
Enemies and Lovers Are Destined To Be Together

It is said there can be no life without death, and just the same, if there was no death then there would be no life. There can be no inequality between Life and Death, there must be a balance between the two so that the cycle can continue. So that the natural course that was set up for mankind was never disrupted. For they knew, it was an instinctual matter for all of mankind, that if something disrupted the natural order of their world. It would cause an imbalance in the cycle that was created to flow endlessly, and because of that imbalance than they knew the world was doomed to the consequences of it.

The imbalance happened long ago before the Era of Shinobi, by the actions of a woman desperate to end all conflict and death...and the consequence...

Was the birth of the Shinobi Era...

And the place of this was the Elemental Nations, a massive continental landmass that scoured much of the planet with a vast number of smaller islands dotting the continent. And it was on this continent of which all its denizens and inhabitants were made to suffer for centuries for the consequences of disrupting the natural order. This suffering was through another cycle that was formed, an endless loop that always went on with chaos, destruction, and death with no counterbalance of peace, calm, and tranquility.

War, Death, Strife, and Pain. An endless cycle that soaked the Elemental Nations in the blood of its son's and daughters for hundreds and even thousands of years. None knew peace, no temporary relief, no calm. Only the endless conflict that spilled constant bloodshed and caused death in every corner of the world. It was a land, a world where the darkest of mankind thrived as they lusted for power, where the greedy took from the weak and killed anyone that stood in their way. It was a world where the strong and influential controlled the weak and helpless.

Truly, Death had its shadow cast over this world for so long no one truly knew what it meant to have a peace of mind. No one was spared from the violence, men and women were thrown into the fires of War to protect their villages and even to fight for their Daimyo's desire for more land and influence. Hell, some fought to protect themselves and flee as far as they could from the conflict.

And the children...the children were made to suffer these horrific acts at tender ages some were taught to kill as soon as they could walk. Their first gift would often at times be a kunai to kill and take the life of another. As they grew, they were left damaged, scarred and beyond repair by the violence of the world that they were brought into. While some developed a mindset that they were born only to kill and be killed in return. As if it was all a demented game created by the Kami, playing with their life's as they saw fit.

It was...a Hell on Earth...


Hatake Sakumo, age 23, had seen his fair share of violence, and warfare in his rather short career of being a shinobi. He still remembered his first kill when he was thrown on the battlefield for the sake of protecting his village, Konohagakure. The memory was still fresh in his mind, as was the other memories of all the other atrocities and genocides he'd committed in the name of Konoha. War had quickly taught Sakumo that war was never clean, it was dirty, it was grizzly and it would test your mettle every moment you took a breath.

However, he'd surpassed every limit thrust upon him when he first became a shinobi, he was already becoming a rising supernova in Konoha's shinobi ranks. Already beginning to overshadow the Hokage's very own students, his very name was beginning to strike fear into the hearts of every enemy shinobi. Some even became fearful of even being on the same battlefield as him, some even fled at the mere mention or sighting of him. It was a reputation that was built upon all of his victories and accomplishments as a Konoha Shinobi.

So yeah, Sakumo had seen his fair share of all that War could possibly throw at him. He thought he would be mentally prepared for just about anything now since he was more seasoned. More tempered and worn by all the chaos war had to offer.

However, that was not the case as he stood upon what was supposed to be a Kumo incursion that was coming through Oni no Kuni and was said to be traveling right to Konoha's backdoor.


A squad of 10 Kumo Shinobis carrying the medical supplies were running at full speed towards their exchange points.

Their path was filled with death, bodies, bloody bodies were everywhere, they just step on them and run past...

Shinobis don't care about the dead, it's the Samurai's useless honour...but as they ran, the leader was uncomfortable, there was this eerie feeling he can not wash off.

"What is it, captain?"

"You don't feel it? Like someone is watching us the entire time?"

"I don't...are you sure it's not the paranoia of completing the mission"

"I hope...I hope"

But their trip goes effortlessly...the entire forest, nothing could hinder them...and the leader visibly relaxed, as he watched the coming end of the forest...

Despite that, The leader takes detours after detours to make sure...nothing was wrong, his subordinates were getting angry and angrier...but what could they do, this is a military village, and they are in a cold bloody war...so they too took countless detours...after everything settle down, the leader took straight path towards the end of the jungle, with a relaxing smile

'Look Like, I really was getting paranoid...'

"Thanks for exposing your campsite", a voice came, out of nowhere, shocking every single person out there.


"Hatake-Style: Spirit Cutter"


By channeling Reien through a sword that is reactive to Sakumo's chakra, he is able to apply the properties of the mystical flames to close combat.

While this technique doesn't increase the physical cutting power of his blade, it does allow it to be much more effective against chakra-based substances and entities. Enemies slashed by a weapon coated in these flames will be immediately set ablaze, sapping a dreadful amount of chakra from their bodies and disrupting the molding of said energy. For human targets, the blaze will quickly wash over their bodies inflicting considerable damage, but countless times less than the same strike on a chakra-based entity. The intensity of the damage this technique can cause at close range is directly connected to the quality of the cut sustained by the victim.

This is a pre-emptive strike as well, Out of 10, Kumo Shinobis, 5 were caught Unaware, and were burned.




As 5 More Shinobis charged ahead to attack, Sakumo...another shadowy figure came out of hiding with a hand sign already made...

"Sea Release: Seiryū Eruption"


[Perk Activated: Water Affinity (Level 3)] [Kekkai Genkai: Sea Release available to use]

[Perk Activated: Poseidon's Affection] [Utility increased by 3 times]

[Perk Activated: A Mother Tears] [Utility increased by 2 times]

[Perk Activated: I'm a water bender] [Produce water out of thin air]

The sea chakra, at a crazy speed, travels towards the opponent until it is directly beneath the foe's feet. At this point, a giant torrent of seawater burst up from the ground.

Again they were caught by surprise, they never thought anyone else would be present as well, not to mention they were taking precaution from beforehand, how the hell, did Tree Huggers managed to sneak up on them.

When the seawater erupts from the ground it doesn't blast the foe upward, but instead, the opponent swallowed by the eruption of seawater. While the opponent is surrounded by water...

Renji who is now in the open raised his hand and...


He snapped his finger and controls the chakra in the seawater to decrease the temperature of the seawater. The temperature drops until the torrent of seawater turns into a pillar of ice, immobilizing the target.

And the ice wall broke, carrying the frozen pieces of the unlucky ones.

This is a pure display of control over water, something none other than the second Hokage managed to do, till now.


[Perk Activated: Water Affinity (Level Three), Poseidon's Affection, One with Water]

[Level Up: Sea Release: Seiryū Eruption (Level 2) -- Ground Water travels faster by 2%]

[Gained 3000 Exp]

[Level Up]

[10 Stats Points available]

'Spend all points in wisdom'


[10 Free Points Invested into Wisdom]

Suddenly Renji's alertness went up, With Wisdom catching up with intelligence, he can see things more clearly than anyone else.

"Do you think the enemy heard us?", asked Renji

"Impossible, this squad was under my genjutsu the entire time, even though they managed to reveal their camp, the enemy can't hear us from this distance", answered Sakumo

"Alright, enough of this, take their medical supplies and let's return to Our Side's camp. I will inform General, We completed our mission"


With that, they moved in a blur...


Both Teacher and Student were moving at breakneck speed alongside their squad. Suddenly they stopped...

Kumo incursion was now reduced to what they and their squad saw, and that was hundreds of Kumo shinobi corpses lay strewn upon the dark crimson soil.

None of them were even recognizable as their bodies were far too mutilated to even be described. Some were just lumps of flesh, every single one was either bisected by the waist or dismembered.

The stench of death and blood was so putrid it encompassed the entire battlefield. Organ's were falling or sliding out of the bodies of the many shinobi and kunoichi while others seemed to have been crushed.

''What... happened here?'' one of his teammates, Uchiha Suryu, muttered whilst his other teammate, Shimura Issei squatted down and grabbed a pinch full of the dirt they stood upon. And his intense brown eyes narrowed when he felt the sticky substance mixed into the dirt, and he took a small sniff and frowned in disgust as he threw it down.

''Whatever happened here...it was recently the blood's soaked into the soil and it's still fresh. Who or whatever that did this must still be nearby, be cautious,'' he warned to which Suryu took in stride while Sakumo was still shocked at the bloody display laid out before him. His trained eye took in the blood spectacle with keen awareness as the shock began to fade away.

'This couldn't have been done by a shinobi it's far too sloppy plus there is only a handful of shinobi, I know that are powerful enough to wipe out this large of a force. And none of them have been sighted in this area so... what could have done this?'


His ears twitched as the sound of a twig snapping caught his attention, so did his squad...they spun around kunai in hand, but what they saw would forever be burned into their minds for the rest of their life's.

It happened so slow...

It was a wounded Kumo shinobi, his eyes were completely wide in fright and he was crawling towards them as he was missing both legs. His hand went out to them, trembling as he was able to speak out in a fumbling mutter. Even as blood leaked from his mouth, nose, and ears.

''H-help me...he's...he's...a monster...'' than his and their eyes widened a shadow walked out from the grass behind him. And the wounded shinobi turned to look and soon let out a horrified scream.

''No...no...NO! NOOO! Stay away from me! Help...help meeee!'' he screamed towards the Konoha shinobi just before the shadow vanished before the "shadow" landed on the shinobi's spine which followed a harsh crack from the man's spine. He was about to let a howl of agony just before a tiny hand wrapped around his mouth before a bloody kunai impaled itself from the back of his skull and in-between his eyes. Thus silencing him forever, ending his life in one swift moment.

And it was then four shinobi saw just who it was that just killed the shinobi. The "shadow" turned out to be something they never expected it to be.

''Oh my Kami...'' Suryu whispered, and Issei and Sakumo could understand his shock for it was a child, a boy to be exact, that barely even reached 5 year's old. He was of average height for a child his age, but that the only similar thing he shared with other children. For his clothing was barely still clinging to him, being only in tatter's and it seemed too many sizes small for him. You couldn't tell what color they were since the boy was literally drenched in blood. From his very long spiky hair which seemed to be stained in crimson blood to his bare feet. His hair dripped with blood while torn flesh and bits of organ and brain matter was stuck underneath his nails. He would have looked like a child raised on the street's as a beggar and sewer rat without all the blood.

However they noticed the bloody kunai gripped fiercely in his right hand and both Suryu and Issei stood up straighter, tense and nervous. Getting ready if the child attacked them as well.

But Renji was a whole other case entirely, as he stared at the boy, his shock slowly began to fade and be replaced with a deep depressed look in his eyes. For as he looked upon the child he saw the way his body was barely standing, relying solely on adrenaline and the boy's own willpower. How did he know this? Simple.

It was the boy's face which was non-expressive, seemingly dead to the world. His eyes, on the other hand, told Sakumo all he needed to know. His own dark black eyes met a pair of emotionless azure, eyes that had no life in them, they were as lifeless as the corpses strewn around the boy. There was no life in those eyes, no sense of purpose, no drive, nothing. He saw nothing in this kid's eyes besides the instinctual drive to survive.

"Wait...Renji...what are you doing?", whispered Sakumo

"It's a child Sensei...It's a mere child", he said with a gentle smile

Slowly Renji raised his hands dropping his kunai as he did so causing his teammates to look at him strangely. All except Sakumo who knew Renji's character more than anyone else, If there is any weakness to the blue haired boy, is His clan, his sister, and Children...

He knew, about Renji's tendency to trying to be an Adult, despite being the child himself, not to mention, The newly appeared Kid, He pitied him as well, for the new kid's eyes are hollow, and are only screaming 'let me live'.

Then Renji walked towards the motionless child who had been staring at them almost like a statue before his gaze pinned directly on the Uzumaki.

''Be at ease, we mean you no harm...'' he said as his teammates glared at his back, thinking the water boy had finally gone insane or something.

''What the hell are you doing Renji! Get away from that kid! There's something really off about him!'' Issei shouted whilst Suryu seemed to agree with a nod. Although, his Uchiha pride was wounded, something even deeper than silly pride was telling him to run, to flee as far and as fast as he could from this kid.

"Let him, it's a mere Little kid, who looks not even 5...", said Hatake Sakumo shocking his squad even further, the white hair Hatake is a seasoned Shinobi, yet he is letting a spy or a potential threat to have a chance...Is their captain is mental

"As Teacher, As Student", thought both the members

Sakumo was disappointed in both of them, He didn't see an unnatural kid...he saw a child that needed help.

And he was immensely proud of his student purely because of that...He really made the right call of accepting him as his personal disciple, or should he say his wife made the right call of forcing him...Sakumo smiled at it, his wife always made the right call. No matter what.

He watched as Renji took each step forward slowly and cautiously, dropping all of his weapons as he did to show he was completely unarmed. Yet the kid was still gripping onto his kunai with fervor, but Renji was a patient man...perhaps because of bringing up Kushina all the way.

''It's alright... I'm not going to hurt you... I just want to help you, where are your parents?'' Renji asked whilst the boy seemed to answer with simplicity.

''Never knew them...died when I was...born,'' he said causing Renji to frown, that was a similar case with all children born in times of war. Wasn't he the same?

''Then who raised you? Where is your caretaker?'' he asked and the boy answered in kind. ''A friend of fathers...raised me...until he died...when I was 3. I have been living in forests ever...since,'' he answered, his lack of education was evident due to the way he was speaking. Yet Renji was amazed that this kid had been living on his own like this since he was 3 year's old. Still he inched closer to the boy who had yet to even let up in his stance.

''I see, that is quite amazing for a kid your age. Now, why don't you tell me, what happened here? Did...did you kill all of these shinobi?'' he asked and the boy at this point looked down at all the dead people with not a single emotion in his dead blue eyes. As if he was seeing nothing of significance or noteworthy, yet he finally gave a nod.

''Yes...they...trampled my...home...and...I stole this...and stabbed one...then another...and another...and another. I couldn't stop until they fell...until they fell asleep again.'' he said gripping the kunai.

''I see, you were defending your home, you are in, right? Now...'' he said before he kneeled down so he was eye level with the boy. His eyes warm and inviting to the boys cold and dead blue ones.

''Seeing as your home is gone, why don't you come with me? I know a place that will treat you greatly, my village is just a few days of travel from here. What do you say?'' he said with a smile

The boy seemed to tilt his head as he stared at Renji with an almost inquisitive expression before he spoke. ''Will they...attack me, hurt me?'' he asked

"No, and if they attack or hurt you...they will have to go through me first", he said with a gentleness that came to him after years of growing Kushina up.


"Besides, we have the same color eyes, blue ones", he said as he hugged the dirty little child

The child felt stiffness but still allowed to hug him...as he too felt warm for the first time.

"You can call me Nii saan, every child In my clan call me that, and since you are going to be part of my Uzumaki Clan, You can call me that, So what's your name?'' he asked and at this, the boy blinked before he looked up at the sky with what seemed like a glazed expression.

"I...I....I don't have a name", the boy said in a whisper

''Kazama'', the boy looked up with stars in his eyes for the first time...he finally has a name

And so it was, Renji and Sakumo's selfless act in saving this child that had altered the wheel of destiny and weaved the fate of the world in a whole new direction. And whether that direction was good or bad, shall remain unseen.

For the future was always changing...

"It was Rumored that one of the legendary Seven, a Team that is found by Lord Fourth Uzukage, found it's second member on a mission...Kazama...the only Kiri founding clan survivor, and the one who posses their most terrifying Kekkai Genkai, alongside the godly Kenjutsu Talent.

The Legendary Seven, A team that is filled by the seven deadliest shinobis in history, which is created by a legend himself, Lord Fourth Uzukage, the team that created peace in the whole world alongside, child of Prophecy, and his black hair companion....have it's first member ever.

The Sword Reaper Uzumaki Kazama

*Oops I guess, that's still in the far future for you


They return to Konoha, with the boy went with Sakumo to report it to Hokage, and the kid's instigation in Uzumaki Clan.

Renji who was going home suddenly saw the dango shop

His mind wavers for a second as he remembers this dango shop in the first place, it's the place where he...

He shook his head, and laughed at his perverted thought and started walking towards Ichiraku Ramen



[Super Pervert Perk Activated]

"What the???..."

[Mission Generated/ Can not be abandoned]

[Mission start: Squeeze the black hair girl's butt] [Return her bra]

[Reward: 2000 Exp/ Self Made Water Jutsu: Body Flicker (Part 1 and 2) (Complete both missions for complete Reward)]

"Damn it...F*uck You @#$#*&^% system"

Renji exposed a wry smile as he thought these things. The sunshine seemed scorching; he naturally looked up at the azure sky, which had different shapes of cotton-like clouds.

Suddenly, he felt his vision go dark; an unknown object seemed to have dropped from above, directly falling over Renji's head, obstructing his eyes. He promptly reached out to grab it.

There it is the Bra that he needed to return and touch her butt yet again

He just wishes that she doesn't murder him on the spot...

It wasn't Renji first time looking at a bra, but it surely was his first time holding one. His pair of hands had grabbed those two cups; they seemed to have a layer of sponge inside, giving a soft feel.

'Crap, what the hell am I thinking? Let's do it anyway'

After obtaining the reward, he would be able to be like really really fast. Compared to that, what is the embarrassment?


He entered the infamous Uchiha Compound...at least this is what her symbol that she was wearing on the back of her T-Shirt meant...Uchiha

Though he still doesn't know her name yet. Or her identity as well.

"What are you doing?" Renji suddenly heard a voice, following its direction, he saw an Old Uchiha Lady standing at the entrance looking at him with her brows furrowed; it made him turn back to run.

Don't think you can run! Come here, tell me, are you that panty thief going around stealing the underwear of girls? The dorm Old Lady showing surprisingly quick reactions quickly ran over and grabbed Renji's arm.

Aaah, Aunty, I'm not a thief! Renji's voice was as flat as a mosquito; even his cheeks became flushed as he spoke while stammering.

En? What's that in your hands then? Of course, She didn't believe him; she looked at him with suspicion and even disgust.

I-I picked it up, and I want to give it back to the owner. Aunty, you can verify it if you don't believe me! Renji couldn't do anything else now. If he got labeled as a panty thief, it would be disastrous for him and his clan fast-growing reputation.

The rims of Renji's eyes turned red, even his voice shuddered...

Using some Unknown method she verified the owner of the brassiere

"Come then", still doubtful she still took him with her.

'That's definitely witchcraft', thought Renji since he couldn't find another meaning to it.

She brought him to the center of the clan

Thud. Thud.

A noise came of unlocking the door. Renji tried to calm his breathing by taking a deep breath, but he still nervously lowered his head.

She didn't saw him, as both the old lady and she kept talking to each other explaining the situation.

"Aunty, I don't Konow How, but my clothes were suddenly lost, thank you! One Black hair beauty appeared. Her voice was melodious, like an oriole within an empty valley.

"Don't thank me; it was this gentle child who picked it up" The Old Lady had no desire to hide the truth; she pointed towards Renji standing to the side. While decided to turn back and do her own work.

Su Ke slowly raised his head up. First, he saw a pair of feet in flip-flops, with pink tender and orderly toes. They had a slender shape, and the slippers had a Snoopy design on it, looking quite cute.

As he looked upwards, the ankles came into view; those slim and mellow calves seemed alluring. As his sight moved, he realized that the girl came running dressed in pajamas. Those pink pure cotton pajamas hung low, only covering till the knees; it also had a huge Snoopy design on it.

In this manner, while holding the azure brassiere in his hands, Su Ke slowly raised his head; simultaneously, the girl also sized him up.

The girls jet-black hair lay loose on her shoulders; she had a delicate and pretty cheek, with eyes black and bright. Her eyelashes were long, looking quite lovely, just like a cute doll.

Only, when the girl had seen Renji's face, her smiling eyes opened wide. As Renji's gaze clashed with hers, he turned pale with fright.

"It's you!"

Renji felt his mind buzz, feeling as if the heavens had fallen; he almost blacked out but was able to react instantly. He pushed the fragrant brassiere onto the girl's hands

While she was paralyzed with shock, he went ahead and smoothly squeezed her butt above pajama


The old lady who was making her way towards her home, suddenly turned back because of the sound.

The mad rush of blood flows into him as he rushed out through the door, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

The Old Lady was stunned. She asked the girl, "What happened? Do you know him?"

Mikoto turned to squeeze out a smile, gnashing her teeth to respond, "Yes, I know him!"

Aah, Enemies and lovers are indeed destined to meet !!!

As she decided to use her Dad's position and status for the first time ever.

This spun the wheel of fate as Mikoto used her father's status to become Hatake Sakumo's Student...


"No", Renji said Sternly to Kushina, who was giving her innocent puppy eyes

"Why? You said I have Suiton Affinity, Just Like Nii saan then why don't you teach me that taijutsu of yours"

"Lady Kushina, I am sorry that's not something for anyone to learn"

"Fine, Liar"


"Yea, You said it's big brother's job to spoil his younger sister, but you are---", she didn't finish her sentence as there were tears in her eyes.

"D-Don't Cry...alright, let's train"

"Yea", Kushina cried happily

He smiled seeing her innocent look


[From here on out it's just for those who like to read nothing much to story anyway]

"Alright, I want you to understand a few things first before we officially start the training"

She nodded

"Water is the element of change. Water jutsu's strength is its great versatility. Rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, water Jutsu employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters, defense into offense. Instead of simply deflecting an attack, water Jutsu's defensive maneuvers focus on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against them, rather than directly harming the opponent...always remember it"

Kushina nodded carefully considering every single word...

"Also this set of technique is just for me and you...other than that, no one is allowed to know it's concepts UNDERSTOOD?"


"Very well, Let's start...Hydromancy Arts is an evolved form of Active Yin Style, so, first, you need to learn that. The Active Yin Style is a form of martial arts that puts emphasis on the mental aspect of a fight. This set of martial art divide a fight into three parts: the neutral phase, follow up phase, and the ending phase. A fight constantly goes through these phases and controlling how and when the phases change is important if you want to defeat your opponent.

Kushina nodded

"First Phase: The neutral phase for Active Yin Style is about learning about your opponent, throwing strikes without getting hit. This means that powerful strikes are not used as they are often slow. Instead, focus on quick and weak strikes so they can strike their enemy and get out of the way quickly. This allows the user of Active Yin to control spacing and pacing of a fight. Throughout this phase there are three things to focus on. The first is learning how to pay attention to oneself and your opponent. This makes it easy for a user to predict their opponent's movements allowing them to transition to the follow-up phase as well as make them aware of their own movements so they won't be predictable. Naturally, no one can predict everything, which is where focusing on reacting comes in. The last thing a user focuses on is trying to condition their opponents. They do this by making it seem as if they are predictable by repeating the same movements. This is done so they can trick the opponent in making a move that seems desirable for them, but in reality, it is very undesirable. If one can master these three things, the user can potentially control how their opponent recovers from an attack, attack, and move around the battlefield."

Second Phase: The second phase, the follow-up phase comes into play when a movement is made that creates an opening. For users of Active Yin Style, the follow-up phase is about stringing together attacks that are hard to escape from rather than perform one devastating blow. In this phase, it is crucial to apply pressure to keep the opponent from making a comeback. There are two types of pressure: offensive pressure and defensive pressure. For users of Active Yin Style, offensive pressure is about quick and rapid movements to keep in a nervous and frustrated mental state. Defensive pressure is about trying to break through the opponent's defenses with powerful attacks and fake-outs to cover the recovering time of an attack.

Third Phase: The third phase is the ending phase. This phase is the simplest phase of them all with no gimmicks. This phase is made up of a single attack. If a user has used the other three phases properly, a highly destructive attack usually isn't needed to end the fight because the opponent should be both severely mentally and physically exhausted and injured. Instead, an Active Yin Style focuses on ending the fight with a swift strike.

"What I use is an evolved and ranged version of this, through controlling of water"

The strikes and movements of Active Yin Style can be described as more like soft techniques then hard techniques. The movements and strikes are fast and precise, each move the practitioner makes and every thought they have is not wasted and has a purpose. In addition, practitioners like to stray away from grabs and throws if possible because they believe it is a waste of movement. Its focus on prediction as also made this fighting style one that focuses on prediction and evading, which is where Active Yin Style's famous phrase, "Don't get hit." comes from. This means the fighting style doesn't focus that much on defense so being able to predict movements in a very important ability to have if one wishes to use the fighting style to its fullest.

"From this moment onwards, you are going to predict everything, whether it be very slow or very fast...we are going to train hard in your free time...Oooh I am going to love that", he grins like a maniac

And she gulped


In another part of the village, Uchiha Mikoto convinced General Kagami her father to make her the Genin of Team Sakumo Hatake

She grins evilly for some reason--