
The good girl

My name is Olivia Kosisochukwu. This might seem weird but I'll like to share my life story with you.

I was born into a wealthy home at least we were among the richest in the neighborhood back then. I had three siblings ; two elder ones and a younger sis. Among all my siblings I was the most loved at least from what I saw . My elder sis was a bit clumsy and always did things wrongly and she wasn't also good academically soo,my parents always yelled at her. My elder bro was kinda arrogant and notorious he always liked to steal from my parents. Of course, most of his friends knew that, his parents had money soo,they always cautioned my bro to steal. My lil sis was still a baby soo, I can't say much about her. Then, finally me I was academically good and was very coordinated and quiet . Many people loved me not just my parents even the neighborhood. I was their favorite. Everything was good till I got to grade 12 . I wrote my final exams to finally enter senior secondary school and of course I did soo well . I had all As and my parents bragged about my result most especially my dad. I finally got to senior secondary 1 and got a scholarship and that is when things started to turn around in my life.

I got into a new school this time around it was mixed both boys and girls. Initially my previous school was just girls. Well, I was just 12 in my new class I can remember I was among the youngest . I was entering into puberty and you know that feeling of finally getting to school with boys. I was very glad. The first term we had an exam and your results will determine if, you will still continue with your scholarship. I passed and made my parents proud once more but then second term became scary!!

Second term was hectic as usual and I had high expectations from my parents to pass again . I did well though at least I tried my best cause it wasn't easy at all. Finally , the third term came and I started getting close to some boys in school and if you're a true African you'd know male friends ain't allowed because African parents are very strict. Well, I had a male friend we were close and all but, I was a teenager going through my puberty phase at least I guessed that's normal. I started having feelings for me not only that!!! Other male students started approaching me to be friends because, I guess seeing their fellow boy being friends with me gave them the upper hand and zeal to approach me. Yeah did I mention that I am really pretty and petite?? . Soo, I started having male friends we do talk and during holidays we'd chat on Facebook. My mom noticed something fishy and started asking who I was always chatting with. She made me feel comfortable with telling her . I told her I had a crush on this guy named Victor in school she listened well and later started condemning me saying I should face my studies and leave all those boys. I felt bad and decided to forget about Victor but then, Victor always called and checked up on me. It was kinda hard forgetting him. My results came out during the holiday this time around and I did well.

Life was going well until, one fateful evening I was coming down the stairs and fell to the floor. I sustained some injuries and even dislocated my knee joint. It was really hard because I had to operate on it.

Finally, when I was done with the operation. A new term came and I wasn't able to resume on time because, of my legs. I later resumed and started school again it was really hard because I had missed a lot and you know in most African schools there's no going back. I wasn't following up and did I forget to mention that I was using crutches in school??? That period I felt as if, no guy will want to talk to me again especially Victor but to my greatest surprise Victor was always there for me. Not , only that but plenty guys wanted to talk to me at least to get to know the girls on crutches. Like I was literally among the trendy girls . It really affected my studies i could see it. I tried to catch up with what they were doing currently in school but, the boys were big distractions!!! And not only that but using crutches in school was also tiring after that term my results were really poor I was soo sad. I couldn't show my parents my results even till date.

Second term came and something serious happened. There's this girl I was really close to her name was Catherine I told her about everything going on between Victor and I although we weren't dating . We would laugh about it quite alright but, then I noticed that, she and Victor were getting attracted to each other that was a huge blow to my face. She never told she was getting attracted to him yeah I was sad soo, I had a conversation with Victor and he told me how he felt . He actually had feelings for my friend can you imagine that! I was hurt and decided to avoid him and focus on my studies.

It wasn't even up to a month that I started avoiding him and I heard he and Catherine had started dating. It felt like betrayal but, I left it slide then, I got attached to this new guy his name was Sucho. Me and Sucho became good friends he was obsessed with me. I did like him though but, not like I liked Victor. Victor and Catherine were really oppressing me they were always together and showed it even in my front. I was hurt and started trying soo hard to get back at Victor with Sucho. I was loosing it I was really moving back in my academic and I always hid my results from my parents.

Finally , I was in my last year in secondary school and I had my final exams to take. I tried my best I studied but, my results turned out bad I failed Maths. I knew I was at fault and I could see that boys were my weakness. I needed that result to enter the university but, I failed maths soo, I had to retake that exams. I had to repeat but, because of the shame and disgrace my parents took me to a different school but, not soo far from my previous school.

I started well in my new school everything was ok. I was always moody i didn't want to make friends at all but, with time I did. And then, I met this guy his name was Daniel. We were close and he was very popular and social. I felt very big talking to the most popular guy in school. He asked me out though which was a dare. I didn't even know and I accepted. We dated I was really in love in short I felt what love was. Everything went well till he started cheating on me with my juniors I was really sad when I found out but he kept on denying. We kissed and made out even during holidays. I was really good in my new school I was topping the class once more.

One fateful day I went to see Daniel during the holiday I got hold of his phone and saw how he downgraded me in front of other girls I was hurt but, I was really in love with this guy. He denied saying it was all a joke and saying he really loved me. I forgave him and we continued our love until my chemistry teach warned me to stay away from Daniel or else he would report me to the school authorities. Of course I refused to stay away he then reported me to the school authorities. I was given punishments, of course you know relationship in an African school is prohibited. Upon the punishment I refused to stay away from Daniel even if he kept cheating on me. Yeah I was blinded my love then, the school authorities involved my parents into the situation and my parents were really disappointed in me. My mom called me all sort of names saying I'm a big disgrace. Things got worse when my mom found out that Daniel and I made out at home during the holidays when she was out. Yeah my lil sis snitched on me. I was soo sad but then I knew I had to pass my exams to make my parents happy once more. And finally I passed my exams in flying colors.

It was time to get into college I wrote the expected exams and still passed in flying colors but then the college didn't accept me. The level of nepotism in Africa is high and I didn't know anyone to help me. I couldn't enter college that year again I was hurt , depressed and all. My parents still tormented with my past saying if only I didn't fail in the first place I would have been in college by now.

But, hello!!! I finally passed the exams and even the university entrance exams soo why are they being mean to me.

I got into a university program but it was just a program to help me enter university. It was a school you'll be taught and you'd get to write an exam if you pass you'd get admitted in university. Finally, I was far away from house I was free because the program was in an entirely different state. I was glad well, I made new female friends Onyinye and Anita. We did everything together my life was finally getting fun I was free to mingle in place without mummy and daddy's intervention. We all went for classes together and finally we wrote our exams. Onyinye failed and Anita and I passed. I finally got admitted into the university but into a course I didn't want to study. Mum and dad yelled at me as if, I chose that for myself. I was admitted to study parasitology meanwhile I picked medicine. My parents called me weak I was really hurt. I started school and hoped to change my course after year one. Year one was really hard because as a new student in university different people will like to take advantage of you. To be continued!