
Radiant and Fading Star (1)

It was a pair of man and woman. 

The woman had skin as dark as night and eyes as radiant as the stars. In that way, she reminded Ryu a lot of Starlight, but as handsome as Starlight was, this woman's beauty was even greater. In this regard, she was on the level of Mae's master, truly unblemished in all regards. Her shining blue eyes and waterfall-like white hair was in sharp contrast to her dark and delicate skin, giving her an untouchable sort of temperament, one that only an Empress or a true Goddess should have. 

By her side, there was a man. His skin was as white as snow and his eyes were black as a starless sky. His hair flowed quite long as well, but it was a dense black instead. 

The both of them complimented each other well, whether that be temperament or looks. 

Even without moving or saying anything, the power of the Stars seemed to swirl around them, shuddering with an immense, hidden strength.