
Chapter 32

|3rd POV|

The four years old Vivi is on a mission. Her father invited some strangers into her house, and she wanted to know about them. She peeks from behind her 'hiding' place, a wood plank with two obvious holes on it.

She did not know that her so-called hiding fool no one. Even her father held himself from taking her and hugging her tightly. But on the other hand, her mother can only giggle at her daughter's behavior.

Nefertari Titi and Nefertari Cobra are Vivi's parents and both Queen and King of the Alabasta kingdom. They are from the royal family that lasts from before the age of void. They are one of the twenty royal families who founded the World Government but lost most of their privilege after they cast themselves away from the forming of the so-called Heavenly Dragon.

They know that Heavenly Dragon is a bad idea from the beginning, and they are correct. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Dragon became the fastest sickness that spread chaos and fear worldwide.

"Thank you for answering our call, Commodore Yuuji. We are very grateful for your help."

"Think nothing of it, Your highness. It was our duty to help the people in need."

"When you say that, I know you are telling the truth."



Cobra already heard about Yuuji's exploit. Not even a day in Grandline, Yuuji and his crew are already helping many people for free. If not for the call from the Fleet Admiral, Yuuji would have come to his tenth island for another free healing.

In fact, Cobra is really glad when the Fleet Admiral calls him and tells him that Commodore will be the one helping his kingdom because he knows that he will not demand something aggressive from him and his family for their service.

Yuuji and his crew even heal people who need medical attention for free. Their only request is to sell them medical herbs and other medical materials they can use for their medicine at a lower cost.

Of course, he gave them all for free. That is the least he can do for their job.

"Anyway, please enjoy the feast."

Cobra said that after he opened the door to the dining table. After opening the door, Yuuji and his companion can see many types of food being put on the table.

"Ice Cream!"

The first to get inside the dining room is not the king, the queen, or the marine but the little princess who takes a seat in front of a glass filled with ice cream. She left behind her planks and quickly tried to climb on the chair. After climbing to the chair, she takes a spoon and eats the ice cream in front of her.

Yuuji and Gion can only chuckle at her cute behavior.

"I'm sorry for her behavior, Commodore Yuuji."

"Don't mention it, your highness. She is just a child and a child should enjoy her youth to the fullest."

"Thank you. Now, please take a seat and enjoy the food."

Yuuji and his companion take a seat and start to eat the food. What gathers the attention is not Yuuji, Gion, or Smoker but rather Captain Hina. She did not have a messy eating behavior or something. She has perfect etiquette at the dining table but what makes her get the attention of others is the speed at which she eats the food.

It is like seeing a noble who never eats in a month but still maintains their etiquette.

"So, where do you want to go after this, Commodore Yuuji?"

"Please call me Yuuji, your highness. As for my next destination, I think I will go to Tarlan Island. I hear they have a great medical garden. One of the best medical gardens in the Grandline."

"Ah, Tarlan island. I know the king of that Island."

Cobra takes something from his pocket and gives it to Yuuji.

"Show this to the guard in Tarlan Island and they will treat you nicely. I will write a letter to their king to sell you their medical herbs at a discount price."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Don't mention it. It was a simple thing I can do to reward you for your help. I have a feeling that Orland will give you a discount anyway without my token." Cobra says the last part in a whisper.

"Pardon me?"

"Hahahahaha! It was nothing. Come! Eat! Eat!"

While Tarlan island has the lowest rate of disease-related death in the world, there are still many people in that place who are willing to give their souls to walk again after they need to amputate their legs from an accident.

Cobra knows that Orland is willing to give them free land in his kingdom if Yuuji is willing to heal his left eye, injured by the fight against a pirate. The pirate is a lone pirate called Hawkeye. The said pirate hears that Orland is a master swordsman who never gets defeated in a duel, and Hawkeye decides to challenge him in a duel.

Orland lost and lost his eye in the fight.

After eating all the food, Yuuji decided to say something that had been bothering him since the beginning. As a white mage, he has a sixth sense that lets him know if someone is sick, poisoned, or cursed. But, right now, his sixth sense has gone bonkers since the first time he met the royal family.

"Your highness, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, ask away."

"This might sound offensive but are you going to treat your wife?"


"She is sick. It was a disease that slowly ate her inside out and she would die in a year or two if not treated."


"Ah, so you did not know about it."

"C-Can you tell me more about this disease?"

"Of course. This rare disease can only be found in the second half of Grandline. Usually, the people in Grandline are already strong enough to handle this disease, so not many people die from it. Did your wife get near Sabaody Archipelago?"

"A month ago to attend a meeting with another noble."

"Then your wife gets this disease from the people that lived in the New World. The disease did not work on them but your wife is a different story."

"What kind of disease is this and can you heal it?"

"This disease will attack the cellular inside the human body and will cause cellular death. That is the simplification of this disease. The first stage is that she will lose her ability to move her limbs. The next stage is that she will lose her ability to speak, hear and taste. The last stage is death."

Cobra put her head in his hands, and Titi looked as pale as snow. However, Cobra suddenly looks at Yuuji and says,

"Can you heal her? Please tell me that you can heal her…. Please…"

"Yes. Lucky for her, I can heal her."

"Then do it! I will pay anything you want!"

"Of course, your highness."

Yuuji walks toward Titi and takes a deep breath.

"Heavenly wind, carry us to a fountain of power! Esuna!"

A green light appears around Titi, and it shines for a few seconds before it disappears. The other can finally see some change in Titi's body. She is now more… filled and healthy. Her pale body now has more color. She is still pale but not as pale as before.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"Not yet."

While Yuuji has already cured most of the negative effects on her body, Tuti still gets damaged from the disease.

"Share lives with all things in nature.... Regen!"

Yuuji can use the Cure spell, but he decides against it. Titi's body needs to get used to the newly improved body; by using Regen, she gradually becomes stronger and healthier.

"Remember to drink more water for at least one week or ten days for the maximum effect. Eat more meat or fish for the first three days and have at least one fruit on every meal for a month. Do a light exercise that gradually gets harder for the next two months. I will write about some exercises you can do. Lastly, don't let her get near the border between Paradise and the New World."

"Yes. Yes. Yes. I will do that. Thank you. Thank you."

Yuuji and his companion leave the royal family, hugging each other alone. They get out of the dining room alongside the royal guard. Among the royal guards is Pell, who gives Yuuji a grateful look.

"Thank you for saving the Queen, Commodore Yuuji."

"Think nothing of it, Pell. It was my pleasure."

"No. You don't understand. She is a member of my tribe. She is the reason why I joined the Royal Guard and the royal family is the reason why I decided to stay. She is someone precious to me."

"Like I said earlier, don't mention it."

"If you need anything, tell me."

Yuuji looked at Pell for a second before saying.

"I heard about this elusive wine from the Yuk-Yuk tribe…."

"Say no more. Follow me."

Smoker, Gion, and Hina look at each other before shrugging and following their commander to the Yuk-Yuk tribe village.

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



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