Time flies quickly; may you enjoy a cup of drink. I know not the height of the green mountain, nor the depth of the earth. Only watching as the seasons change, that it took people's lives.
Princely Heir squatted on the ground and said boldly, "We are discussing major military strategies, something you bookworms wouldn't understand!"
Chen Wenzong's breath caught, "How can you achieve anything impactful on military strategy in this messy Liu Family Village?"
Princely Heir laughed happily, "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand."
Chen Wenzong said with a firm tone, "How can I understand if you don't tell me?"
Princely Heir hesitated, "... Mainly because I don't understand either."
Chen Wenzong muttered, "Princely Heir, you're quite honest."
Chen Ji glanced at him, "Big brother, if you want to watch, then just stand aside and watch without distracting us. Don't look down on what we are doing now. The ultimate goal of learning is to apply knowledge to govern and benefit the people; idle talk only misleads the country."