
Greek God Emperor

The God Emperor, the Emperor of Mankind ... those are the titles of the being whose powers the MC has inherited. He gained the chance to be reborn and took this chance. He was granted the Essence of the Emperor of Mankind, the God Emperor. But what he didn't know was that he was born as the 7th Olympian, the twin of Zeus, the Greek God of Lighting. What route will he take, when his mother has to decide to offer Cronus one of her sons as a sacrifice to save the other?

DaoistRUH792 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

7th child

His children, the Titans slew their father Ouranos the Primordial of the sky. The day Ouranos was uncrowned he told his son Cronus a prophecy. He would experience the same thing as he did and be defeated by his children. In fear of his father's words and feeling his children's divinity, Cronus chose not to give the prophecy a chance to happen and ate his children. 

Hestia, the first child was eaten as was his second child Demeter, third child Hera, fourth child Hades and fourth child Poseidon. So far, everything was correct and nothing seemed to be off. But something happened that no one could foresee. Something that was not supposed to happen, that 'couldn't' happen. 

Rhea was pregnant again. So far nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But things changed when she went into labour. The first child was born causing thunder to strike and telling the world that the chosen one had arrived. The chosen king, the future God King, Zeus. But then things went out of expectations.

"AAAHHHHH", Rhea screamed again. 

The nymphs looked at her confused and didn't understand what was going on. They weren't the only ones, the mother of Rhea, Gaia herself was present to help her daughter with the ruse they had planned to trick Cronus into and present him with a stone for him to eat instead of the babe. The primordial of Earth sensed something inside her daughter's womb. Another life. A life that wasn't supposed to be there ... a life that should have never happened. 

"Another one, my lady.", the Nymph says to Rhea and helps her with her second birth. 

After a while, the second child is born ... a twin to the famous Greek God Zeus. A bright light shone when the second babe arrived, surprising everyone present. But they didn't have much time now. Cronus was already arriving and demanded to see the child Rhea had birthed. They knew he would eat the child again, so they were about to prepare the stone just like they had planned. 

But now, there was a better chance. There was no need for a ruse anymore, was there? They had two infants, so why not just give Cronus one of them? It would be the best idea to do that. The crying Rhea was ignored and the pleas of a loving mother were brushed aside. She would see him again after all. They would save the child in the future and the siblings would help Zeus fight their father, crowning him as king of the Gods. 

"RHEA!! Where is the babe? Stop hiding him and give him to me!", the booming voice of Cronus is heard as he approaches his wife. 

Zeus is quickly wrapped in some linens and then brought away by Amalthea. The twin on the other hand was wrapped rapidly and presented to Cronus. The titan of time approached his wife and took the babe into his large hand, looking at its eyes. He could see the intelligence and sense the power the child already had and knew there was no way he would allow it to live. 

With one gulp, he swallowed the child that for some reason, still didn't have a name. In the confusion and hectic, everyone forgot to give the child one. During this entire process, no one realised that the child was awake and understood what was happening this entire time. He noticed that he was the scapegoat for his elder twin and was used as a sacrifice to be eaten. He looked his father in the eyes as he was eaten and never once closed them. He refused to yield to anything this man would do. 


The child held a great secret. He was not a newborn and instead was a reincarnator who had gone through the ROB wish-granting trope and was allowed to live again. He wished for as much power as he could have and the ROB then decided on what to grant him. What he was gifted was a Meta Essence. The Essence of the God Emperor. 

The Emperor of Mankind from the Warhammer 40k Universe is the immortal ruling monarch of the Imperium of Man and is described by the Imperial Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Cult as the Father, Guardian and God of humanity. The Chaos Gods and the daemons of the Warp refer to him as "the Anathema", for he is the greatest embodiment of universal order in the galaxy of 40k today. For ten millennia, he has sat immobile within the Golden Throne of Terra, once a living man, yet now incapable of supporting life with his shattered, decaying body, a result of his self-sacrifice for the good of all mankind at the end of the now mythical Horus Heresy. Now, the Emperor remains at the edge of life and death only through a combination of the ancient technology of the Golden Throne and the sheer force of his will, itself sustained by the soul-sacrifice of 1000 psykers every day.

To humanity's countless trillions across the galaxy, he is nothing less than God, his will omnipotent, extending across the million worlds that comprise his galaxy-spanning Imperium. Through the Emperor, humanity stands united as one of the most powerful races in the Milky Way, and as a singular force, is capable of surviving against a myriad of threats from the forces of Chaos, rebels, and numerous xenos species. However, the Imperium of Man is but a twisted parody of the Emperor's dreams of a secular, enlightened and peaceful society. In His name, the corrupt High Lords of Terra carry out an oppressive, decadent rule. In His name, the Inquisition continues its brutal crusade against all enemies of men, holding absolute power and authority in their bloodthirsty hunt. In His name, the Ecclesiarchy enforces complete, blind devotion to the Emperor as the one true God, sentencing all heretics along the way. In the Emperor's absence, men have fallen into technological and cultural stagnation, and a regression into tyranny, superstition, religious obfuscation and intolerance, in which untold trillions live in constant suffering and misery, being nothing but minuscule cogs in a gigantic machine. And held to His Golden Throne, He can do nothing but shed tears for all humanity.


And this power was now held by our main character. The power of the Emperor of Mankind though it was still in its infant stages was about to be unleashed as he grew physically. He was not named by his parents or anyone else and for that matter, he decided to take the same name his predecessor had given himself, Neoth. 

He remembered everything that happened after being born and would never forget this scene. He would return and pay them all back in full what they did. He was used as a sacrificial lamb to be swallowed by his father Cronus, just so the Philanderer Zeus and Pervert King could grow up in peace and with all his wishes fulfilled. He felt the oesophagus constrict as he was pushed along, like a piece of meat. Infinite memory and perfect recall might be seen as a weakness, especially with memories like this one ... but that was only for those who were weak. Those who didn't have enough strength of will to push through and rise to the top. He was different. He might not have been a god for long and he might have been ordinary in his past life, but the moment he was born in this new life, the moment he opened his eyes, he was Neoth, the God Emperor, the God of Psionics and the God of Order. 

Anything standing in his way would perish sooner or later. His past life didn't matter unless it concerned knowledge he could use in this life to predict the future, which he couldn't see with his vast powers. This universe was big and he knew that he was granted the possibility to travel to another one as well. While his home universe was DC Comics, he could travel to Marvel Comics, should he feel the need arise or if he wants to. The choice was his. But this wasn't important for now. No, he would grow more powerful and create his own Imperium. He will refuse Fate and break all chains. He will massacre his family if needed and the entire Greek Pantheon ... he was no longer a weak human, his mentality had changed drastically. 

His past self was dead. A new one had taken its place ... a dangerous one. 


Neoth was pushed along the oesophagus and felt himself grow up as time passed much quicker and in a chaotic manner inside Cronus. He could feel himself grow up fast and also felt his age regress sometimes, it was strange for anyone who wasn't him. He had gained the previous Big E's knowledge and knew what the flow of time and time fluctuations felt like. As his body aged, more of his Essence and his power were unlocked. He felt himself grow more powerful drastically and thanks to his perfect control, there was no adverse effect for anyone. 

He needed this power and knew that he would be able to use it. Unlike the other Olympian gods who existed right now, he had innate powers that weren't dependent on a domain. That didn't mean he didn't have one. His domain was just more complex and vast. He was the God of Psionics and Order.

Psionic manipulation is the power to use mental or psychic-based powers, an inherently Esoteric Power that Psychic Power fuels. Used by psychics and Espers, or Psykers. 

The users of this are psychics who possess many psychic abilities and powers in various forms such as; psychokinesis, telepathy, extrasensory perception, teleportation, etc. The exact number of psychic powers a user can possess at once varies per user, the level of powers they're able to generate, psychic family heritage, and natural evolution. All enable this particular ability to act as an umbrella power for all the powers connected to it using the same energy source.

These abilities are considered supernatural phenomena related to psychological attributes of consciousness, such as the emotional and spiritual.

Neoth had access to all abilities of psychic nature and as a god, he had an inherent control over his domain. The Emperor of Mankind was already an unbelievable beast and he was 'human'. So imagine what Neoth could do, now that he was a god and the God of Psionics and Order as well. 

There were limits for normal Greek Gods which they were constricted to. Sure they were very powerful, but there were still limits. Zeus was considered the strongest among them. But now, there was another one amongst the Greek gods and he didn't accept a limit. It was unclear what would happen now that Neoth had entered the game. He was sure to affect the outcome of the Titanomachy and other Greek stories and myths in this world. The future of the Universe or even the Multiverse, was uncertain now. 


Neoth finally arrived at the end of the oesophagus and fell. He had perfect vision and knew what was going on around him. His use of his growing powers was impeccable and he was already planning on what to do, now that he was here. 

His brain was working faster than light and he came up with several options. There was no way, absolutely no way he would ever accept anyone to rule over him. He was going to become an Emperor, a God Emperor and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Not Zeus and definitely not the Fates, no matter what they did. 

Instead of falling into the gastric acid, Neoth started to float. He turned his body around in an upright position and felt the space around him. Time and space were closely connected, so it wasn't strange that space was all messed up in here. But this Neoth was not your usual Greek God, he was just ... better. 

His mind calculated the abnormalities around here and figured out what was where and how he could proceed. He sensed the brain waves and life forces of his 'siblings' and flew over to them. 

It was time to introduce himself at least. But after that, he didn't care what they did or thought about him. He would focus on himself. 


I would like to give a waring here. He will be OP and grow even more OP in this story. Sure there are still outrageously powerful characters in DC and Marvel, but those who want to see real struggle, this is not for you.