
Grimoire of Cultivation

In "Grimoire of Cultivation," I explore the reincarnation trope with a twist: What if reincarnation in a new world fundamentally alters you, not just by circumstance, but through the very essence of your new form? Does a new body reshape your perceptions and emotions? And how do these changes, combined with new environments and stimuli, redefine your identity? The story chronicles the journey of Darius Valdene, formerly known as Xue Feng, an immortal cultivator. Reborn into a realm of magic, Darius is compelled to forge a unique cultivation method centered on mana, navigating the challenges of his transformed existence. In this new life, Darius forms bonds he never had the chance to in his previous life. He discovers the warmth of family, the camaraderie of friendship, and the depth of love, while also confronting the pain of loss and the sting of betrayal. His quest transcends mere acquisition of power. It's a battle against the Mage Towers' dominion over the land, a struggle to carve out his own space in this unfamiliar world. Navigating through a tapestry of magic and strife, Darius shapes his new identity. "Grimoire of Cultivation" delves into the essence of self-discovery within a realm dictated by arcane forces. Witness Darius's journey through battles, passion, and evolution in a setting where arcane power is law.

ValdenePatriarch · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

Chapter 9: Silent Circle

Chapter 9: Silent Circle 

The hall, once vibrant, was now a chasm of silence, swallowing every semblance of joy Darius had held. Darius Valdene was rooted in an unforgiving reality. Before him, the unlit magic circle lay, stark and unyielding—a testament to his failure. A failure, not just of a test, but of his dreams of the Arcane Ascendancy System. 

'This can't be right,' Darius thought, his eyes staring at the vacant symbol, a lump forming in his throat. 'I've prepared for this.' He felt as if the ground beneath him was pulling him down, a whirlpool of disbelief and disappointment. 'It can't end here.' 

His mind drifted to Xue Feng, the formidable cultivator he used to be. A cultivator's path in Penglai was always a battle against the heavens, but in Gaia, the heavens didn't even appear to be on the field. The war he'd waged was against himself. His brows furrowed as he stared at the circle. Just an unforgiving circle, he mused, a cruel mockery of his efforts. 

The sounds of cheers and excited chatter echoed around him. His peers, children basking in their successful trials, filled the hall with jubilation. The stark contrast only amplified his shock. 'I should be among them,' Darius thought, a bitter taste spreading in his mouth. He remained silent, though, drowning in a sea of unheard questions and doubts. He was Darius Valdene, the heir to the Valdene family. He should hold his head high. And yet, his gaze was nailed to the ground, caught between the stark truth and his shattered aspirations. 

'How did it come to this?' He pondered, the lingering traces of Xue Feng in his thoughts. The Taiji Talisman Technique, his understanding of cultivation, his relentless effort—all seemed to have led him to this dead-end. 

Rainslif Crowley, the Tier 5 Wind Adept, surveyed the hall with a sweeping gaze that settled on the jubilant faces of successful participants. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he applauded their achievements. His intense grey eyes sparkled with an unusual delight as he directed his attention to a particular boy. "The young lad with tier 9 potential—what a remarkable find in my own tower!" He announced, an undercurrent of immense pride lacing his voice. 

He then turned to the less successful one, his gaze uncaring, "For those with lower potential, you may stay for the knight's test." His words were like a tiny gust of wind, barely blowing away some of the disappointment that clung to Darius. 

Rainslif's gaze landed on the burly mage who had brought the boy. The towering figure seemed to fill the space around him with his fiery aura, an intriguing contrast to his kind demeanor. "Brundy," Rainslif called out, his voice echoed with the authority of a Tier 5 Adept. "Bring the lad to my study later." 

Brundy's intense eyes lit up with eagerness, and he responded, his voice bubbling with excitement. "Of course, Master Adept!" His booming affirmation lingered in the air, even as Rainslif, with the swiftness of a gust, disappeared into a self-conjured tornado, leaving only his words and the profound silence of his departure in his wake. 

His parents approached their small, disheartened son. Amara's emerald eyes, filled with concern as she knelt to his level. Wrapping him in a warm embrace, she whispered words of reassurance into his ear. Her voice, usually laced with playful tones, now carried a heaviness that mirrored Darius's heart. "My dear Darius," she murmured, "do not let this shake your spirit. Failure isn't defeat, it's a stepping stone to success." 

Jarek stood by them, his eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. He wasn't too upset; it stung to see his son disappointed, but the prospect of his son following in his footsteps was stirring. He extended a hand onto Darius's shoulder, his voice firm yet comforting. "You are a Valdene, Darius," he reminded him. "This isn't the end, it's the beginning. The path of the Manaforged Knights awaits you." 

Darius's gaze met his father's, the spark of determination in his eyes gradually reigniting. "Knight..." He echoed. It was at that moment Darius shook off the shackles of his disappointment, the realization that all wasn't lost settling in. 

He scolded himself inwardly, reflecting on his reaction to the situation. "I'm acting like a true child, not the cultivator that I am. This isn't my end," he mused. His thoughts were filled with a approach that was far beyond his years, "The Taiji Talisman Technique is a body refining technique, i shouldn't expect differently in this life." 

Seeing their son's transformation and rapid recovery from his initial disappointment brought a mixture of shock and immense pride to Jarek and Amara. Darius's resolve was strong, reminding them of his unyielding spirit. 

With newfound determination, he turned to his parents, his face full with resolve. "Don't worry," he reassured them, his voice steady and brimming with conviction. "I'll be a strong knight, just like father." 

The hall slowly started to clear out, the noises of jubilant laughter and excited chatter gradually dying down. All that remained were Darius, his parents, the boy with an overflowing potential that seemed to pour out of him, and Brundy. The echoing sounds of their quiet conversation filled the air, rebounding off the towering walls and creating a hush, a sense of anticipation. 

Brundy stepped forward, his burly frame filling up the space around him. His aura flickered like a warm fire, offering a reassuring presence amidst the pressing silence. He turned to Darius, his intense eyes radiating a paternal sense of warmth. 

"I will be conducting both parts of the knight's test," he informed them, his voice resonating throughout the hall, carrying the weight of his words. "The first test will be a physical, this course will test your bodies capabilites." His usual kind demeanor had been replaced with a stern, determined one, befitting his role as a mentor. 

The boy with god-like potential, the only other participant who had decided to stay for the knight's test, glanced at Darius, a radiant confidence lighting up his features. He watched Darius, an amused grin spreading on his face, as if observing an amusing spectacle. 

With a fierce determination, Darius was resolved to defy failure. The alternative was unthinkable—a life devoid of mana, confined to the mundane existence of a mere mortal. The term 'dud' echoed in his mind, a bitter label assigned to those at the bottom rung of society, irrespective of their social standing. To be called a dud meant being stripped of the ability to touch the arcane. It signified a life of ordinary drudgery, a fate Darius refused to accept. The fear of such a fate churned in his gut, fueling his determination, pushing him to prove his worth. 

Taking a deep breath, he shut his eyes for a moment, willing away the trepidation. 'This is not my fate,' he repeated to himself, steeling his mind against the rising wave of anxiety. His resolve, now cast in iron, was clear on his face. With a single-minded focus that belied his tender age, he launched himself into the physical test that manifested before them. 

Every muscle in his small body moved with an ease that showcased his expertise, each movement honed from countless hours of cultivation. His actions were precise, a perfect blend of speed and strength. There was an intrinsic rhythm to his movements, a testament to his unwavering focus and unyielding control over his body. He was like a maestro conducting a symphony, his body moving in flawless harmony with his will. 

The sight was captivating, a spectacle that left even the seasoned Brundy stunned. Darius Valdene, a mere child, was transforming before their very eyes, guided by an indomitable spirit and the fear of becoming a dud. 

Pride radiated from Darius, his azure-blue eyes sparkling with triumph. He was a body cultivator, this was his path. The path of a Manaforged Knight. 

Still awestruck from Darius's performance, Brundy was already extending a small shield towards the young aspirant. His face glowed with a warmth similar to that of an affectionate grandparent watching their grandchild's first steps. 

"Hold it," Brundy instructed, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "This here is the Aegis Shield. It's more than just a protective tool used by the knights. It's a beacon of your potential, your elemental affinity within the Manaforged Knight System." 

Darius's gaze shifted towards the Shield, the gleaming surface drawing his attention. As he cautiously reached out to grasp the shield, the icy touch of the metal sent a shiver racing up his spine. Anticipation swirled in his stomach, a whirlpool of nerves threatening to explode from him. 

Brundy continued, his deep voice echoing through the hall. "When you place your hand against it, the Aegis will react to your potential. It will emit a color that reveals your elemental affinity. The number of illuminated runes, on the other hand, shows your potential within their System." 

Darius's hand trembled slightly as he placed it against the shield. His heart pounded in his chest, the drumming beat echoing the anxiety that pulsed in his veins. He watched the shield, his breath hitched as he waited for the color and runes to reveal his fate. 

Time seemed to stretch into an eternity, the silence pressing against him. Brundy finally broke the silence, his words echoing through the hall, "A dud." The words, spoken with an unwavering kindness, but his hate filled eyes struck Darius like a knife, severing the last strings of his hope. 

Darius's hand dropped from the shield, its surface as blank as his heart felt. His mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the reality of his situation. A whirlwind of emotions took hold, his thoughts ricocheting from frustration to rage, then plummeting into the depths of disbelief. His mind cracked under the weight of his failure, his exhausted mind a chaotic storm. 

"I'm just a kid," he found himself repeating, his thoughts a broken record stuck on a loop. The words tasted bitter on his tongue, a stinging reminder of his failure. "I'm a dud." The cruel truth, wrapped in his own words, left a deep ache in his heart. 

His world collapsed around him, his dreams crumbled into dust, and he fell into a daze. His vision blurred as he looked around, the world spinning around him. His parents' horrified gasps echoed around the hall, their voices distant and faint. He was Darius Valdene, the heir of the Valdene family, and he had failed. Again.

Thank you for joining me on my strange adventure into writing!

My schedule is pretty full; between kids and work, my time to write is quite limited. I hope to one day write full-time with the financial support of a future Patreon, but until then, my release schedule is as follows:

Mondays - 12:00 PM PST

Fridays - 12:00 PM PST

ValdenePatriarchcreators' thoughts