Time flies quickly; may you enjoy a cup of drink. I know not the height of the green mountain, nor the depth of the earth. Only watching as the seasons change, that it took people's lives.
Every subtext was saying: "I can come and go freely from the Medical Hall, yet you fail to notice."
Chen Ji turned to go to the main house, pulled open the second drawer, and sure enough, there was a Go set inside!
He carried the Go set to the main hall of the Medical Hall, spread the board on the counter, and held a few pieces in his hand, "Guess who goes first."
The middle-aged man thought for a moment, "Even numbers."
Chen Ji opened his hand to reveal three black stones: "Wrong guess, I take black and go first."
The middle-aged man said generously, "Alright, you go first, I'll give you a two-piece handicap."
Chen Ji glanced up at him, "Fine."
The middle-aged man was very skilled at Go, so skilled that his moves were broad and forceful, like Mount Tai bearing down, unavoidable. In just sixty-five moves, he had severed Chen Ji's black stones, leaving them isolated like rocks in the sea, with no support.