
Growing up in a fantasy

Edward was born in a world that may seem supernatural to many but to him it’s just life at 17 everybody awakens an ability scaling of various ranges Edward has to deal with getting what seems like an awful ability in a world of people who can summon mountains or burn whole contenants Edward not wanting to be outdone by his friends works to become strong whilst he and his friends have to deal with the struggles of being a teenager

Jundodovah · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

01-A new day

"EDWARD!!" I hear my uncle Lewis yelling for me "god it's five in the fuckin morning" I thought, I get up moving stuff out of the way in my dirty room I don't think I've properly cleaned it since I got it much to my uncles dismay I head downstairs and groggily ask my uncle "what do you want old man" he proceeds to stand up as he towers over me he's a tall man skinny with a fit build shaggy black hair and hollow eyes "Get up kid it's receiving day and DO NOT give me attitude" he spits at me his breath smelling of beer I back away fearful he calms down and continus "really it's unbelievable that you would stay up on a night such as this one I would have thought you would have fallen asleep right away"

see receiving day is a very important day looked forward to by all youths it's a day when all 17 year olds within there city or town awaken there power in a safe and stable environment instead of naturally down the line to prevent any accidents or deaths.

I instantly forgot any anger at being woken up so early and eagerly prepared for my last day of high school with hope and longing I was going to miss my friends and lack of responsibility but most of them will probably end up going to the same training school as me if not I can still hangout with them on weekends or play video games with them.

I quickly rush upstairs all tiredness being a thing of the past I put on my best outfit which may just be jeans and a t-shirt but it's the only outfit that really fits my black hair and and deep brown eyes that are almost always bloodshot from staying up far too late.

I call up my friend drake who is most definitely awake and probably more excited than I am this will finally be his chance to leave home, along with the fact that everyone our age was thinking HOW GOD DAMN COOL SUPERPOWERS ARE. We talked for a few hours on what we wanted we both agreed combat class was a for sure want but he would also settle for a mental class with how much money they make on average and how it's a good career plan, but we quickly abandon that topic and started talking about powers, "alright Drake hear me out what about a fire based one those are always super popular and I mean being able to burn shit to the ground is cool but only if it's above like rank 3. DAMMIT!!" I exclaim as he kills me in the game we are playing "na man I've been saying for years you want like a summoning one or the ability to shape metal imagine the Arsenal." He says gleefully see drake has an almost fetish level obsession of swords it's kind of concerning. Our talk continued until it was time to leave for school I head out ready for the day.

"Ring Ring Ring" buzzes the bell signaling the start of class, Mr. Smith enters the room "alright everyone I know your all excited but quiet down now it's time for your last test of the year" what the hell why is he giving us a test it's receiving day this is bull I think to myself, he hands it out and I sigh with relief it's just a test to get us prepared for today no last minute second final or a math quiz just a simple test testing our knowledge of powers, It starts with.

"What are the different ranks of powers?" I easily answer "The different ranks of power scale from 1-11 one able to produce a few sparks and eleven able to fill miles of sky with lightning.

"What are the different classifications of powers?"Every power is classified in one of four classes Combat, medical, mental, and miscellaneous. " Explain training school"

There are three training school types to match the first three types misc going into whichever one they want you can enter any but it's basically guaranteed that you fail if you join one of a different class not even being able to surpass a rank three of the correct class bar a few outliers. once you enter you are given a rank based on the school you join and how your power stacks up to the job so even if you have a rank seven mental class it might only be considered a rank three if you join a combat school.

The rest of the questions were boring law questions pertaining to powers it was boring but It served it's purpose and got me super hyped!! After the test drake walks up to me "Are you ready?" He asks "Of course man I've waited my whole life for this!!" We talk for a few minutes and then Mr. Smith announces "alright everybody it's our classes turn to head down to the gym for the receiving" and then suddenly a lot less seriously he says "alright kids it's been a fun three years and I'm going to miss all of you now go on and make me proud" his tone somber as a sad smile on his face a few of us were moved by this and thanked him others not giving a shit. But that didn't change the fact it was time to go we said our goodbyes to are teacher who's been with us as we've grown. And me and drake headed to the gym.