who's behind this," Kazuki said firmly, determination shining in his eyes. "We owe it to Hiroshi."

Tatsuya and Tomoya nodded in agreement, their resolve firm. "Let's do it," Tatsuya said, a determined glint in his eye.

With a shared sense of purpose, the trio made their way inside the police academy, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As they entered the building, they could feel the tension in the air, knowing that Detective Kuroi's address would bring more answers, and perhaps more questions, about the tragedy that had befallen their colleague.

In the lecture hall of the police academy, Detective Kuroi stood at the front, his stern gaze sweeping over the assembled recruits. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as everyone awaited his address.

"Attention, recruits," Kuroi's voice boomed, commanding the room's attention. "I'm sure you've all heard about the tragic events that unfolded yesterday."

A hush fell over the room as Kuroi continued, his voice grave. "One of our own, Hiroshi, has been taken from us. His death was not merely an isolated incident but a stark reminder of the dangers we face in our line of duty."

Kazuki felt a lump form in his throat as he listened, his heart heavy with grief for his fallen comrade.

"The Yakuza," Kuroi continued, his tone grim, "is a formidable adversary. They operate with ruthless efficiency, using fear and intimidation to maintain their grip on our city."

Kuroi's words hung in the air, casting a shadow over the room as the recruits absorbed the gravity of his message.

"They are not to be underestimated," Kuroi emphasized, his voice tinged with urgency. "Their reach extends far and wide, and they will stop at nothing to protect their interests."

A murmur rippled through the room as the recruits exchanged uneasy glances, the reality of the Yakuza's power sinking in.

"But," Kuroi's voice rang out, cutting through the tension, "we are not powerless in the face of this threat. We are the defenders of justice, the guardians of our community. It is our duty to stand up against those who seek to sow chaos and fear."

His words ignited a fire within the recruits heart, filling him with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

"We will not rest until justice is served," Kuroi declared, his voice echoing with conviction. "Hiroshi's death will not be in vain. We will hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice, no matter the cost."

As Detective Kuroi's address concluded, the tension in the room thickened as he announced the intensification of training in response to the growing threat of the Yakuza. His words struck a chord with the recruits, igniting a sense of urgency within them.

"In light of recent events," Kuroi declared, his voice firm, "it's clear that we need to be stronger, faster, and more skilled if we're to stand a chance against the Yakuza threat."

A ripple of determination swept through the room as the recruits absorbed Kuroi's words, their resolve strengthening with each passing moment.

"To that end," Kuroi continued, "I am introducing a new program called 'The Circuit.' This program will push each and every one of you to your limits, testing your physical and mental strength like never before."

Kazuki's heart raced with anticipation as he listened, the prospect of honing his skills and becoming stronger fueling his determination.

"Only the top fifty students who excel in 'The Circuit' will be accepted into the police force," Kuroi announced, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "The rest will be reassigned to other duties or dismissed entirely."

The gravity of Kuroi's words hung heavy in the air as the recruits exchanged nervous glances, fully aware of the stakes at hand.

"Now, I'll hand it over to Detective Sakura," Kuroi said, gesturing to the female detective standing beside him. "She'll provide you with more information about 'The Circuit' and what it entails."

As Detective Sakura stepped forward to address the assembled recruits, her presence commanded the room's attention. Her gaze swept across the eager faces before her, each one filled with a mix of anticipation and determination.

"Recruits," Sakura began, her voice steady and authoritative, "I understand that recent events have left many of you shaken. The loss of Hiroshi Tanaka, coupled with the escalating criminal activities of the Yakuza, has cast a shadow over our city."

A somber murmur rippled through the room as the recruits absorbed Sakura's words, the weight of their responsibilities pressing down on them.

"But," Sakura continued, her tone firm, "we cannot afford to succumb to despair. Now, more than ever, we must stand together and face this threat head-on."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "That's where 'The Circuit' comes in. This intensive training program is designed to push each and every one of you to your limits, both physically and mentally."

Sakura's voice brimmed with conviction as she outlined the details of 'The Circuit,' explaining the grueling exercises, rigorous challenges, and demanding simulations that awaited the recruits.

"The purpose of 'The Circuit' is twofold," Sakura explained. "Firstly, to prepare you for the dangers that lie ahead. The Yakuza are a formidable adversary, and we need to be stronger, faster, and more skilled if we're to stand a chance against them."

A determined spark gleamed in Sakura's eyes as she continued. "Secondly, we're searching for someone who can step up and become a symbol of hope and justice, much like Ayame was. Someone who embodies the ideals of integrity, courage, and unwavering dedication to protecting the people of our city."

Her words hung in the air, infusing the room with a sense of purpose and determination. The recruits listened intently, their resolve strengthening with each passing moment.

"In the face of adversity, it is our duty to rise above," Sakura declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "Together, we will overcome the challenges that lie ahead, and together, we will ensure that justice prevails."

With that, Sakura concluded her address, leaving the recruits feeling inspired and ready to embark on the rigorous journey that lay ahead. As they filed out of the lecture hall, Kazuki felt a renewed sense of determination burning within him. With 'The Circuit' as their crucible, he knew that they had the potential to become the beacon of hope that their city so desperately needed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Edu_Billcreators' thoughts