
Gravity Dominion

Barely surviving in the slums of a broken down city, Yune lived day to day, his mind preoccupied with one thought: ‘Will I be able to eat something today?’. Living in this small bubble created by the immoral reality of the slums, Yune had never expected his horizons to be widened after being chosen by the marking phenomenon. With a unique power having been bestowed upon him, Yune quickly realised just how small of a world he was living in as the harsh reality of a war between different worlds was made known to him. With six portals leading to other worlds having appeared on earth, humanity was now more united than ever, fighting against otherworldly creatures from invading earth and even invading other worlds themselves to proclaim them ours.

unfadable · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Alvin's Temper

It now being nine in the morning, Yune had already missed having lunch with Alvin and even the start of theoretical class.

With haste, Yune had left the hospital and arrived in front of the lecture hall and was trying to quietly sneak into the theoretical class.

With only around five hundred students left still attending class, the lecture hall had become a lot quieter so the sound of the door opening had given Yune's sneaky entrance away. Not even having taken a step into the lecture hall, Yune locked eyes with the teacher.

Yune felt a little guilty, not wanting to cause a commotion or disturb the class, but luckily having sat in the front row for two weeks in a row now, the teacher already knew Yune by face and gave him a nod of approval while continuing his lecture. Seeing this, Yune showed a relieved smile, before swiftly sitting down.

Even though he missed the first hour of the lecture, Yune could still follow it well as he had done some extra studying in the library, allowing him to enjoy the lecture like usual.

Yune was content throughout the entire lecture, but when the lecture ended, he remembered that he had skipped having breakfast with Alvin.

Remembering how upset Alvin had gotten last time, Yune hurriedly left the lecture hall, rushing to the cafeteria where he immediately spotted Alvin, who looked upset again. Yune walked up to Alvin, unbeknownst to him.

"You can't be angry at me for having missed breakfast this morning, it wasn't my fault this time." Yune quickly said.

Startled by Yune's suddenly appearing in front of him, Alvin looked back to see an expressive look in Yune's eyes for some reason. Alvin didn't really know what this look was, but he calmed down a little because of it.

"Okay, I am not angry. Explain." Alvin said, letting out a soft sigh.

"When I was walking back after eating dinner with you last night, someone who seemed quite angry at me suddenly attacked me and I eventually passed out. When I woke up in the hospital, it was already past breakfast time." Yune said in a neutral tone. "See, it wasn't my fault this time."

Having finished his explanation, Yune suddenly heard the loud sound of glass shattering and looked up at Alvin to see the cup that was in his hand shattered to pieces, catching the attention of the surrounding tables, his hands bloody.

Hearing Yune talk about this like it was nothing, not even being angry at all, Alvin got angry in his stead. "Who was it?!" Alvin shouted.

Yune gave no reaction however and shrugged his shoulders, unbothered by the situation. "I don't know. Never seen him before." Yune replied.

"Then, what number did he have on?" Alvin asked, trying to surpass his anger.

Ever since the student ranking was announced, every student had to wear a badge on their uniform which displayed their student ranking.

As a result of this, students with good rankings tended to give lower ranked student a hard time on purpose.

Yune himself had experienced this a few times, things like getting cut in line or people bumping into him on purpose. But because he was with Alvin most of the times, he didn't have it nearly as bad as other low ranked students.

"It was student number 3201." Yune said, having a faint memory of seeing it.

Hearing that Yune knew the student's number, a mixed expression of joy and anger formed on Alvin's face as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "Who here is number 3201?!" Alvin shouted for the whole cafeteria to hear.

The whole cafeteria became quiet, the atmosphere getting tense. "It is that guy who is walking towards the exit!" Someone at a table exclusively for high rankers shouted, with a smirk on his face.

Not wasting a single second, Alvin darted towards that student, grabbed him by their collar and dragged them back to Yune. "Is this him Yune?" Alvin asked, to which Yune replied truthfully. "Yes, I think so."

The student, who was looking so fierce yesterday now looked completely different, his expression filled with fear after having seen Alvin's student ranking. "U-uhm, yo- you heard him. I think there has been a misunderstanding-" The student stuttered.

But before he could even finish his sentence, a loud but sharp smacking sound could be heard echoing through the cafeteria, a red marking appearing on the student's face as he looked flabbergasted at what just happened.

The cafeteria seemed to enjoy what was happening as it was becoming increasingly loud, a circle forming around them.

The student having instinctively reacted after being slapped, he had had quickly formed a layer of ice on his cheek.

"Hmm, I don't think that I have the wrong person. How likely is it that both you, and the person who attacked Yune, have an ice ability?" Alvin said with a smirk on his face.

Right after Alvin said this, he grabbed the student's head with one hand to which immediately after, the student began to scream out in pain. Alvin hadn't moved his hand yet, so everyone seeing this was confused as to why the student was screaming, but they found out soon after, when blood started to come out of the student's ears and eyes.

Knowing for sure that this was the student who attacked Yune, Alvin felt like his actions were justified and wasn't holding back, using his powers.

"Alvin stop, that is enough." Yune said.

Hearing the screams of the student continuing, Yune grabbed Alvin by the arm. At that moment, for a millisecond, an excruciating pain entered Yune's entire body, but as quickly as it appeared, it also vanished.

Alvin looked at Yune with guilt, not having wanted to hurt Yune. Alvin wanted to say sorry, but before he could even open his mouth, Yune grabbed his arm and quickly left the cafeteria.

"Are you mad at me?" Alvin asked after a few seconds of silence, worried that he had upset Yune.

Yune looked up at Alvin with a confused expression. "Why would I be mad at you? That person hurt me, so why would I be mad at you for hurting him?"

Hearing this response, Alvin now looked really confused. "What? I thought you were angry at me for punishing that student. Then why did you stop me?"

"It just looked disgusting with blood coming out of his face." Yune said, with his usual neutral expression.

Hearing this, Alvin couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Well, I don't think that guy will hurt you again. But if he does, immediately tell me, okay?" Alvin said.

Yune nodded, but his emotions were conflicted. On one hand he was happy that he had Alvin to protect him, but on the other hand he felt sad that he was so powerless, not wanting to have to rely on Alvin.

Not knowing how to feel about this, Yune quickly said his goodbyes to Alvin and headed toward the gymnasium where his first actual combat lesson was about to start.

Yune felt more than ready for it, now having another reason why he wanted to get stronger, as to never lose in a fight again, not having to depend on someone else.