
Chapter 417 – H x V Arcade

— I am in

— 3 consecutive wins? EZ

— Watch my dragon fist at work. You guys will fall in one move if you don't watch out for me.

— This noble me will show you the power of a Vampire Viscount. Coincidentally, my friend, Vlad III is in the game. I will use his body to beat Breeze

— Otter power shall prevail! (mod)

Everyone was excited.


H x V Arcade, a short abbreviation for Heroes x Villains Arcade.

Just like its name implied, this was a fighting arcade game with two sides, Heroes and Villains. Even though it was called that, the fight could also happen between Heroes and Villains.

The reason based on the lore was that they were still humans. And humans had their own interests. No one was perfect and peaceful even though they were on the same side!

For example, one of the Heroes in the game was said to take another Hero's crush just to dump her a day later. That made the second hero furious and fought the first hero.