
Grey Class

Devil_gaming_1696 · สมจริง
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - The classroom

The main character walking to the bus stop. He has brown hair, black eyebrow, multicolour eyes and wore a red coat in a white shirt with a black jeans named - Harashi kiyoya age -17.

He walks into the bus that came now, there were many universities students like him. He sat at a chair at the back of the bus near the window thinking that the window will be best for good view and for thinking time.

He started looking outside. He then started reading the faces of the people sitting next to him. He felt asleep and waje up after a while the after 10 minutes the bus stoped at a school. The school which I was talking about. As he entered the classroom he saw many guards and camera at the school gate.

He walked straight to the class 1 - A . He selected the sit one more time at the back of the classroom near the window. He started observing people or students none of them seem intelligent in his eyes.

After a while a lady walks into the classroom she introduce herself by saying " I am your class teacher. My name is kushida. This school is a government school with the best education and environment. Your metting to the outside of the school will be limited but don't woory there are may facilities like cafe, karoke and etc. You all will get 10,000 tokens per month but there's a twist the amount of you token will be given by judging your score and marks.

Then she started teaching after 4 hours a bell rang it was recess bell. He sees the girl sitting next to him. She got blue eyes, black hairs and same school uniform.

He asks "what is your name".

She replied "you're asking my name because you want me to be friend with you am I right".

He thinks "She is smart I have to be careful before saying anything".

He said to her "yeah, but how you find that".

She replied"_____".

(T/N nothing).

After a while she said her name to him "I am Karima horikita".

He replied "I am Harashi kiyoya".

She seems a little annoyed while saying her name.

He thinks "It's seems like she don't like to talk.

She said to him "Don't you think that the amount of tokens they are giving is very high".

He said to her "Yes I do".

He started looking outside but after a few time he realised that the best way to make friends is to keep the conversation going.

He thinks "Oh man, I lost my chance".

The bell ranged and the school ended. He goes to the hotel at room number 281 as per miss kushida said. When he got there he sees Karima and she also sees him.

He said to her "What a coincidence".

She replied " Yeah but I got a question why was you watching me in the bus. I guess you was trying to read me".

He thinks " She's smart".

He said " No I was watching what book you was reading. Thats it".

(T/N it's a lie).

She goes to her room and he also goes to his room. He goes to the bed and lied suddenly by spreading his hands.

He thinks "I have failed at making friends and she's hard to manipulate because I'm just making friends to use them as an allay.