
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · ไซไฟ
17 Chs

Episode 10: Part unknown.


September The Hope, Part unknown.




An effortless day in The Land Of The Dead, a mother was enjoying an ice cream with her cutest daughter.

A mother who had the appearance of a weak girl and a daughter who looked exactly like a mature woman.

Of course, this occurred a millenna ago.

"...Mother, I think the war started against the people of that planet, what are they called: Martians? ~Is it Deck and Adamas?"

"I can't feel any of them in my state but you must be right.. I informed Deck to test Adamas.. I need to know if she can be of any use. I can't sacrifice my own vital force to give birth to you's individual without something in return. Anyway, how is your ice cream?"

Grinning and jolting her legs forth and backs like any little girl would, the daughter was happy her Mother got her ice cream..

She smiled.

"That's good. Soon, I will test you too September. I heard Decky gave you a title already: The Hope. This Is Not What I Expect from you, I do 'hope' you know that."

"Yes, Mother."

And the smile dropped.

"December achieved what none could for me, as the oldest; he defied everyone that came to confront me and did the unexpected. November fled me, the reason I became more severe with y'all. September, you were not supposed to fight; my dear child, you are the purest one. You are just like me.. You are the closest one to becoming me... I expect more from you. But keep in mind that I will never forgive you if you give me up. Moving on: The rest of your sisters and brothers are nothing. They will soon leave me since I don't love them.. BUT! I have faith in you more than I have in them. Though! December will always be My Favourite..."

That was the moment Mother gave me the choice.

And it was only when I needed her again that I learnt of the cruelty of Mother.

I killed like December killed for her.

And yet, it was not enough.

Mother wanted me to be better and yet, it was never enough.

I nearly died for her and It was never enough.

But then, a new pair of arm opened up for me.

It was The Great Arch.

The Hope Mother would never accept.

The second Mother Greorgorian could never be to me.


La Vie En Rose De Madame, Part unknown.



I was born nearly Seventy-five years ago. I came out from a family who had mothing. I was born poor and black. A race that was perceived as "****"..

"Monsieur.. Puis-je vous demander un peu de sous? Ma mère n'a rien pour me nourrir.. Je vais mourrir, s'il vous plaìt!"

My mother was very much egotistical. She refuted any demand to strangers. She would even watch her children die one by one.

19XX, May 18th. The day I killed my mother. If not, I would have died just like all my siblings. Daughter amongst twelven, I was the sole survivor of a War consumed country.

It was not the nazi that killed us.

it was Life itself.

And as I became the murder product of Mother's, I moved on to another place.

To live in sollitude and peace..


I found that little girl a few years later.

A girl that always sticked with me.

A girl who would not age.

The daughter I could never expect to have in me.

I took her in.

i gave her a name.

And since then...




•A few days after The First March Of The Beasts.


[Skill 'Cleave']

The two-storeys building suddenly fell apart as an invisible force split the block in two.

Grievance saw her life flash before her life, as she took a knee.

The force crushing her was immense..

Martius from the sideline, shivered as the sight of Gwenn Klauus made him think more than twice..

[Skill 'Slash']

The rumble did not stop..

Gwenn Klauus attacked with a diagonal slash this time.

The windows broke instantly.

And a thin gush of wind slash hurried over to Grievance's head, ready to separate her head from her body.

"This is gettin' wild!!"

But crying out loud with a grin the intensity she's getting was more like her.

Grievance, the daughter Greorgorian liked after December.

A being who hid her powerfulness.

And from deep from within, Griev------September summoned her most feared techniques.

"You are gonna like this!"

['Let the world fall, you insolents!']

And the confident Gwenn Klauus took a step back in the face of the void.

['I ---------


But from afar screamed a disturbed personnage, angry at the sister she was feeling ashamed of.

"That was loud.. What's gotten into you, Mar-------"

"Is that a way to greet your little sister, Sept?"

But it was not Martius.

The glare in Grievance's eyes withered, and became admiration and glitter as the world became a whole lotta different.

The fear she felt from December was gone.


And the joy became tears.

Gwenn Klauss by then joined Martius in the sideline..

They became figurants for some reason . . .

"Nice to see my favourite girl.. I'm back, Sept!"

Hence, another child of Greorgorian Marrtellis made her appearance..

Long black hair.

White skin.

Red eyes.

Thick eyebrows.

A mean face.

And a bright mind.

Sextilis The Shrewd.

The first to have turned her back on Greorgorian Marrtellis.

The initiator.

And A Fucking Badass ! ! !



~to be continued~

This shall end the First Volume. It took a year because I did not have time. [I was pursuing love, you know how it is right?]

The Second volume will probably start after my birthday month[ FEB ].

I hope you can look forward to it.

Volume one Done.

Volume two Pending.

Volume three pending.

Thank you for giving my novel attention.

Happy near and Merry Christmas.

HobiTAcreators' thoughts