
chapter 8

It was an odd feeling for the pro hero called Best Jeanist, like he were on the receiving end of being bound by the tight strings he would often use to restrain his enemies. The compressed feeling against his ribs made it feel although they were about collapse in on themselves. Several medical corespondents rushed him to an emergency room where they could perform surgery. Best Jeanist's once well kept hair was now in disarray, along with the tattered cloth you would have called his outfit. The once blue color of the fabric was now overlapped with dried red blood. The sight was a gruesome one that would just about discourage anyone.

The medical staff hadn't had such a difficult challenge reviving someone since Katsuki Bakugo had been brought in. Fractured bones and torn flesh protruded from several parts of the hero's body, making it a difficult task to get him stable. One of the hero's legs had been contorted and bent to his chest upon getting it dragged up from under him. Even Recovery Girl had trouble fixing it.

Yet again, numerous heroes waited in the hospital's lobby to receive the news on Best Jeanist's condition. The doctor informs them that he may no longer be capable of fighting crime with the state his leg is in. "The damage was quite severe and even physical therapy may not be enough.", were the doctor's exact words.

Despite the woeful situation, Nezu finds a way to make light of it. "Would you mind having him share a room with another patient you have being treated here?", the principal asks.

Katsuki Bakugo wasn't expecting Nezu to return so soon, and furthermore when seeing medical staff carry another pro hero in on a stretcher. Katsuki recognized the hero as Best Jeanist, but the man looked to be in poor condition, likely due to losing a battle. The pro was bound in bandages with a cast on his leg, the care looked similar to that of Bakugo's.

"Hello young man, I apologize for my battered appearance.", Best Jeanist begs for Katsuki's pardon.

Young Bakugo makes a noise that sounds like a cross between a scoff and a grunt as his response. The messy haired blonde felt like he was looking a mirror, there was no need for the pro hero to say he was sorry. Best Jeanist frowned, not satisfied with Katsuki's attitude.

"It's important to maintain a positive appearance both physically and socially. You have to continue trying to keep your life straight like your pants.", the pro hero explained why he had apologized. Best Jeanist was used to giving numerous recruits of his pep talks and rousing speeches. The disconsolate boy was in need of someone such as this particular pro hero, and Nezu was right to introduce the two.

"My life is over..", Katsuki grumbled. Nezu lowered his head in sympathy for the boy but Best Jeanist hadn't been told what had happened to Bakugo yet.

"Why do you say that?", Best Jeanist was becoming frustrated with Katsuki's negativity. The pro hero was unfond of pessimistic people, it's why he had never gotten along with the other pro hero named Endeavor.

"Didn't they tell you? I'm paralyzed, I won't ever get to be a hero, let alone move!", Katsuki shouted back. It'd been a while since the Bakugo boy had an outburst, but he couldn't help himself with the obliviousness Best Jeanist had to his condition.

Best Jeanist took a moment to absorb the information and let Katsuki calm down. "Heroes don't make excuses.", the pro hero responded.

Katsuki's eye twitched with anger, "What did you say?", Bakugo was enraged that the pro hero didn't grasp the unrecoverable state he was in. Katsuki felt although the man were mocking him for being unable to become a hero.

"I said.. I believe heroes don't make any excuses. We must rise above and beyond the villains, which is why I'm going to recover through physical therapy and put away the one that did this to me.", Best Jeanist vows.

Katsuki's rage dies down as he realizes how passionate the pro hero is about what he's saying. Best Jeanist reminded Bakugo of the man who had fallen in the hallway that morning, despite the constant struggle, he worked to push through the pain. Such motivation and passion made Katsuki tear up a little, making him want to strive for the same thing but sorrowful that he couldn't.

"I'm not making excuses. The doctor told me I wouldn't be able to move anything..ever.", Katsuki replied while doing his best to remain calm.

Best Jeanist had become aggravated with the boy's stubbornness and began to understand why Nezu paired the two together in the same room. "The same doctor told me something similar, that I wouldn't be a hero again despite how hard I try. I'm going to prove him wrong. So the question remains.. are you going to do the same or will you continue giving me excuses?", the pro hero replied.

Katsuki stared at the pro hero with both shock & admiration, the man wouldn't give up on him and he greatly appreciated it. "Nezu.. tell them I want to do physical therapy too.", the Bakugo boy said, earning respectful smiles from the pro heroes.

Elsewhere, Izuku Midoriya returned to the place he often found All For One & Tomura Shigaraki. As the green haired man searched the building, it became apparent that neither of them had returned to the location. Izuku cursed himself and what he considered to be his comrades, feeling betrayed that All For One had abandoned him & angry at all that he believed Tomura had done.

Izuku ran his fingers through his lengthy green hair, trying to figure out what he should do next. The boy turned man worried that Best Jeanist was still alive and would certainly share his facial features with a sketch artist. His life as Izuku Midoriya as he knew it was over, he would now be considered a criminal. The media would make it out to look like he had aligned himself with Tomura and been part of the Nomu invasion, and suspicions would eventually lead them to discover he was responsible for Katsuki's supposed murder. Izuku let out a frustrated cry, he was in terrible agony over realizing that he had lost everything in the span of just one day.

"Why are you so distressed Izuku?", came the sound of a familiar voice. Midoriya turned around, uncertain whether he should be excited & relieved to see All For One or upset with his teacher.

"Why did you leave me?!", Izuku asked the masked man. Midoriya staggered like a drunk, still fueled by sorrow & anger from having reality cave in on him.

"I knew you would be able to handle it. Consider the situation a test.", All For One replied. For once, the masked man may have been telling the truth to Izuku with that statement.

Izuku shook his head in frustration, not accepting the answer. "You abandoned me!", Midoriya persisted. The green haired man took a desk lamp off of a coffee table and threw it across the room, the glass shattered on impact.

"No Izuku, I never abandoned you. Are you forgetting that I'm the only one who's cheered you on this entire time? I've supported your every decision, even when I didn't agree with them. Your own mother told you that it would be impossible for you to become a hero. Everyone looked down on you for not having a quirk, and I gave you one!", All For One lectured his disciple.

Izuku fell to his knees, brought down by each counter argument as if it were a weight. "Please, forgive me..", Midoriya begged the masked man.

"You need not apologize to me Izuku, I understand why you would feel betrayed. There's been too much of that lately.. Tomura. I was unable to locate him after he fled.", All For One replied.

Izuku trembled with anger for Tomura Shigaraki, blaming the blue haired boy for all that had happened. If it wasn't for him and his damned plan to use the Nomus, I would still be able to live my life as a normal civilian. Not only did he change MY life drastically, but he ruined Ochaco's too!, Midoriya thought to himself how much he wanted revenge.

"We'll find him.. eventually, we'll find him and make him suffer.", Izuku vowed. Midoriya compiled all of his hatred, all of the past bullying and drastic changes, and pinned it all on Tomura.

The blue haired boy had found himself wandering Hosu City in a complete daze. Tomura had become lost without the man he had learned to call master, All For One had raised him like a father. The masked man may have been considered an abusive one, but Tomura had nothing but respect for the man he believed had saved him. Now, All For One despised him alongside his new disciple, leaving Tomura to be cast aside like yesterday's garbage.

Young Shigaraki didn't allow himself to shed tears, he just built up his anger for Izuku Midoriya as much as he could. Tomura was eager to see the green haired man again, he believed all he had to do to gain back All For One's support was to kill Izuku.

Tomura's hand went from consistently scratching his neck, to rubbing the burning scars left behind from the U.A attack. When Izuku had zoomed off the rooftop with Best Jeanist, the throwback from the force had blown him downwards. As he plummeted down, shrapnel shared equal velocity and left behind several cuts on his face. The injuries served as another reason & reminder why Tomura wanted to kill Midoriya so badly.

As he was lost in his train of thought, Tomura accidentally bumped into someone. "Careful, young one.", the stranger held compassion in the tone of his warning.

Young Shigaraki looked up at the tall man, amazed to see that the person was made entirely of purple mist. The stranger wore a very elegant suit and tie with five metal plates supported around his collarbone just underneath stilted & long yellow eyes. "Are you lost, child?", the man asked.

"Y- Yes..", Tomura stuttered. Young Shigaraki was captivated by the constant flow of purple fog that made up this mystery man's body. The stranger should have scared the young boy, but instead felt extremely friendly & rather inviting.

"My name is Kurogiri. What's yours?", the man made up of purple mist asked as he crouched down to share the same height as the blue haired boy.

"I'm Tomura.", Young Shigaraki replied.

"Well Tomura, is your mother or father around?", Kurogiri asked the blue haired boy.

Tomura turned away at the mention of his parents, the distant memory still haunting like a nightmare. Young Shigaraki thought about All For One, the only person who could repress the tears of growing up without a family. The masked man had taken Tomura in after the murder of his parents, raising Shigaraki as his own. Tomura's tears couldn't be helped as he realized that had been taken from him too, the young boy sniffled with the release of pent up sorrow.

"Don't cry, I'm here now. You'll be okay.", Kurogiri promised the crying child. His words had more power to them than that of All Might's, the simple phase of 'I am here' made the world seem not as dark as it should be for young Shigaraki.

Within the Midoriya household, Izuku's mother sets the table for that night's dinner. Inko waits patiently for son to return home and hear about his day. The clock ticks by for what feels like hours, each waking second making Inko worry about her child. As the sun goes down, day turns into night and the food she set out gets cold with the wait. Like the meal, a shiver gets sent up her spine, like a bad omen to let her know that something is wrong.

Just as Inko is about to use the landline phone to call U.A and check on her son, she hears someone knocking on her door. With high hopes that it's Izuku, she races over and answers it with false relief. On the other side is a mournful looking detective, the one that had paid the Midoriya household a visit last time. Naomasa Tsukauchi held his hat against his chest, allowing him to feel his rapid heartbeat. Naomasa didn't want to tell Inko the terrible news that no parent should have to hear, but he had to get it over with and forced himself anyways.

"Mrs. Midoriya, I'm sorry to tell you that your son has gone missing during the recent U.A attack..", Naomasa shamefully told Inko.

Just like Izuku's had, Inko's entire life had shifted in the matter of one day. She fell into the detective's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Naomasa had no words of comfort for her, all he could do was hold her back.

Watching from the shadows, Izuku shared the same tears as his mother. He wanted to run over to his mom and hug her, he just wanted to let her know he was okay.. but he didn't.. he couldn't. All Izuku Midoriya could do was watch helplessly as he let his mother mourn her son's loss.

Meanwhile, U.A had a gathering of several heroes to discuss the recent attacks. Nezu had called a meeting for everyone to go over the video recording of the most recent one revolving around Ochaco & Izuku. The group was made up of the number one pro hero All Might, the number two pro hero Endeavor, Eraserhead, the eighteen and up hero Midnight, the ninja hero Edgeshot, Ectoplasm, Present Mic, Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, Cementoss, Death Arms, Thirteen, Gang Orca, and Gunhead.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice, however, you'll all find that this is an important matter.", Nezu expressed his gratitude and welcomed the faction.

"Of course Nezu, please, inform us of the situation.", Midnight speaks for everyone in her response, gaining approving nods and 'mhms' from the other heroes.

Nezu used a remote to play the recording from the Battle Trial in which Izuku and Ochaco were attacked. "As you can see, the training we provide for our students was interrupted not too long before the recent attack from those creatures.", Nezu recapped the most recent situations.

Shota Aizawa removed a cover placed over one of the dead Nomus they had retrieved. Present Mic and Mt. Lady recoiled in disgust, trying to keep from vomiting. "We believe it was no coincidence..", Eraserhead adds.

"Don't forget when one of our robots started acting up during the Entrance Exam.", All Might mentioned.

"Yes, what was thought to be a simple malfunction is now being investigated and considered as vandalism.", Nezu agreed with All Might's suspicions.

"How will you redeem yourselves with the public after this? They're bound to lose faith in the school after all these mistakes.", Endeavor interjected.

"What matters most is the safety of the children, it's understandable that they would be concerned. We are too.", Thirteen argued.

"Then we'll amp up the security, dammit!", Endeavor shouted as he slammed a fist on the table. "We can't have the public losing faith in heroes! Especially at a time like this!", the pro hero argued.

"For once, you may be right Endeavor.", All Might agreed. Everyone gasped in awe at the number one hero's statement and waited for an explanation.

"These students are the future and can't become the next generation of heroes without a proper school. I plan to join U.A's faculty and teach there! With me around, everyone will be bound to feel a little safer.", All Might announced. Everyone seemed to agree and understand that 'the symbol of peace' would certainly do the trick in reassuring everyone that U.A was still safe & good to send kids.

"It's settled then. Tomorrow, we shall announce this wonderful news and hope that it wards off anymore evil.", Nezu agrees.

On the monitor behind the principal, the recording of the Battle Trial had continued playing. Gunhead watched intently as Ochaco Uraraka exhibited an amazing skill set of quick thinking. Since the attacker had aged her up with his quirk, she could no longer attend U.A and her future as a hero was undecided.

"That girl.. Would she be interested in interning with me? Possibly as a sidekick?", Gunhead asked.

Katsuki Bakugo exerted as much energy as he could into trying to sit up, it's all the physical therapist had asked of him and he couldn't even do that. The force put into trying to lift his body only caused Katsuki to upchuck the pent up pain, making the blonde cough blood out.

"Perhaps I asked too much of you.. let's start with something small and normal. Try wiggling your toes for me.", the therapist suggested.

Katsuki heavily panted like a dog begging for water, he was exhausted but continued trying to move anyway. He had tried forcefully lifting a finger, but never wiggling a toe. The foot pulsed with pressure as Bakugo attempted to do as his therapist requested. The boy was drenched in sweat as he gave it all the effort that he could, but not a single toe moved.

The therapist tapped each of Bakugo's toes with a pen, "Do you feel anything?", the man asked.

For the first time being bed bound, Katsuki realized that he had no feeling in any parts of his body. The paralysis not only took away his movement, but all his sense of touch. "N- No..", Bakugo choked up as he tried not to cry.

The physical therapist couldn't help but sigh in defeat, he covered his face with his own hand, unable to meet the boy's gaze. "I'm afraid your doctor was right.. there's no way you can recover from this.", the therapist says.

"Shut up!", Katsuki cries out in a mix of anger & agony. The outburst startles the therapist.

"What did you say?", the baffled physical therapist asked.

"Stop making excuses! You may not be out there fighting villains, but you're a damned hero, aren't you!? You help people recover, you save lives! So stop making excuses and help me!", Katsuki used Best Jeanist's words to lecture the therapist.

In the room across from the Bakugo boy was Best Jeanist himself, overhearing every word. The pro hero couldn't help but smile, proud of Katsuki for taking the bold statement to heart and using it as motivation. Best Jeanist didn't even mind the attitude that came with it, because Bakugo had found a way to filter that rage into something positive in his own unique way.

"Okay.. let's try something else. You're able to speak and move your eyes..let's work with that. Can you turn your head?", the therapist asks.

Katsuki grunts as he tries to roll his head to the right and then the left, it's like trying to move a boulder for the boy. No matter how hard he tried, Katsuki just couldn't do it. Young Bakugo huffed out heavy drags of blood as he gave up, feeling like a hopeless cause again. Despite feeling like he had just been battered by Deku a second time, Katsuki returned to trying to move, he refused to give up again. He had just gotten done lecturing the therapist and now he himself needed to stay committed to that speech.

Like a reminder that he couldn't give in, Best Jeanist worked his way into the room with the help of crutches and two of his own physical therapists. "I just got done with my therapy for the day.. Want me to help with yours?", the pro hero offered.

Katsuki's scowl turned into a smile, "I'd like that.", he huffed through an exhausted voice.

"I'm sorry, but I don't really know where to begin..", Katsuki's personal physical therapist started to apologize.

"NO EXCUSES!", Bakugo roared.

Best Jeanist motioned for the boy to calm down, "What he means is.. I'll take it from here.", the pro hero sends the therapist off on a break.

"Now, what seems to be the problem?", Best Jeanist asked.

Katsuki let a frustrated snarl escape his mouth, "I still can't move anything!", he complained.

The pro hero took a moment to think the situation over. "Alright. If you can't move your limbs, then I'll move them for you.", Best Jeanist said as he grabbed onto one of Bakugo's legs and slowly hoisted it upwards.

Katsuki cried out in agonizing pain as he felt the strain multiply, his leg felt although it were about to burst from the inside. The torment continued as Best Jeanist raised it higher, the amount of suffering made Bakugo feel like he was getting tortured. "STOP, PLEASE!", Katsuki begged.

"I'm sorry, but it's the only way to help you move again.", Best Jeanist replied as he continued pushing.

Izuku Midoriya kept pushing himself as he trained with All For One, to the point where he had nearly lost all sense of feeling in his arms. Izuku's teacher had instructed him to spin his arms around in circles at an extreme rate until he could create a whirlwind out of the move. Midoriya had been trying to accomplish this trick for nearly three hours, the strain on his arms had started making them bruise. Izuku was certain that if he kept up the speed for any longer, his bones would surely break. Like an indicator that he was right, small lacerations started opening in his flesh around the wrist & elbow areas.

Izuku's body finally gave out from exhaustion, unable to continue training any further. The man's green hair was soaked in sweat as if he had gone under water in a pool, likewise with his body. All For One watched the entire presentation with his arms crossed until Izuku gave out. When Midoriya had reached his limit, the masked man tossed Izuku a towel to dry off with.

"Keep going.", All For One ordered.

"I.. I can't..", Izuku rasped as his body trembled from the attempt at standing back up. Midoriya's arms had no more movement besides the quaking from being damaged.

"Then go for a run again. Don't stop training.", All For One said as he approached his disciple.

"Why can't I have a short break?", Izuku desperately pleaded rather than asked the question.

"These exercises aren't only just to help you learn new tricks and control your speed better. I want you to think of your quirk like your body, whenever you constantly work it, you improve its standards. It took a lot of dedication to achieve muscles. Your quirk is the same way, the more you use it, the more beneficial and stronger it becomes. Like when you stretch out elastic substances, they become a little stronger in key points.", the masked man explains.

Izuku nods his head in understanding, "So you're saying I can't allow for my quirk to rest.. Okay, I get it now.", Midoriya replies.

Izuku then does as he's ordered and begins running laps around the makeshift track that All For One turned the Nomu containment room into. Midoriya pumped his legs until they would share the same results as his arms, and after that time would pass, his arms should be recovered enough to begin exercising them again. Izuku intended to train all day & night to prepare for his first true debut.

With the betrayal of Tomura, All For One had pushed his point to recruit Stain. Izuku reluctantly agreed, but ultimately convinced the masked man that he needed time to prepare in cause the hero killer didn't take a liking to the offer. Midoriya had requested that he spend this time training his quirk and that Stain would teach him fighting styles that wouldn't require one. All For One agreed with this plan, and Izuku had been training ever since.

Tomura Shigaraki was interested in every little thing he saw, touching it to thoroughly examine the objects. Even though the place was a simple house and shared similar items to the building he used to stay at, the home felt more tidy & made Tomura feel like a family could live there.

"I'm sure you like TV, all kids usually do. Go watch whatever you'd like, I've got a few phone calls to make. I want to see if I can find out more about you, Tomura.", Kurogiri said as he went to another room.

Young Shigaraki almost ran after the kind man that had taken him in, worried to be left alone by another person. However, Tomura knew better and assumed Kurogiri was just simply calling the authorities to file a missing children report. The blue haired boy would have prevented that as well, but had no worries considering he wouldn't come up in the police records after so long. Tomura just waited patiently and flipped through channels on the television as Kurogiri told him to.

The blue haired boy's interest was captivated by a certain channel pertaining to some sort of press conference. The man who All For One had taken an interest in, Shota Aizawa, was attending the ceremony. The principal of U.A bowed in apologies to the world for all of the recent attacks and the effects they had on their students. Tomura smirked as he thought about his use of the Nomus, thinking that his plan had been useful after all. The service looked to be a big deal, All Might was even there!

"Have no fear, for I will be there!", All Might proclaimed. "I will be joining the U.A staff and teach your children how to prepare for the next time they encounter villains of the sort!", the pro hero stated confidently.

Young Shigaraki grimaced, despising the hero school for taking such a grand precaution. Now master will never accept me back.. his disappointment will be even greater now that All Might is in his way.. , Tomura worried.

It was around that time that Kurogiri returned, seeing that Tomura was invested in watching the conference. The man made of purple mist crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame that led into his kitchen, This child has nobody.. but can I really afford to take him in as my own? What do I do in such a situation?, Kurogiri wondered after discussing the boy with the police.

Kurogiri watched as the youngling scratched at his neck in aggravation, the constant scraping of his nails would eventually rip the skin. That's a habit I'd have to fix.., the purple fog thought to himself. Tomura leaned forward on the couch, paying close attention to what was on the television.

Kurogiri then took notice of what was on the screen for himself, seeing the symbol of peace that everyone idolized along with other heroes. "So you're like everyone else. Wanna be a hero?", the man questioned the boy.

Tomura jumped with surprise, not knowing Kurogiri had been behind him the entire time. "N- No.. I mean, yes?", Young Shigaraki had gotten used to knowing what All For One had liked to hear, but Kurogiri was still a complete mystery.

"I once tried going to U.A. I didn't make the cut.", Kurogiri replied. "Don't answer the question on my behalf. Tell me what you yourself truly feel.", the man made of purple mist said.

Tomura had to fight back tears, never had he been given the will of his own free choice. All For One had sunken so much into young Shigaraki's mind, the blue haired boy didn't know what he truly felt. Tomura found himself looking between the television, Kurogiri, and the door. All felt like different options, like he could change his fate and become something else entirely or continue pursing his previous master.

Young Shigaraki looked at the television screen, seeing why everyone would idolize All Might. Tomura felt like he wanted that acception, the kind he never got from All For One. "Maybe..", Tomura found himself muttering outloud.

"I could enroll you there if you'd like..", Kurogiri offered.

The blue haired boy smiled like he hadn't before, this time it wasn't a vindictive kind, but a truly happy grin. "Maybe.", Tomura said again.

Gunhead was happy to see Ochaco Uraraka accept his invitation to intern with him, the girl turned woman entered his office with a grateful smile. The two shook hands as they introduced themselves.

"I can't thank you enough for giving me this opportunity!", Ochaco felt the excitement to be working with a pro hero overtaking her.

"It's my pleasure. You appeared to have great potential from what I saw during your Battle Trial footage.", Gunhead replied.

Ochaco was confused by the statement, "What do you mean?", she asked.

Gunhead couldn't help but chuckle at how modest the woman was, "You don't give yourself enough credit. You showed good reflexes and quick thinking by saving your teammate and yourself from getting frozen in place. That's not mentioning the sneak attack when using your quirk to hide above your enemy. If you had the proper combat training I can provide, you would have taken him down.", the pro hero praises his new apprentice.

Ochaco couldn't help but blush at the pro hero's kind words. "T- Thank you, sir!", she said again.

"Now, what do you say we get started on your training?", Gunhead suggested.

"Already?!", Uraraka was shocked. I just walked in the door, give me a break!, Ochaco thought to herself.

"Of course! I'm sure everyone else didn't hold off on their training.", Gunhead replied.

The vortex created from Izuku's wildly spinning arms blew back several containers All For One had set up as targets. "I did it!", Midoriya cheerfully shouted upon succeeding at pulling off a new attack.

"Then you're ready to move on.", the masked man showed no shared excitement in his tone. "I want you to improve the power of your punches. Hit Nomu as hard as you can.", All For One ordered as the remaining Nomu stepped forward. Izuku remembered the massive beast and how much it towered over him when he had still been a child.

"But it's the last one we have, I don't want to-", Izuku worried about killing the creature, but All For One brushed his concerns aside.

"Hit it.", the masked man commanded his disciple a second time.

Midoriya huffed in and out from exhaustion, but did his best to muster up as much power into the punch as he could. The amount of blowback from the impact nearly sent Izuku flying across the room. What shocked Midoriya more, was that the Nomu remained unphased by the attack.

"Nomu is able to withstand any punch you can throw due to the quirk I granted him. Shock Absorption allows for Nomu to soak in the shock of any attack. The best part.. is that this particular Nomu has no limit to how much he can absorb.", All For One explains.

Midoriya looked at his pained fist, noticing that the hit had damaged his hand and bloodied his knuckles. "So how will I know when I've reached my limit in strength?", Izuku asks.

"When you get past his shock absorption.", the masked man replied.

"What?! But.. that seems impossible.", Izuku complains. Despite his appearance looking aged, his personality hadn't developed at the same rate.

"That's why I want you to put it to the test.", All For One replies. "If you manage to get past that quirk, then you still needn't worry about harming the Nomu. I also granted him with Super Regeneration, which will allow him to even regrow limbs if needed. This particular Nomu can suffer no injuries that can't be healed.", the masked man explains.

Midoriya was amazed at how much power & effort had been put into the beast standing before him. "I'll do my best, master.", Izuku replied before hitting the Nomu again.

Katsuki Bakugo huffed and puffed after the excruciating forced movements that Best Jeanist had put him through. The pro hero was now resting alongside the Bakugo boy, the two had a rough day of physical therapy and it showed.

"Best Jeanist.. thank you.", Katsuki forced himself to choke out.

The pro hero shook with shock from the expression of gratitude. The two shared admiration for one another in how far they had both come in such a short time. "Call me Tsunagu.", Best Jeanist replied.

"W- What?", Young Bakugo was taken aback by the response.

"My true name is Tsunagu Hakamata.", Best Jeanist explained.

"You.. trust me enough to tell me that?", Katsuki felt like Izuku again, fighting back tears like a crybaby.

"Yes. I do.", the pro hero smiled.

Ochaco screamed as she was flipped over and landed flat on her back. Gunhead had pinned her yet again, the pro hero didn't bother scolding Uraraka though, he just helped her up and told her to try again. The two had been practicing how to counter a basic punch and use an opponent's weight against them to flip them over.

Gunhead had showed Ochaco the points to grab in an arm to force someone over, but she felt she just wasn't strong enough. So, the next time that Gunhead swung at her, she forced her shoulder into his and used that leverage to flip the pro hero over.

"I see you've found your own way of using the technique..", Gunhead chuckled.

"Sorry!", Ochaco cried out as she helped her teacher back to his feet.

"Don't apologize, I'm proud of you. Shifted movements like the one you just did will help make your attacks less predictable.", Gunhead replied.

Ochaco couldn't help but blush again, her instructor was always so supportive. Uraraka had expected to be scolded, thinking that teachers were cruel whenever faced with their student's failure.

Tomura Shigaraki expected to be scolded for staying up later than Kurogiri had told him to. The blue haired boy braced for impact, shielding his face as he prepared to be hit. The man made of purple mist had to take a step back upon witnessing the flinched movement.

"Has.. someone hit you?", Kurogiri asked with concern in his tone. The thought of anyone abusing the boy he had taken in began to torment Kurogiri as much as it did for Tomura.

Young Shigaraki continued to cower, "Yes..", he cried.

The reply felt like its own hit against Kurogiri, the man stumbled back although he had been shoved by it. "I.. I'm so sorry to hear that Tomura..", was all Kurogiri managed to say.

"Y- You aren't going to hit me?", Young Shigaraki asked.

Kurogiri shook his head and put his hands up to show he meant no harm. "I would never hurt you, Tomura.", the man made of purple mist promised.

The blue haired boy began lowering his defense, but remained at a distance just to be cautionary. "Nobody will ever again.. I'll protect you.", Kurogiri vowed.

The next few days went by like this for everyone. Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka trained day & night with little to no rest. The two worked to enhance & strengthen their quirks in every way that they could, preparing for a fight neither one could predict.

Gunhead taught Uraraka several martial arts that varied from Judo to Jujutsu. There we other techniques the pro hero passed onto his apprentice, like how to disarm someone using a knife or gun. All in all, the armed combat began to rub off on Ochaco as he slowly got the hang of it.

When Izuku wasn't pummeling the Nomu like a punching bag, he would practice maintaining his speed at a consistent rate. Midoriya swam laps in a pool and ran circles around the track All For One provided. The air funnel technique that Izuku learned was also improved upon while the green haired man tried creating other attacks. Eventually, Midoriya created an attack that was powerful enough to break through the Nomu's Shock Absorption. All For One believed his disciple was finally ready to meet Stain.

Meanwhile, Katsuki Bakugo endured the forced movements that Best Jeanist would inflict upon him every day. Each time, the pain seemed to subside a little more. When Tsunagu wasn't providing his own therapy for young Bakugo, Katsuki continued to strain himself in attempts to move without the help. Despite the effort going unrewarded, Bakugo never made excuses about being paralyzed.

As for Tomura Shigaraki, he finally got to know what true compassion for someone felt like. Kurogiri raised the boy like his own son, taking him to play at the park & to pick out his favorite foods at the grocery store. Kurogiri even went the extra mile to legally adopt Tomura, providing the boy with a stable home. As the days passed, Kurogiri worked hard on each one to get young Shigaraki enrolled at U.A.

In an alleyway within Hosu City, the hero killer called Stain battles the pro hero known as Snipe. Izuku Midoriya watches from a close distance but remains concealed. The fight rages on for a short while before Stain eventually gets the upper hand. After witnessing the hero killer handle his own against a pro hero, Izuku decides its time to step forward and introduce himself.

Midoriya applauds Stain over the victory, like the fight had been an audition. "Well done. It took you longer than I would have hoped for, but you achieved victory in the end. That's all that really matters.", Izuku admits to the man he wishes to recruit.

As expected, Stain is weary of Izuku at first and aims his blade at the green suited man. After many warnings and threats between the two, Midoriya reasons with the hero killer. "Like you, I'm fed up with these people who call themselves 'heroes'. A hero is meant to be someone who wants to save people, to make a difference and receive no thanks or praise in return. These people labeled as heroes are nothing close to such the definition. They're greedy and narcissistic frauds who are undeserving of the quirks bestowed upon them. I want to show the world this truth much like you, and I have a plan to do so. Will you join me in my crusade?", Izuku offers.

Before Stain can respond, the hero that had been defeated earlier returns to his senses. Snipe draws a gun on Izuku and fires, the bullet coasts through the air like a paper airplane. Midoriya can't help but scoff at the attempt to fight back and catches the bullet before it can reach its target.

Izuku lets a moment pass for the hero killer to observe his power, the amount increased after so much training. Then, Midoriya returns the bullet to its owner and kills Snipe. The remorse Izuku once had when murdering his enemies was no longer existent. All that remained of Midoriya was a cold exterior intent on ridding the world of false heroes that children mistakenly idolized. To Izuku, Snipe was just another one of the fakes.

"My offer still stands.", Izuku told the baffled hero killer.

Stain shook Midoriya's hand, agreeing to team up with the powerful person. "Who are you?", asked the hero killer.

Izuku removed his mask so he could look Stain in the eyes. "My name is Izuku Midoriya.", he introduced himself. The green haired man thought long and hard about what he wanted his hero name to be. The entire transformation and enlightenment was thanks to his first supposed kill, Katsuki Bakugo, who had always teased him with the nickname 'Deku'.

"But you can call me Deku.", Midoriya told the hero killer. His name would be a memento to Bakugo and serve as a constant reminder as to why he does what he does.

Izuku had no idea that Katsuki was attempting to recover in the hospital. The boy who had once let out consistent outbursts and had disregard for anyone but himself, had become intent on working with others to recover. Young Bakugo smiled and watched as the man he once saw use crutches to walk, leave the hospital without them. It wasn't so long ago that the patient had fallen down with the extra help, and now he had fully recovered.

Katsuki wished that he had called out to the man and let him know how much his recovery meant. Young Bakugo tried raising his arm to wave 'goodbye' to the fellow patient, anything to let the man know how much of an influence he was. Yet again, Katsuki's body remained motionless, the arm still unmoving.

Katsuki continued struggling to move his hand regardless, and by some miracle.. his finger twitched.