
Grimoire of Cultivation

In "Grimoire of Cultivation," I explore the reincarnation trope with a twist: What if reincarnation in a new world fundamentally alters you, not just by circumstance, but through the very essence of your new form? Does a new body reshape your perceptions and emotions? And how do these changes, combined with new environments and stimuli, redefine your identity? The story chronicles the journey of Darius Valdene, formerly known as Xue Feng, an immortal cultivator. Reborn into a realm of magic, Darius is compelled to forge a unique cultivation method centered on mana, navigating the challenges of his transformed existence. In this new life, Darius forms bonds he never had the chance to in his previous life. He discovers the warmth of family, the camaraderie of friendship, and the depth of love, while also confronting the pain of loss and the sting of betrayal. His quest transcends mere acquisition of power. It's a battle against the Mage Towers' dominion over the land, a struggle to carve out his own space in this unfamiliar world. Navigating through a tapestry of magic and strife, Darius shapes his new identity. "Grimoire of Cultivation" delves into the essence of self-discovery within a realm dictated by arcane forces. Witness Darius's journey through battles, passion, and evolution in a setting where arcane power is law.

ValdenePatriarch · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

Chapter 63: The Country Forge

Chapter 63: The Country Forge

 Masquerading as the venerable Xue Feng in his elderly prime, Darius made his way towards the bustling human city, 'Considering my extensive stay on Gaia, it's strange I've spent so little time among its people. If I don't uncover anything to resolve my bottleneck, at least I'll grasp how humans live away from the towers and strongholds.'

Approaching the human city, Darius noted the solid stone walls enclosing it, a faint protective aura shimmering around them. The gates, dark wood bound with iron, were welcomingly open. Atop the city, towers rose, flagged with banners displaying a fiery lion—a symbol of the city's lord.

 The murmur of daily life floated from within—voices mingling, carts clattering, and the rhythmic clang of a blacksmith's hammers reaching his ears.

Darius observed the city with his Arcane Gaze; notably smaller than Rancito Cordoba, yet alive with its own distinct bustle. Named Floeur d'Alene, this compact river port city thrived on commerce. The far side buzzed with the activity of trade, with large ships docking and undocking, their sails emblematic of the city's bustling economy. 

 The river, winding like a gleaming serpent through the landscape, transported goods and travelers, infusing the city with a rhythm of prosperity and connection.

'I should just sight-see for a bit, no need to rush,' Darius thought as he walked into the city. At the entrance, apprentice knights stood guard, their weak auras barely visible, serving more as decoration than as a deterrent.

 As he passed, Darius noted the casual, almost indifferent way they scanned the crowd. 'I'll look around a bit, then find a room to rent so I can set up a portal to the Vault.'

Inside the city, the streets were paved with uneven cobblestones, lending a rustic charm to the bustling environment. The architecture here was distinctly different from Rancito Cordoba's grand spires and ornate designs. Here, buildings were practical, with steep, sloped roofs designed to shed the heavy snows that sweep through the area during winter. 

Merchants shouted their offers, voices clashing as they competed for attention in a battle of sales pitches. They stood by bustling stalls and vibrant storefronts, each trying to lure customers. Meanwhile, laborers and slaves, mostly elves recognizable by their green hair, slender forms and swift movements, navigated the crowded streets. They hauled goods and led pack animals burdened with supplies, weaving through the city's busy pathways.

 As he moved through the streets, Darius's disguise proved effective; his aura didn't draw unwanted attention yet still kept others at bay. He observed the auras of knights and mages, their strength on par with his disguise—none surpassing tier 3.

 As Darius neared the city center, the crowd began to thicken, bustling with activity. 'There seems to be a lot of people running about. Is there an event happening?' Tuning into snippets of conversation, he gathered that everyone was preoccupied with urgent tasks—fetching, building, arranging. It became clear that the city was bracing for an influx of guests.

 Deciding to inquire directly, Darius approached an elderly merchant selling oddly shaped yellow berries from a street stand. As the merchant noticed the imposing elder approaching, his over the top smile quickly vanished, replaced by an expression of respect. "Is sir knight interested in some blockberries?" he asked, gesturing to the berries. "I also have some wine made from them, if that piques your interest?"

 "What is happening today? Is there a festival?" Darius bypassed the merchant's sales pitch and got straight to the point.

The merchant, noting Darius's disinterest in the goods, responded with a terse tone, "A wedding is being held."

"All this for a wedding? Who is getting married?"

Visibly irritated, the merchant snapped, "If you're not buying, I'd appreciate it if you moved on. You're scaring away my customers."

Darius paused, noting the wary glances from nearby shoppers starting to focus on him. Acknowledging the unwanted attention, he nodded politely, "Apologies." 

Darius melted back into the bustling crowd, 'Such extensive preparations for a wedding suggest someone of great importance.' His eyes scanned the street signs until one caught his attention. "The Foxhole Inn," he muttered with a chuckle, finding the name fitting. As he headed towards the inn, thoughts of Haku flickered through his mind, sparking a brief smile. 'Wonder how he's managing.'

 Darius crossed the street and entered the three-story building that housed the Foxhole Inn. Inside, the first floor revealed a clean and spacious lounging area complete with a bar. As he approached the front desk, he casually observed the patrons. Two mages sat at the bar, their auras faintly shimmering around them—mere apprentices.

 Behind the desk stood a beautiful woman, seemingly in her thirties with striking white hair, accentuated by a white band that curved from her head, tucking behind her neck. Darius's attention was immediately captured by her aura, an internal swirl of chaotic, ever-changing water mana.

 'Werefolk! Those are her ears, likely a rabbit or hare type, judging by the features. Kinda surprised to see one for the first time up close. I wonder what she looks like once she transforms?' 

 A small, deliberate cough snapped Darius out of his thoughts. "Sir, is there something I can help you with?"

Caught staring while his mind wandered, Darius quickly composed himself. "Ah, yes, I'm looking for a room. The more private, the better."

 The cautious rabbit woman, not keen on the old man's lingering gaze, scrutinized Darius, her eyes briefly tracing his attire—a towering old man, over two meters tall, with long white hair pulled back into a bun and a flowing beard, his bright azure eyes sharp and deep. He wore travel-worn clothes beneath a battle-scarred chest plate, with a metal gauntlet encasing one arm completely. "If it's privacy you seek, all our rooms are soundproof. We do only have one available on the third floor—the Magus Suite. It's our most costly option, requiring five mid-grade mana crystals per night...up front." 

'Maybe next time I should change my clothes as well; this little thing thinks I'm poor,' Darius thought, slightly amused. Touching his pouch, he pulled out two high-grade mana crystals and handed them to the wide-eyed attendant. "I'm not sure how long I'll be staying. Have the remainder distributed among the staff once I leave, and ensure my room is not disturbed. I take naps and get very upset if I'm woken."

 Her demeanor brightened instantly as she stowed away the crystal and prepared a registration form with a quill and paper. With a warm smile, she inquired, "And what name should I put down for the reservation, sir?"


"Welcome to the Foxhole Inn, Mr. Feng. If you need anything during your stay, my name is Briggit, and I am at your service anytime," she offered politely, handing over a small green key. "Would you like me to show you to your room?"

 After declining the offer and getting a bit more information from Briggit about the inn, Darius made his way to his room on the third floor. Located in the far back corner of the building, his room welcomed him with an overwhelming floral scent as he opened the door. The interior was richly decorated, with ornate furnishings that seemed a tad excessive. Locking the door behind him, 'First things first.'

 He immediately started a meticulous inspection of the room, employing his Arcane Gaze to search for any devices or spells that could be used to spy on him. 'They seem to respect the privacy of their guests,' relieved to find nothing suspicious. Pulling out a piece of chalk, he began to sketch runes across the room, focusing on the corners and door. 'A barrier to deceive prying eyes and ears will do. And just to be safe, I'll set up a containment array too.'

Darius was aware that even in higher-end establishments, there was always a possibility of questionable practices. After pacing around the room a few times, he discreetly activated the protective arrays. Sensing no unusual disturbances, he focused on his main task.

 Selecting a spot on the wall, he began to prepare it as the fixed location for the Vault portal. 'I need to drop off Neko; it's too risky to have him here in the city. Fortunately, when he sleeps, it's for a long stretch.' With this thought, he divided his attention, one part remaining keenly aware of his immediate task, while the other delved into the Immortal Beast Codex. 

 Within the golden cloud of the Codex, he located Neko, peacefully curled up in a giant goblet filled with shimmering crystals.

Once the final rune was securely in place, Darius's full attention snapped back. He raised his hand without the gauntlet towards the wall. As his fist approached, the shimmering outline of his signet ring briefly flickered, unveiling a tiny new array by its side. With precise twists of his wrist, he calibrated the code for the portal's entrance, patiently waiting for the array to stabilize and seamlessly blend into the wall.

 As the runes integrated and disappeared, Darius used his invisible signet ring to input the combination again, promptly opening the portal to the Vault.

 Stepping through, he made a beeline for the Beast-Farm, concerned that Neko could possibly catch the scent of the crystal room. With a swift blink, he crossed the threshold of the sixth door, bursting into the farm and promptly slamming the door shut behind him.

 With his hands pressed against the closed door, Darius had a sudden thought, 'Better safe than sorry.' He knelt down and began etching an array around the base of the door, ensuring no chances were taken.

Completing the array at the base of the door with a practiced hand, he ensured an extra layer of security before turning his attention to the deeper task at hand.

 He spent a good while trying to rouse Neko, whose stillness at one point made him panic, thinking the creature had somehow died in its sleep. Relief washed over him when the weasel finally stirred, blinking sleepily.

 He introduced Neko to the bustling ecosystem of the Beast-Farm, pointing out the swamp-roach and the diligently cultivating Haku. "Do not bother Haku, no matter what, and the roach, well, she's a bit thick-headed, so be kind," Darius instructed, watching Neko's curious eyes dart around. 

 He left the weasel to explore, launching beast crystals across various corners of the farm while Neko's back was turned, a fun incentive to encourage exploration and familiarity with the new environment.

 Assured that Neko was fully engaged in discovering his new surroundings, Darius made a quiet exit from the farm and then stepped out of the Vault, planning to return after a day or two.

He stepped back into his room, the portal winking shut behind him. He paused for a moment, considering his next move. After coming to a decision, Darius rolled his eyes with a shake of his head, 'Things are different on Gaia,' he said dismissively. Deciding to venture out, he left his room and headed downstairs.

As he descended the stairs, his thoughts drifted to simpler pleasures. 'It's been a long time since I've had a meal, and though I don't really need to eat, tasting something nice wouldn't hurt,' he thought. After all, dining areas were often buzzing with casual talk and gossip—perfect for catching whispers about the city and its people.

Reaching the front desk, Darius noted Briggit's presence. The rabbit woman straightened up immediately, her demeanor shifting to one of attentive hospitality. "Is there something I can strive to help you with, Mr. Feng?" she asked with a bright, accommodating smile.

 "Where could I find a decent restaurant around here?"

 Briggit paused briefly, considering the options before answering, "The Floating Gardens offers an exquisite menu, though it's more on the lighter side. If you're in the mood for something heartier, you might want to try the Country Forge. They specialize in grilling freshly caught mana-beasts."

 "The Country Forge sounds interesting, where can I find it?" Darius asked, casually sliding a low-grade mana crystal across the counter.

 "Mr. Feng, you really shouldn't—further tips are not necessary," she assured him, even as her hand discreetly accepted the offering. "Simple directions are the least I can do for a guest."

 After receiving directions from Briggit, Darius headed towards the restaurant located along the river's edge. Before arriving, he ducked into an alleyway and used his brooch to adjust his appearance. His armor and travel-worn clothes seamlessly transformed into clean, casual attire, and his cloak shifted into a stylish jacket.

Pausing to ensure his new look settled correctly, he then resumed his walk. The route Briggit had suggested proved excellent, guiding him along a seemingly lesser-used but more direct path to the Country Forge. 

As he approached the restaurant, Darius appreciated the efficiency of the route. 'I'll make sure to keep tipping her.'

The Country Forge was a towering building of stone, its rugged architecture reminded Darius of a fortress. Warm glow spilled from its wide, arched windows, turning the evening street into a vibrant display of warm lights and shadow. The aroma of grilled mana-beasts wafted from the open doors, a rich, tantalizing scent that mingled with the smoky undertones of a wood fire.

As Darius approached, the lively buzz of conversation and laughter echoed from within, punctuated by the clinking of glasses and the occasional shout of orders. People streamed in and out of the restaurant, their auras flickering with the distinct glow of knights and mages, hinting at the establishment's specific clientele.

'Seems this place is rather high-end,' Darius observed silently, his eyes scanning the crowd. 'I should be able to gather the information I need here.' Resolving to blend in, he decided to simply listen at first, absorbing the snippets of conversations floating through the air. 'And if that proves insufficient,' he thought, eyeing the bustling bar area, 'I can always find someone to loosen up with a few drinks.'

 Just as he reached the entrance, his shoulder bumped against a well dressed man who was exiting. Darius tensed, bracing for conflict. However, the stranger, whose aura marked him as a Tier 3 earth knight, simply paused and offered a polite nod. "My apologies, sir," he said with genuine courtesy before continuing on his way.

 Darius, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected civility, felt an odd mix of surprise and strangely, disappointment. He had been mentally prepared, almost eager, 'Things really are different here.'

 Shrugging off the encounter, Darius went again to enter the restaurant, only to be bumped more forcefully this time. He stopped to see another knight, this one dressed in extravagantly fine attire, his budding aura swirling with the telltale currents of a Tier 2 wind knight. Behind him stood two companions, their auras blazing with the power of Tier 3 fire and lightning knights, respectively.

"Watch where you're going, old man!" the knight snapped, his tone dripping with entitlement. His voice carried across the crowd, pulling their attention. "Is that grease on my coat?! You clumbsy, dirty, half-wit, do you know how expensive Dirkin leather is?!"

Darius's smile was thin, an ironic twist to his lips, 'I guess some things never change.'

Thank you for joining me on my strange adventure into writing!

My schedule is pretty full; between kids and work, my time to write is quite limited. I hope to one day write full-time with the financial support of my Patreon, but until then, my release schedule is as follows:

Mondays - 12:00 PM PST

Wednesdays - 12:00 PM PST

Fridays - 12:00 PM PST

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