

Ryu's figure flickered and vanished. In an instant, he appeared in an inconspicuous clearing within the forest. There didn't seem to be anything special about it even after a third or even fourth pass through of the senses. However, although he hadn't trained his Ruin Mastery specifically in countless years, Ryu's skills in this matter had never dulled.

Ryu stood in silence for a long while before he suddenly struck out with a pair of fingers, piercing a hole right through the trunk of a tree and pooling his qi into it.

If others had been watching, they would have seen the appearance of a beautiful scene. As Ryu's qi coursed through the tree's branches and roots, it became transparent, exuding a beautiful golden color. Even though the earth itself wasn't disturbed, it was still possible to see the flourishing of the roots from above, the golden patterns reflecting through the soil and almost turning the earth itself into a glass-like being much like the tree.