

Onika's pov....

As soon as we got into the room he hugged me tight, as if I was about to disappear from the face of earth.

I tried to wriggle free from his hold but it just led into him tightening it even more.

I just groaned in frustration, he is one stubborn thing, I just gave up, It's better that he say whatever he has to and get done with it.

For god's sake, few hour before he was behaving like I am some puppet, his personal toy to play with as he likes, and now here he is acting as if I am the most precious thing to him is this world.

What does he take me for? His mood swings are now getting on my nerves. I am done with his dramas for the day, so it would be better if he cut short the ordeal.

He just buried his face into my neck, breathing heavily, after what seems like an hour, which may actually be just seconds, he finally said,

"I am so sorry." in a broken voice. I felt something wet on my skin.

Oh god no, please no.