
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · ไซไฟ
17 Chs

Episode 9: The Present That Never Burnt Away.

"You used it on him? This time we are seriously doomed.. And the amount of innocents we lost too, The Great Arch is not going to be happy..."

On a phone call with Grievance, Martius was explaining the situation.

"I had no choice. Mothe...-I mean; Greorgorian Marrtellis found a way to materially reached Earth. I think one of us, (Her children*) is helping her other than Decky.."

And as expected, Grievance was not happy of the outcome.

"Look Marty, I know you did your best but sacrificing our only way of defeating Deck to save a human is not logical, it is foul. You know no one can measure up to him."

But Martius tried to make her older sister understand the choice he made.

"She's Isabelle's daughter.. She's The Last Heiress Of Humanity.. She has a say in this as much as you for your kin. Don't push her away.. She is only a child."

Which he successfully did as Grievance regretted the words she used. The fear December instilled in her was still present.

"That child is a curse just like us. You brought back Isabelle because you thought that that would stop Maggie from turning Evil. Look at where we are.. Now I have to announce to Isabelle that she came back for nothing. Her unborn child could not see the world. Her fiancée was killed. All for what; nothing. This is truly a mess. I'm going to summon The Great Arc--I really should stop calling her like that. I will summon Sextilis. If you truly have faith in that little girl you so want to protect, Sextilis will know what to do.. I'll be going now; I need to make sure the preparations are over. We just officially declared War to the Two Most Important Figures: Greorgorian Marrtellis and December The Wrong.

I'm pretty much sure that we don't even have a week in front of us.."

Hanging up, Martius knew the consequences of his acts.

Though he saved Ley, he also gave up his timing to get rid of December.

The Future from that point on looked very bleak.




Earth. Singapour island. Pedra Branca[Lighthouse Island].

"Octo was sponsoring Marty too, huh.."

A few seconds before The Lighthouse Island took fire, the inhabitants of the island saw a fire ball crashed onto their land.

it was December.

Martius used a device permitting a Forced-Substitution of matter without consideration of The Concience's approval.

"..Everyone seems to know what I feel. Their eyes are filled with resentment and contempt. Like, anyone could understand what I represent.. Like, anyone could understand the feeling I harbour as The Last Son Of Mother. Like, anyone could know what changed me.."

As he picked himself up from the rumble, a feeling of anger suddenly re-surfaced..

The black miasma aura he exuded before being substituted came back.

He was angry.

Angry at the people that tried to stop him.

Angry at the siblings who failed to realize in power.

Angry for not being to kill Ley...

Angry at himself.

And from December The Wrong came forth ;;;- December The Grudge..




On The Land Of The Dead.

"..December did quite a good job there. To think he would eliminate efficiently the nuisances.. I was quite surprised. But lest, I am satisfied. I calculated months before taking over the Land of the Living; it may amount to a ridicule sum of days. What are your thoughts, Octo as the 'Stranger'?"

Teleported back at the starry space with October, Greogorian Marrtellis came back smiling.

The feat she accomplished with her mere presence showed the dangerosity of the personnage.

She seemed WEAK, but she was the Ultimate being.

What did that incurr?

She trancended the realm of likelihood.

There was nothing like her in the entire universe.

The existence.

"Greg, I have nothing to say.. If you are done with me, may I piss off?"

The existence October never acknowledged from birth.

"...I know, just messing with you Son."

And somhow Greorgorian Marrtellis was attracted to him.

The bad boy energy had a thing on her.

She LOVED OCTOBER more than December.





Monarch Association HQ.

The rumble had been prevented.

Two catastrophes were avoided.

And Ley was saved.

At what cost..?

Martius, a free-agent in a driven scarred world had to answer to The Great Arch for causing the death of so many innocents.

Martius, Grievance and Isabelle sacrificed too many humans.

"That was the content of the letter The Great Arch sent me.. We are SOOO screwed! I knew you chose the wrong person to save. I hope you got a backup plan, Marty.."

Over a million casualty.

And The Great Arch was held responsible for the mess caused.

Not even Gwenn Klauus, who earlier declared herself the New Leader Of The Montrositic world.

Though Isabelle made use of Gwenn Klauus' army to break apart the march of the beasts.

But that, the public never knew.

To them, Gwenn Klauus did her best to save Humanity in this dire situation..


Stretching her hairs out of stress, Grievance had every reasons to sweat up her ass.

"I'm gonna kill you, little bastard... I'm deep this bad because I trusted the wrong person... Margaret Vahass was a victim of you's like.. Mark my words, Jesus! Earth is done for."


"That sure sounds, relaxing.. Hello you two. I finally put Ley to sleep.. She kept screaming of fear and couldn't contain her frightened heart. We are in a serious mess if the ones we have to fight are Those Real Monsters."

Closing the door behind her, Gwenn Klauus made her appearance into the room.

"Madame Klauus! I thought you would..-"

"Nah~nah.. I'm not that old.. I'm a monarch too, you know."

Martius was respectful..

"Monarch? You human think that you can say that you are Monarch...? You are the leftovers of The peers. You don't deserve the title of a Monarch!"

But the saintess was not.

The frustration built up led to a tilted saintess..


It would be more precise to say a Tempted Saintess...

"If you don't approve of me.. --I'm going to make it serious... Come at me, Bitch!!"

Hence, Gwenn Klauus was about to demonstrate the Reason she was One Of The Strongest Human;

Against One Of Greorgorian Marrtellis' Daughters: September The Murderer.

Aside, Martius was staring at the scene completely ignored by the two women.

The situation was pretty tense from The Dire Crisis pending on them.

Maybe this fight would bring some truths to the reality...







September "I gave up on Mother's dream because I am chasing my own dream..."



~to be continued~