
Grey’s Obsession

Billionaire, Grey Carter grows heartless after watching his mother murdered in cold blood, his thirst for revenge makes him push everybody away much to his father's dismay. Mr Carter(Grey's father) has tried to make Grey fall in love for years but failed and finally decided to give him an ultimatum, get married for one year or loose the family business.Grey offers Bella Casey who had just being fired from work and was in desperate need of money a contract marriage because she has to pay off the loan shark she was owing. Will this contracted marriage lead to word full of love and roses for Bella? Or a life full of trials?Will Grey Carter finally have his revenge?

Joy_Ledum · สมัยใหม่
45 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Grey looked at Bella's head on his shoulder as the jet landed safely. She had fallen asleep halfway here, and he didn't bother to wake her up.

"Welcome back sir" Zoe and the other guards stood at the entrance bowing.

Grey nodded, putting his forefinger across his lips telling them to be quiet as Bella was still sleeping. Gently unstrapping her, he picked her up in bridal style taking her out of the jet.

Zoe ran towards Grey's car, opening the side door so he could place her inside gently.

"Take her home. I'm going to the office" he instructed Zoe as he walked towards the other car.

"Yes sir" Zoe and Mr Lockwood bowed, while two of the other guards went with Grey.

The whole J&C building went earily silent as Grey walked in. Everybody had heard of his wedding over the weekend and the realization that Grey was no longer a bachelor hit them.

"C-congratulations sir" Mr Peter-head of accounting said to Grey as he got to where he was standing.