

Ashura wakes up due to the hard rain and stormy waves.


They look outside the window and can see the Sea level rising and the rain coming down harder.

"What's happening"

"I think the Hydra noticed the gem is missing"

Zenus and Ashura rush down after putting their clothes on, they rush to the blacksmith.

"What's going on"

"When I inserted the gem into the sword It reacted launching a bright light into the sky after that the storms started"

"Yea my theory is correct the Hydra sensed it and is probably going to try and blow the enter island away"


A quest notification pops up

[Destroy the hydra:

The hydra is hellbent on destroying the island and it's inhabitants

Reward: +5 to all stats, sea goddess thanks]

Zenus and Ashura rush to the tip of the mountain the same place they dived into the Ocean, they look down and see Hydra charging up a beam using all 8 of its heads.

When the hydra is about to fire and blow away the island, Ashura jumps down with his broke sword and parry's the blast.

Ashura's timing is off and his entire left arm is obliterated, [slime regeneration] activates and he regenerates his arm.

The hydra knocks Ashura onto the shore, Ashura's broken blade disintegrates right in front of him.

An exhausted Ashura uses his strength to stand up, Ashura looks up and sees Zenus standing at the tip of the mountain with the hydra slaying sword.

[Hydra slaying sword - a sword made to slay the hydra

+100% to hydra monsters]

Ashura yells to Zenus


"Why you're exhausted and on the brink of death"

"Just do it I have one last thing to try"

Zenus throws the sword and Ashura catches it.

When ashura had parried the compression blast the experience needed was more than enough to boost the skill to level 5.

The skill had then evolved from Parry to counter

[Counter -

Nullifies damage if timed right,

Slows down time for 1s]

All of the heads of the hydra go in to attack Ashura, Ashura pushes his body to the limit and uses counter when the first head strike, using the slowed time he counters another head.

Zenus has been using this time to form another large Mana bomb but instead of aiming it at the hydra he launches it into the sky.

The Mana bomb explodes in the sky clearing the rain and clouds, Zenus uses the rest of his mana to fire off a ball at the hydra distracting it.

Ashura manages to climb up the hydra's body onto it

"I refuse to work just as hard and still be weaker than Zenus"

Within a second he cuts off one of the heads, 2 more grow in its place.

Ashura thinks up the plan of using Zenus to cauterize the wounds so no more heads can grow, but Zenus is busy using the gathering technique to regain his mana.

2 of the heads chomp on Ashura's arms and tear them off, Ashura's stamina is too low so his regeneration is slow.

Using this Moment the Hydra swallows Ashura whole.



"What the im sliding down into its stomach"

Ashura lands inside the stomach of the hydra.

"Damnit I'll be slowly killed and since I don't have my arms I can't even log out"

While looking around Ashura spots a beautiful woman with blue hair, sea blue dress.

Ashura gets up to the best of his ability and shouts.


The girl wakes up to his screaming.

"Well I was sleeping before when I was swallowed this acid keeps me from using my full power"

"I think I can get us out, who are you anyway"

"I am the Goddess of the sea Suijin"

Ashura is amazed to hear this

"Can you at least recover my stamina"

"Yes I am powerful enough to do this"

She recovers his stamina allowed his skill [slime regeneration] to activate.

After fully regeneration his limbs he gets a small stat boost and picks up the sword.

"Finally I think I know the way to get us out of here"

Ashura starts slicing up the insides, he makes his way the goddess down the intestines and slices the intestines on the way down.

When closing in on the exit he uses [boiling shoot] to clear out the waste.

Ashura together with the Goddess exit the Hydra, Ashura helps the goddess to shore while Zenus is fighting the hydra.

Ashura gets Suijin up to the tip of the mountain and waits for Zenus to land again.

When Zenus lands he's happy to see Ashura's return but nows not the time to be happy.

Zenus starts charging up a large sun Mana bomb, the Hydra is about to attack but Ashura stops it.

Suijin sends her divine energy into Zenus temporarily for the large spirit bomb, Suijin explains the purpose of the deep sea gem.

"The entire purpose of the gem and why its so damaging to the Hydra is because it holds my power so theoretically the sword should be able to absorb it"

Zenus tosses the bomb at the tip of Ashura's sword and it absorbs it.

Ashura's sword and body is shining brightly, he can feel all the power rushing through him as the sword's energy enlarges.

Ashura jumps up as the Hydra blasts a compressed hydra blast at him the sword slash clashes with the blast.

Ashura pushes through gathering all his power and slices the hydra in half.

[Quest completed

Hidden condition: rescue the goddess Suijin, fulfilled]

[Main contributor "Ashura" final strike dealer "Ashura"]

[Compressed hydra blast acquired, 8 headed regeneration acquired, trait: Regeneration Killer acquired]

[Hidden condition awards: trait: god of water's Savior, acquired]

[8 headed regeneration (passive):

Capable of regenerating your head]

[Skill Slime regeneration detected, merging with 8 headed regeneration]