
Graveyard Residents

George Dickman is a perfectly normal person. Well, he would be perfectly normal if he didn't turn any living to dust with a mere touch. He decided to run away when he got beef with his father who seemed to hate him since birth. Four days later, he became homeless and that’s when he crossed paths with Diego—a graveyard resident. Danger lurks on the adventure he was gonna take with his newly found companion: pirates; warlocks and witches; undeads and assassins; and so much more. The first step to doing all these is to acquire a graveyard residency which is by no means an easy task. And in the process of doing so, he found himself tied to an altar made of disgusting stuff, about to be sacrificed to the dark powers by a cult of the ancient tomb. A first work of Riley_23.

Riley_23 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Lucia’s Ability

March 25th of the year 1830.

In the land where no living resides save for the young man currently lying on a comfy bed. Inside the small cottage at the foot of a mountain.

He wore a white linen shirt and a brown trouser. Few strands of his curly hair were sticking to his forehead. It was George.

He scrunched up his face as the ray of sun hit him. Then he opened his eyes, gasping.

He had a bizarre dream last night. He was sitting on a wooden stool inside a squarish room. An old man with a grotesque appearance stood in front of him.

The man's face was wrinkly and dirty. It was questionable when he last showered but quite a number of flies hovered around him.

The man grinned, revealing the few yellow teeth he had left. He held an hourglass with his one hand. He kept stroking it while watching George.

He excitedly watched the dark sand passing through the neck of the hourglass into the low section.

George saw the man's lips move. He seemed to be saying something but George couldn't hear him.

And then he woke up.

"Oh! You're awake," said the young man with auburn hair and dark eyes, wearing a green robe.

'Who is this dude again?' George asked himself. His mind was not fully awake yet. Then his face lightened in realization. "Diego," he muttered slowly followed by the furious growl from his stomach.

Diego chuckled and handed him a bowl of mushroom soup, a few slices of freshly baked sourdough bread, smoked meat, cheese, and a glass of goat's milk.

"You must be famished. Here, eat to your heart's content."

He placed the food on the bedside table. Made sure George was eating properly before he went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes. But when he came back, George had already finished all the food.

"Can I have some more?" George asked. He looked like he was about to cry. It's been four days since he had eaten 'real food'.

Diego laughed and gave the poor lad some more until he was content. He praised himself for cooking thrice the amount he usually cooks. He didn't become stingy with the ingredients either. Because he knows that after George has eaten his fill and made sure he was in the right mind, they're going to set out to acquire a graveyard residency.

'I doubt it's gonna go well,' Diego thought.


Back to the land of the living in the small city of Bonaville.

Two shadows lurked by the bushes.

"Say, Aunt Lucia, must we really do this?" Owen whispered.

It was still early in the morning, quarter to six, and he was crouching at the bushes with his aunt, Lucia. Eyeing the red apartment complex across the street.

"Sometimes, I really wonder how my brother raised his sons. You're lacking in experience, my other nephew. In times like this, we must be very careful lest we arouse suspicions of the neighborhood. We don't want that, do we? You're too soft and innocent. But worry not, my other nephew! Observe your aunt and you shall learn."

Owen sighed.

'I don't think that is the case, my dear aunt. But whatever. Aunt Lucia must be very good at this considering how father entrusted this to her.' At this point, Owen Dickman was just trying to convince himself. Otherwise, he didn't think he would be able to keep a sane mind before they could find his brother.

"You're sure it's the apartment he's staying in?" Lucia asked him.

"Yes, Aunt Lucia. I followed him on the day he ran away on father's order. I believe he was in room 201. But I don't think he's still there. I bet he left when he didn't have the money anymore."

Lucia didn't hear the last part and she poked her head and scanned the streets. When she was sure no one was watching, she turned her head to Owen and half screamed, "let's go!" And ran across the street to hide in another bush.

Owen felt conflicted watching all these. 'I hope none of my classmates see this or I will die in embarrassment,' he thought before following his aunt.

They didn't wait long until the front door opened. An old man in his cane came out and trudged to the bench near the fountain. It was Willy Stroker, the landlord.

"Can you hypnotize him this far?" Lucia asked Owen.

"No, I need to get closer."

"But what if he sees you?"

Owen sighed again. "Aunt Lucia, it's impossible for him not to see me. I need to make eye contact for the hypnosis to work."

"Oh! Is—Is that so? Then no choice then. Go and hypnotize him. Tell him to give you the key to room 201."

Again, for the nth time, Owen sighed. "Aunt, I think I told you already. I don't think George is still there. I'm thinking he has already left."

"Doesn't matter," Lucia said. "If he stayed there for at least two days then we're good."

Owen, having no other choice as he couldn't refute his aunt for he knows what terrifying ability she has, he strode going to the old man who didn't seem to notice him. Willy Stroker was busy applying efficascent oil on his knees.

"Good morning, sir!" Owen greeted.

Willy Stroker's eyes widened when he realized who the man was. Owen spoke as Stroker was about to say something. "Can you lend me the key to room 201?"

Owen Dickman's eyes turned white and Willy became dazed. "As you wish, master." Willy said as he handed Owen the key.

Willy Stroker will stay dazed for an hour not remembering a thing. Forgetting even the young man who greeted him.

Owen shot his aunt a thumbs up. 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED,' was what he was trying to say.

"We don't have to be on guard anymore. We can pretend we're tenants." Lucia told him.

'We could have done that at the start, Aunt Lucia.' Owen grumbled in his head.

They took the stairs going to the second floor, turned left, and they arrived at room 201.

Lucia inserted the key and strode inside.


Contrary to what they were expecting. A man was lying on the bed. Somebody else was already renting the room after George was kicked out.

A burly man wearing a white sando and pink polka dots boxers. It was the police officer on patrol last night. Danits Lawman.

But something seemed amiss. Danits wasn't sleeping. He just lay on the bed, eyes wide open and non blinking, as if in a trance, and mumbling incoherent words.

And while Owen was thinking what could have happened, Lucia placed her index finger on Danits' forehead. Her eyes turned white and stole his memory from last night.

Through Danits' memories, she saw her nephew sleeping on the bench, curled into a ball and how he pretended to be drunk. The next memory was distorted. An overlapping image of an old, wrinkly woman, and a young lass with a beautiful face and voluptuous figure. Her bosom bounced up and down as she kissed Danits.

"What a poor man. He was bewitched!" Lucia muttered before she touched Danits' forehead again and returned his memories. And no, she didn't help him. She could have but decided it was a waste of time.

And yes, if George can turn any living to dust, Owen can hypnotize, and Henry can command any animals, Lucia can steal. Be it memories, physical things, your heart, or your life. She can steal everything. She can also return it as she pleases.

"I'm afraid we're already late, my other nephew." Lucia told Owen. "Let's go back to the villa and pack your clothes as quickly as possible. We're going somewhere faraway."