

It was when I was Ten Years Of Age that An ancient Star showed Me a revelation. "Child, I've Chosen you to Bring Vengeance To those who Had conspired Against Me When I Was A Mortal, I'll give you a fraction of my power to achieve this goal." Just Like that, I was A Slave to Destiny. The Ancient Star Gave Me Power, but Was it Worth it? Hell no! My life was filled with blood and turmoil, My Brother Dying In my own hands. Losing my Sanity, And Fighting Against Heaven Itself. In the end, I succeeded, But at What Cost? The Ancient Star Had used Me and discarded me, But something unexpected happened... I reincarnated! Given Another Chance at Life, I will use All the Knowledge and experiences I have Accumulated To Take my Revenge against the Ancient Demonic Jester! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I do not own the Cover Photo.

Mrek_Travo · แอคชั่น
4 Chs

Nothing more than a simple tool

Amidst the heavy panting in a grand hall filled with debris and blood, a rough and hoarse voice resounds:

"Huff... huff... huff..."

"I finally did it!" shouted a gravely injured man, celebrating his victory.

As the dust cleared from the other side of the hall, a figure lay by a huge pillar on the brink of collapse. This figure was none other than Heaven's Council President, Immortal Time Ancestor.

"Cough... Cough... Cough..."

"Young man, you've been fooled by that damned bastard! You're no more than a stepping stone that he will discard once he finds a suitable vessel to wreak havoc in the mortal realm again!" Immortal Time Ancestor said, drawing blood from his mouth.

Suddenly, a trace of dark-light energy appeared in a line around his neck, tightening and finally cutting it in half.

As the headless body rolled on the ground, a melancholic voice filled the room.

"Hmph, Immortal Time Ancestor, after 37,000 years, I finally get to cut your head after that humiliating day..."

As the dust settled, a trace of dark energy violently erupted in the middle of the hall, giving off a tyrannic aura as a demonic figure appeared.

This was the legendary figure of the demonic forces, the Ancient Demonic Jester.

With a flick of his wrist, the gravely injured man started to levitate and move towards him.

"My benefactor, what is it that you desire?" the tyrannic voice echoed throughout the grand hall.

"I desire the revival of my brother... that is all."

"Hmph, such a wish is impossible. I am not the God of Life, and even if it were possible, I would not grant such an ambitious wish from a mortal like you."

Outraged, the man tried to break free from the grasp of the invisible force holding him tight.

"You promised me!"

Tyranic laughter with a hint of arrogance and mockery echoed in the grand hall.

"Fool, you're no more than a tool in my grand scheme. Once I suck your soul, I will take over your body and bring havoc throughout the universe!"

After a pause, the man sees a pair of blood-colored eyes looking at him with intense pressure.

Sweat started to pour out of his forehead as a century seemed to pass by during the 3 seconds their eyes met.

"You're still holding on far better than I had expected. I have truly trained you well."

A sinister smile formed just under the pair of blood-colored eyes.

"Cough... Cough... Cough..."

"I should've known you weren't what you told me you were when you ordered me to battle against Heaven itself!"

The smile under the pair of eyes turned into an ugly expression.

As the pressure intensified, the man started to turn red.

"A mortal that I had raised dares to talk back? Hmph, you are courting death."

After a long silence, the demonic figure opened its mouth.

"A python going against an elephant will never win, not in a thousand years. Unless that python learns to make use of poison, will it ever be able to bring down such a beast?"

The demonic figure gradually gave off an intense killing pressure, forming a crimson aura and filling the entire hall. As the aura intensified, the man was suffocated by the pressure.

For a while, the man passed out, until the man opened his eyes, now shining with the brilliance and wisdom of a millennium radiating in white.

The Man has been possessed by Immortal Time Ancestor!

"Hehe, you may have successfully killed me, but this battle is far from over."


The demonic figure took a step back and accidentally let go of the power binding the man.

"Ancient Demonic Jester, you may have successfully killed me, but using this mortal, I will take my revenge!"

The man's body started to grow fractures all over, and as the light started to escape from the inside, a quick flash of light engulfed the hall and blinded the demonic figure for a couple of breaths of time.

This was a forbidden art developed by Immortal Time Ancestor, "Heaven's Binding Chains of Fate"!

As the dust cleared, the demonic figure was revealed to have been mortally wounded and missing an arm.

"Damn it!" the demonic figure was fuming with anger as he cursed.


At the top of a hill, under the shade of an apple tree, a young boy who was sleeping jolted awake.

Violent tremors could be heard from the sky as a huge crack started to form, giving off an aura of a holy presence.

The busy town directly under the crack was in a state of frenzy.

"It is the day of reckoning!"

"Oh God, please forgive me for all the sins that I have done!"

Many pleading cries could be heard from all across the town as time seemed to gradually slow down and then stop.

A faint dark light and a blinding holy light then exited from the crack that had formed in the sky.

"Hmph, if not for me, you would be dead by now."

The holy light, followed by the dark light, started to dash all over the town, searching for something.

"Damn it. There's no suitable vessel for this demonic freak."

The holy light gave off a holy aura, and time started to move again while a faint trace of thread-like light entered each person's mind and wiped their memories of everything that happened in a short period.

After passing by many towns, the holy light was growing weak, and decided that the search for the perfect vessel would exhaust all his energy, and thus he chose a vessel for the dark light.

The holy light, followed by the dark light, moved toward a forest when they spotted a young man running away from a group of demonic beasts.

The holy light inspected the body and decided that it had enough talent to be the vessel.

After his decision was finalized, he forcefully used all his remaining energy to push the dark light into the mind of the body.

Time began to move again, and the beasts ran towards the man when suddenly fear engulfed their bodies, becoming unable to move.

The man turned around and raised his hands as light gathered towards his palm and formed a sword. This was a sword made from light, able to cut demonic energy.

The man gave off a fierce aura as his white eyes gazed toward the beasts and then swung the sword.

The sword didn't reach the beasts, but a strong wind imbued with holy energy shot out from its tip and into the beasts.

The beasts died with no retaliation.

The man fell, and his white eyes returned to their original blue color.

Many hours passed And the Sky started to turn dark when the man awoke.

The man Stood up and looked at the palm of his hands,


The man slapped himself.

his face began to turn red when a realization hit him.

I... I... I'm alive!?!?

a story that I have decided to spend my time on polishing.

Mrek_Travocreators' thoughts