
Grand Wizard: I Am A Villain

In his previous life, Lucas was known as a great wizard and moon wizard. Everyone calls him by different great names. As a king, he has the highest power. Someone with a noble, kind, and gentle heart. Everyone admires and praises him. Not everyone really loves him, they just put on a false front. Behind that false mask there is only treachery. The person who took his throne was someone Lucas really trusted. Lucas experiences his first death at the hands of someone he truly trusted, and ends up reincarnated, coming back to life in the modern era. A very pleasant new life, unlike the one in the past, which was very dark. But the happiness he gets is only temporary, he has to lose his new family and face people from the past again. At that moment, the whole world turned around and pointed their guns at him. However, the truth was that he remembered the body he was using was Lucas in the present who had died. The same pain he had experienced in the past. Lucas just wanted to get back the happiness that was stolen from him and take revenge. It doesn't matter how, even in a dirty way. He who has two very different traits, someone who has experienced the bitterness and cruelty of the world. Destroy the mines that block his path to darkness.

Ayazia27 · แฟนตาซี
146 Chs

Chapter 115 Endless Fluite Part 2

Leo put one foot on the snow tiger's back, bending his body to the extreme. It looked very flexible, as if it had no bones at all. He jumped very high, one leg kicked the black gorilla's chest and it flew far away. However, Leo uses a very elegant style. Both feet landed gracefully on the ground.

It didn't stop there, the snow tiger roared loudly. Jump and deliver a deadly final attack. The claws of the snow tiger were much sharper than those of the black gorilla. The long scratch stretched from his chest to his belly.

Leo tossed his long hair back, his hands gently caressing the snowtiger's mane. "Well done, my darling cat."

Lucas was still preoccupied with the black gorilla chasing him, but he couldn't stop being afraid until his shoulders shook. Not because he was being chased by a black gorilla, but because Leo's level of narcissism was already at the limit. Lucas couldn't think clearly.