
Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

A Sky God’s Spiritual Foundation. It was the greatest natural treasure in all of existence, but the sacrifices one must make to gain the approval of such an entity was unimaginable. Ryu is a genius amongst geniuses. He was born with the four Grand Ancestral Bloodlines. The Lightning Qilin. The Fire Dragon. The Ice Phoenix. The Fire Phoenix… He was blessed with an Ancestral Grade Bone Structure and Ancestral Grade Meridians. The Ice Jade Crystal Bones. The Chaotic Silk Meridians… He was bestowed the First Ranked Heavenly Pupils. The Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils… However, none of it mattered. Born with a False Spiritual Foundation, it seemed that all of his talent would go to waste. Unless… Unless he was willing to grasp his Fate in his own hands. ==== **This novel once went by another name 'Rise. Rising. Risen.' So, the wiki is still under this name https://rise-rising-risen.fandom.com/wiki/Ryu_Tatsuya

Awespec · แอคชั่น
2009 Chs


Ryu didn't respond. He continued to adjust his mental state to the highest level. Even he wasn't foolish to take Third Order beasts lightly. While he was able to use 5% of his strength to defeat a Lower Third Order dire wolf, that was obviously impossible for higher order beasts. He needed to be prepared to go all out.

"No fun at all." Silas chuckled, not minding at all. "I wonder, though. How would the crowd react if they saw you at your lowest point like I have? Could the prestige of the Tor Clan withstand such a blow? What would the public think if they knew the reason why Fourth Prince Tor is such an unknown variable?"

Silas' words caught the attention of the crowd mostly because they were absolutely correct. While Ryu's attack on Amory's psyche had been mostly speculation, everyone here could attest to the fact that Ryu's name didn't resound like those of his elder brothers. But, clearly, he was an extremely talented individual.