
Greater Love

Julia Scott , a young woman having everything she ever wanted, happily family with a famous status in the country , being a queen in school and all other she ever need . Her life changes in one night and everything sucks more when she finds out that she is pregnant for a man she ever loved in secret. Life becomes hard as she had to live with her child after a tragedy but what will she do when a man she ever longed for comes back to her life seeing her differently and when he becomes his boss . Radson Jovin , a man who comes from rich and highly statued family leading a easy life with no knowledge about what he occured to his first love and how she leads her life only to meet her in unsuitable comdition bearing hatred toward him and the only was to keep her close than ever.

Reney_Archer · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Birthday gift.

Julia and Radson's filled the house and didn't seem to care about other or neighborhood , who could hear them in this large mansion which looked like a palace.

" Your husband surely has an extra tusk to accomplish " Rad said as he took off his apron and hang it smiling like always and Julia frowned. " What do you mean " she asked pinching her brows together.

" you're so lazy to know how a mere food like noodles is cooked , what kind of woman are you? " he spoke in mocking way as he picked the plates and walked to the dining leaving her alone letting his words sink deep to her mind .

" I will finish this , if you keep dwelling there " he added seeing that she hadn't move a muscle for sometime but on hearing that she stood walking upstairs.

" Hey , Julia " Radson ran to her and stopped before her . " Don't tell me your mad at me , naughty" he asked and she sighed heading back to the table , this man knew the buttons to place in her.

He followed behind her as his lips curved into a smile and Both sat eating their favourate food , noodles. Today they had fun all day long , from shopping , tours , gaming and eating ice cream as their daily routine. Julia shall go back to school the next day and didn't want to loose any chance to spend time with this man she considered as , big brother , a friend , counsellor, advisor and mostly a secret keeper.

" You owe me a movie " Julia snapped as he ate her last straw and relaxed herself . Rad smiled as he poured her a wine on the glass as her daily routine said.

" Thankyou , Rad " she said taking the glass and walked to the living room switching on the Tv and played a movie. Rad followed holding a blanket and popcorns in a bowl and sat beside her.

Silence sipped between them as the movie played each tried their best to interpret whatever the actors tried to display. Julia closes the distance between them when scary part popped in and Rad held her close by her shoulders and intertwined their fingers .

She shuddered when a cold wind blew on her skin and goosebumps took their role.

Rad pulled the blanket and covered themself as they regained their same position under the cover. In some part of movie romance between the actors riled up their feelings too and hotness radiated from their bodies.

" Busy on movies , guys" Julieth broke the silence and peace that was built between them as she walked inside and Radson flashed a smile as usual while Julia just gazed at her.

" Sis, you're back how was it " Julia asked knowing how hard it is to deal with problems faced in the hotel , her dad once assigned her that task and she got home with a corpse look like and swore to never accept again.

" Not good actually , but all was done " Julieth replied walking to the dinning table and attacked the food like she never had food for two days.

" Fasted again , princess " Rad spoke gazing at Julieth and she nodded .

" Did you guys pick everything needed" Julieth asked and Julia nodded while gazing back to tge movie , it was so touching.

" Silence equipped the space again as bith dealt with what they had.

" Am too tired , i will head to bed now " Julieth announced and walked to Rad , kissed his cheek and walked away remind him their deal , " Don't forget my compasation , Rad " and Julia creased her eyebrows.

" Did you make her a deal again ?" and Rad nodded looking at the playing movie , as she gulped and moved away from him , adjusting herself and dwelled her eyes on the movie once again.

Time flew and the movie ended while Julia yawned announcing her sleepness to wait a little bit more.

" Go and sleep naughty , you had a long day today" he said holding her hand and she nodded, they both walked upstair to her room and closed the door once inside.

" I will be here tomorrow morning to see you off " he spoke as he sat on the edge of her bed and she smiled walking to the drawer , pulling it and took off a small box.

She walked to him and handed the box , Rad accepted and opened it to see a silver watch , it looked expensive considering the manufacturer's company.

His face lit up filled with happiness and he looked at her. " I will not be there on your birthday , so am giving my birthday gift in advance " she spoke taking a sit beside him.

" Woow i like it , thanks a lot " he said glaring at her as if his eyes wanted to piercing inside her soul and she bit her lips , realising the breath slowly.

" Well that's not it , turn your watch and look at it on the back " she added and Rad flipped his new watch and his eyes twitched as joy filled them as they read the word " JR " on it.

" You made it special ?" he asked and she nodded , and he flashed her a happy smile silence slowly took place between them but Julia was first to break it as she stood and looked at him .

" You jerk , it's getting late you should go now " she said and Rad pulled her to his lap straddling his hands around her .

" I will after taking my another gift " he said as hus hand held her chin and caressed her cheek slowly sending a strange feeling down her spine.

" What is it , i have only prepared the watch " she said trying to master her courage .

It was usual for him to hold her on his lap , though not often but was not the first time too, his gestures too were not something new , he did that mostly but today she felt he was going to do something he never did , she could see how he looked at her , there was something adding up in there.

Radson came closer and their forehead touched as he lowered his head a but and slammed his lips on hers , making her eyes wide as she still processed what just happened. He licked her closed lips savouring how soft they were and on gasping to what was happening on her body as feelings built up , he sunked pried his tounge inside her mouth and twirled it as how a fish tails in the water savouring the beauty and nature of the oceans.

He sucked , licked and savoured her mouth tasting her minty taste of her mouth. His hands tightened around her waist as she kissed him back with the same intensity.

Time stopped and Julia wished that it will not find it's tracks and keep ticking as he pulled her closer suvking and biting her lips showing her his hunger and love in his kiss.

He broke it and both struggled to keep their breath steady as their foreheads contacted. " You have made my birthday before it arrived , thank you so much " he said as he bent and kissed the nape of her neck and she stiffed , so many emotion crossed her mind.

They got up and Rad walking to the door while Julia asked herself feeling shy as to what happened , she looked at him as he turned his gaze and looked at her as well. In a second he covered again their distance , cupped her face and kissed her again.

" You should go , now dad might come" she said in a low voice almost whispering but enough for him to hear. " You taste sweet , Julia i can't get enough of it now i have tasted your lips " ue said but she slapped his hand and smiled . " Dad usually comes here as he sets his foot late " she insisted and Rad smiled.

Rad kissed her forehead , eyes , nose and looked at her before capturing her lips again but she pushed him and dragged him out of her room and she ran on her bed , recalling each and everything.