
Sparring Session

Consecutive punches was thrown. Fast, fierce and savage! Ray countered these with a series of dodges.

A powerful straight punch reached Ray's face followed by four accurate successive punches. Nympha's form was fluid and fearless.

Ray: "!!!" (She won't…*pant*…even…*pant*… let me…*pant* breathe…*pant*…for a couple…*pant*…of ceceli!)

Ray can't see any opening to turn the table around. Avoiding these deadly attacks won't do him any good. His entire body is covered now with sweat. His form was poor.

Nympha: "Ray! We're not here to practice your dodging! We're here to spar! Be serious!" She gave a surprising punch to his face. Ray swiftly blocked it with his arms.

Ray: "Argh!" He was thrown back to the ring.

Ray immediately regained his footing and set his balance straight.

Nympha: "Heh…Not bad." She charged towards him again. Rapid punches were thrown to Ray's direction. (Let's see how long your stamina will hold up.)

Several milent had passed. Ray was slowly able to keep pace with his sparring partner. Even though he can only do is dodge and avoid her menacing attacks, he was able to control his breathing.

Nympha: "Hmm…" She lowered her fist. Her fierce aura was gone.

Ray: "!?" (Why did she stop?) Ray was puzzled by her action. (Well, I can't let this chance go by.) With his resolved, he went straight to her to execute his attack.

Right after he reached Nympha's distance, she made a sudden shift. She swiftly bent her knees, closed her fist and threw a power strike on Ray's jaw. It was an upper cut!

Unguarded, Ray's felt his head joggled and his vision became fuzzy.

Ray felt the coldness of the floor. He was lying on the center of the sparring ring. He tried to open his eyes. His vision is still blurry.

Ray: (What was that?) He touched his head. *sigh* (I thought my brain left my head…)

He heard a light footstep.

"Are you done admiring the ceiling, Ray?"

Ray eased his mind and stood up. "How long was I out, sister Nympha?"

Nympha: "Hmm…let see…about an…hour..?" She replied.

Ray: "An hour!!?"

Nympha: "Yeah, your stamina sure is amazing. You recover so quickly."

Ray: "Huh?"

Nympha: "When an average fighter is hit full force, normally it will take three days to recover." She explained.

Ray: "Then that's not a sparring at all!" He protested.

Nympha just brushed off Ray's word with a smile.

Ray: "Can you tell me what was that form you're using, sister?" He changed the topic.

Nympha: "Well, it's called boxing. A hand-to-hand combat used by ancient people from the old world. It is suited for a tanker like me. I can shift and adjust my attacks from offense and defense."

Ray: "Boxing, huh."

Nympha: "Yes. And it's good for warming up."

Ray: "Warming up?"

Nympha: "We use boxing for warming up."

Ray still gave a puzzled look.

Nympha: (Hmm. How can I describe it…Aha!) "Exercise! We use it as a form of exercise."

Ray: "Okay?" (I still don't get it)

They both went out from the sparring ring. Nympha handed Ray a glass of fresh water.

Ray: "Thanks."

Nympha: "Ray…"

Ray: "Yes?"

Nympha: "Your movement is formless. I didn't see any form. It was just based on instinct."

Ray: "I don't need such things. If your powerful enough, you can defeat anyone. That's what my mother taught me." He said proudly.

Nympha: "So that's why you lost." She laughed.

Ray was embarrassed and said "Well, I wasn't giving all of my strength."

Nympha: "Well, how about we put your so-called strength into a test?"

Ray: "How?"

Nympha: "You just need to punch me."

Ray: "What?! Are you sure about this?"

Nympha: "Yes, of course."

Ray: "But--but--"

Nympha: "Why hesitate? I'm proud of my defense. So, why not give it a shot? And this time, don't hold back."

Ray: "Okay. I'll do it."

Nympha: "Don't worry. I won't dodge. Haha!"

Ray: "That's not it, sis!"

Nympha: "Okay. Chill."

They went back to the sparring ring.

Nympha: "Whenever you're ready, Ray."

Ray: "Un."

Ray took a deep breathe. He released his tension on his shoulder and begin to focus his energy on his right hand.

Just a short time, Ray throws a powerful straight punch. The impact created a strong cyclone of wind and smoke around the entire room. When the smoke subsided, Ray was shocked on what he saw. Nympha remained unscathed.

Ray: "!!!?" (But I gave my best shot there…)

Nympha: "See what I'm saying?"

Ray couldn't speak at the moment.

Nympha: "Don't be shock Ray. I'm a tanker basically I'm your counter." She started. "You're a Fighter who specialized mainly in attacks and I'm a Tanker focus mainly in defense. So, I'm your bad match." She further explained.

Ray: "Oh."

Nympha: "If you fully grasp your power, probably you can win." She tried to cheer him up.

Ray: "Still, why not even a scratch?"

Nympha: "Before I answer that. Tell me where are you from Ray?"

Ray: (How can I explain it…) "Hmm…it's a place where no people exist. It's only me and my mother. It's a place with a vast sky."

Nympha: "What's the name of the place?"

Ray: "I don't know…"

Nympha: "How about your mother? Who is she?"

Ray: "My mother? Her name…She's…Huh? How come I---"

Nympha saw the confusion on Ray's eyes.

Nympha: "Okay. I will stop. It seems your head became disoriented." *sigh* (But still he should have known that each faction differs from one another, how come he doesn't even know the basics?")

Ray: "Sis? You haven't answer mine."

Nympha: "Right. Tanker's skin differs from another faction. We are like this ever since we were born. Our skin was liken to a hardest metal. Not a sword or an arrow can penetrate our body. All tankers in the underground city of Ambeist have those capabilities. The attack you've made is nothing. It won't hurt us.

Ray: "Okay."

Nympha: "I didn't even use some of my powers yet. They were merely normal punches."

Ray: "Normal punches?" He's mouth wide opened.

Nympha: "Tanker's can put a hole to mountains through our punches. That's not an exaggeration. We're that strong."

Ray: *gulp* "I get it."

Nympha: "That's a good thing."

Ray: "Hmm, how do I find my form then?"

Nympha: "You don't find it, Ray. You learn from it on the Fighter Faction. You need to travel and find someone capable to teach you."

Ray: "Okay." (I'm ready anytime!) His eyes brighten up.

Nympha: *sigh* "Stop. Your excitement won't take you anywhere. You need to train first! You won't survive on your present level."

Ray straighten his posture.

Ray: "Let's go for it again."

Nympha: "Good. That level of determination is what you need."

Ray: "This time I won't disappoint you, sis." He clenched his fist. (Mother I won't disappoint you either.)

Nympha: "Okay." She was back to her fluid and fearless form. This time it's more serious.

An all-out powerful consecutive punches reached Ray. He instantly blocked them all with his arms.

Nympha: (Heh…He's now thinking on stopping my punches.) She noticed Ray hands started to glow.

Ray's eyes began to glow.

Ray: "Sis, ready for round two?"
