
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · ไซไฟ
17 Chs

Episode 7: Greorgorian Marrtellis Appears!

<p>. <br/><br/>. <br/><br/>. <br/><br/>. <br/><br/>"Shit. I fucked up!" <br/><br/>Chained in a dark space of no boundaries and neither a single life at sight, Saul insulted her misluck for ending up in a non-flattery situation. <br/><br/>"What the heck happened?" <br/><br/>Inspecting the farthest inches of she could analyze despite the lack of luminosity, she felt Stuck, lost and unable to think clearly. <br/><br/>Remembering her last interaction, she met Adamas with another girl. She went to eat something and then, blackout. <br/><br/>It seemed like someone who knows her kidnapped her. <br/><br/>"You'll get hurt more if you try to move with the shackles restraining your movements. I would hate to have to heal you with my hands, knowing you side with the enemy. What do you have to say for yourself, Ul? Why betray The Great Arch* so suddenly? What happened to you in this life?" <br/><br/>In front of her, she noticed golden silk hair and bright yellow eyes shining through the thick darkness. <br/><br/>"You can try to analyze me but you won't solve your situation by doing so. I want answers. What happened to you, Ul?" <br/><br/>Straightening her body against the wall, she let out a sigh before talking. <br/><br/>"I beat a new record this time. Getting caught in a matter of few days.. It seems I got shabby by playing too much around. I suppose you don't plan on letting me go and wishes to kill me." <br/><br/>Joking about the situation, Saul smirked in hope of having a miracle but nothing happened. <br/><br/>"Anyway, you seem to know my name. I take it you want to know why I used December The Strong. I had a pheasant to hunt. It wasn't even to spy on him.. The dude is freaking absolute.. But I'll tell you something: I'm glad it happened. The death of that motherfuckin' Adamas! That's a banger! I finally got rid of that bitch!! Ahaha!! I fucking killed The Murderer!! The Murderer Of My Daughter!" <br/><br/>And a flinch occurred on the kidnapper's side. <br/><br/>It seemed they weren't up to date on Adamas' ast tribulations and Saul's sudden reveal threw them off. <br/><br/>"Mind your language, would you? This is a santuary and swearing could lead you to your death quicker than you thought. Here, no one can save you." <br/><br/>And this is where it clicked! <br/><br/>The golden hair. <br/><br/>The Sanctuary. <br/><br/>And the fact that that woman knew The Great Arch*!? <br/><br/>Only a name came up to Saul's mind. <br/><br/>"Big Sis Grizzly?" <br/><br/>And the silence that ensued felt so heavy and long that the golden haired woman had no choice but to give up the mystery. <br/><br/>Putting the light back on, Saul finally saw the faces of her kidnappers. <br/><br/>It was as she suspected. <br/><br/>On a chair, sitting while eating a 'beignet choc', Grievance and to her side, standing, Her Fragile servant; Franco. <br/><br/>"Saintess, is she really the one you kept talking about? She seems weaker in real." <br/><br/>And watching from the side, unable to reply freely, Saul took an ego hit. <br/><br/>"I won't free you right now as you may have figured. You pose a threat because I know your capabilities. But I have a question that I can't quite get rid of inside my head?" <br/><br/>Saul, at this point, would just answer anything if it was up to this. <br/><br/>"The reason you gave up on the Administrator Crest*; the reason you betrayed The Great Arch; The reason you sided with December; The number of people dead because of your choices; was it all to avenge your late daughter?" <br/><br/>And this time, Saul was the one who flinched. <br/><br/>But she didn't felt intimidated by so. <br/><br/>She still thought that she was right. <br/><br/>"Vengeance is fulfilling... This bitch suffered. And my mind is free. The past can stay in the past now.. I've accomplished my deeds. My late love can rest in peace now. And I wouldn't mind joining her.." <br/><br/>In complete stupor of such failure of a living being, Grievance was sad. <br/><br/>The existence she took care of a long time ago was sadly resumed to a pathetic lump of hatred. <br/><br/>And she couldn't do anything to help. <br/><br/>Saul concluded at a state where she was just playing with her life. <br/><br/>"I am sorry, Ul. I am too late to save you.." <br/><br/>Getting up, Grievance teared a bit before... <br/><br/>"You nearly helped in the destruction of a World because of your personal vendetta. You realize that this is it for you. I just hope you'll be at peace now." <br/><br/>The palm of the right hand facing Saul. <br/><br/>Grievance took a breathe in and... <br/><br/>"Father, forgive me for being this cruel towards your children. Let her repent by your side and be merciful of her pathetic soul." <br/><br/>With a dagger handed over by Franco, Grievance took it with the left hand and planted it into the heart of Saul. <br/><br/>Covering her mouth in case Saul would say another stupid thing, Grievance, took a look at the dying and painful eyes of Saul as she kept the dagger deep into Saul's heart. <br/><br/>Whispering a few last words to the dying latter: <br/><br/>"Rest in peace, darling." <br/><br/>And it was done. <br/><br/>Cleaning the stained dagger onto the clothes of Saul's corpse, Grievance sighed as she returned it to Franco. <br/><br/>"Make sure nothing is left of her corpse. I don't want the Great Arch* to find out, like now now. And... And, stop crying Franco. You make me seem like a cold bastard when I'm the Saintess.." <br/><br/>What Grievance couldn't do, Franco did. <br/><br/>Letting put a sadness for a stranger, it was the most beautiful thing Franck could ever do. <br/><br/>"It pains my heart everytime a soul never achieves its dream. I sincerely hope that love will stay by her side in her new life." <br/><br/>"So much deaths because of Mother. When will it all end, seriously?" <br/><br/>A pat on the head of Franco, Grievance, looking forward to the future trouble. <br/><br/>"December..." <br/><br/>The first time Grievance saw her big brother start a war, she recognized the horror of being powerful and the consequences of having tons of lives on the hands. <br/><br/>The fright of being underestimated and the thrill to enjoy every lives taken. <br/><br/>It was not an act of charity but just the work of egos. <br/><br/>"I will win this time, December. I won't let you nor mother destroy this magnifique world. I've let you two go on for far too much long. I'll get rid of you as soon as I can by any mean possible. Even if I have to side with the Monarchs and The Gods to do so." <br/><br/>Back at the birthday party, Maggie and December going at it hotter than before. <br/><br/>*Ka-Chang?!* <br/><br/>A heavy blow to the liver, December saw himself taking a few steps back. <br/><br/>The shock was hard enough to create wind gushes. <br/><br/>That unanalyzing atmosphere, this sweaty mood.. <br/><br/>Rain started to pour over the antagonist and the protagonist as they kept fighting each other. <br/><br/>Taking a sight before him, December smiled at the pettiness of the punch. <br/><br/>"Hesitating, are we? Give it your all Dragon, or, I'm just gonna thrash your mouth into halves.." <br/><br/>"Is that a even a word-'thrash'?! Just shut up and get your ass beat!" <br/><br/>Dashing forward, Maggie inspired the others watching in awe at the event going on. <br/><br/>It was a display of strength and authority. <br/><br/>Two meaningful words that had a strong link inbetween. <br/><br/>*Ba-DhaM!* <br/><br/>An uppercut to the chin, Maggie fell backwards as December got back up. <br/><br/>"Strange! You seem to think that this level of shitshow is enough to make me feel pain.." <br/><br/>Prepping his fist to fall on Maggie's face, December felt a strange presence as he intended to kill Maggie. <br/><br/>"Brother." <br/><br/>But it all washed away as the cadet brother made his entrance. <br/><br/>That intent, that anger, that promise to his Mother, that will to fuck up everyone; It just put itself on Pause. <br/><br/>The same for Bestow. <br/><br/>She felt relieved that her younger brother had come. <br/><br/>Lefto didn't mind the going-on and kept mourning the death of Adamas. <br/><br/>Gwenn Klauus and her family was by the side, watching this unbelievable scene. <br/><br/>Everyone else: They couldn't expect nothing but fear out of their wits. <br/><br/>"You..?" <br/><br/>"Don't glare at me like that, Brother. I know you hate being interrupted. I just couldn't let you kill an 'Heiress' Wife'." <br/><br/>It was Martius. <br/><br/>And he had come to save Maggie's life. <br/><br/>December winced, before sighing at the situation. <br/><br/>He instantly understood what Martius had done. <br/><br/>"You revived Isabelle DeLaCourte, Marty?" <br/><br/>"I could never hide my intentions to you, Brother. Grievance told me Mother's plan. I had the chance to Stop what's going on, Isa became my sole choice. Isabelle DeLaCourte is Alive and by order of Extor's Absolute Rule; this dragon right here is under protection of Greorgorian Marrtellis directly. I won't be able to let you kill this one, Brother. Either you stop or we square it up for good." <br/><br/>December had the fist a few inches from Maggie. <br/><br/>And as much as she tried to pull the fist away. <br/><br/>That order from Mother kept bugging him. <br/><br/>He couldn't afford to take the risk. <br/><br/>He deceived Mother once. <br/><br/>He didn't want to let her down once more. <br/><br/>"Marty, I'm not in a good mood right now. I got rid of your twin, don't make me kill another one of my own again. Just let me kill the ones I'm supposed to kill. And I will let the others live." <br/><br/>And the next quarter of a second, December's fist fell towards Maggie's head. <br/><br/>The outcome seemed unreal at that moment. <br/><br/>No one could stop him. <br/><br/>He was dubbed the strongest everything no so long ago. <br/><br/>'The gods fear him.' <br/><br/>'The Monarchs stand no chance next to him.' <br/><br/>'His siblings are no match either.' <br/><br/>It was simply a completely beatdown going on. <br/><br/>December had become the greatest wall to overcome. <br/><br/>And Maggie's death was going to destroy that minimum hope Earth had against extreme powerful entities. <br/><br/>But even against that misluck of hope, a miracle did happen. <br/><br/>As Maggie's head was about to be blasted away, December suddenly vanished away. <br/><br/>The silent that came afterwards was dulling. <br/><br/>That feeling of rest. <br/><br/>That feeling of distress. <br/><br/>Everyone thought it was all over. <br/><br/>But it was just the work of the greatest devil of all time. <br/><br/>That short moment of rest, it was all fake. <br/><br/>And at December's place, it was a woman. <br/><br/>Her presence was so overwhelming, neither of everyone could lift their heads. <br/><br/>And when she spoke, they felt a threat to their life at every tone of her voice. <br/><br/>The Woman of Thousand Voices. <br/><br/>She looked weak. <br/><br/>But at the same time, she was Overwhelming. <br/><br/>That same Golden Hair and That same Golden Eyes. <br/><br/>It was like seeing a Female older version of December. <br/><br/>"I'm proud of my little boy Deck. He was ready to break apart everyone here.. But this time, let me intervene. I'll need you for a much important task later.--Excuse my grand entrance! I tend to occupy the world's attention too much. Nice to finally meet the great characters my eldest son met. Tell me Your Names! I wanna Hear Them!!" <br/><br/>Taking a breather, the woman sighed at the musky air and laughed at the situation. <br/><br/>"Heh! I shouldn't be saying that.. Deck has done enough effort in the last decades to satisfy my needs as a Conqueror. I'm proud of him, but only him." <br/><br/>And finally witnessing Maggie at her feet, she questioned her: <br/><br/>"What are you?--I can sense some kinship of dragonic blood but you are a weirdo. It's as if you were born in the wrong body.. Anyway, where is my Target?! I'm looking for a young girl.. Weird taste in hair colour. Flat chest. Boney. Looks like a drug addict.. What else?.. Ahh, her name is Ley Caydence Novemberia. She should be celebrating her birthday right now. Can anyone help me get her?" <br/><br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/>Sept. <br/>Le Meurtre. <br/><br/>Back in the 60s, a serial killer going by the name of Cedric made a mess out of a town by putting civilians to the judgement of god. I know, the name is pretty dicky... But keep in mind that blacks, any asians and muslims went under the ground by crossing his path. You know what's worse: I thought that 'Cedric' was a cool name back then.. <br/><br/>I'm September, but you may refer to me as Sept. <br/><br/>It's easier because there's only a syllable. <br/><br/>I'm on my way to get rid of a dragon, wanna stick <br/>with me? <br/><br/>I've shot a bird once. The screeches from the thing made my heart jingle of joy. For the first time, I could ascertain my authority over a weak existence. <br/>But that restless feeling that makes every intellectual mind suffers persisted as I couldn't stop myself from repeating the same act. <br/><br/>I've shot a deer once. It made nauseous at the thought of wasting such a life. I couldn't get rid of the image of pleasure. The blood stench of the very corpse I just didposed of. That magnanimous scent that would set a vore pervert on. <br/><br/>I've shot a lion once. I tasted the insides of an Apex Predator when I was a measly animal. I've tripped him inside out, demonstrating a display of Ascencion. I had become a Beast. <br/><br/>I've shot a Human. I ate its mouth. I ate its ears. I ate its feet. I ate its eyes. And I ate its heart. Thus, I was ascertained the Devourer. <br/><br/>~to be continued~</p>

The end of the road is near but, is it really?


ig: @rs_thobias

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