
Heaven and Chaos Aspects

Ryu raised his head to the skies, unleashing a mighty roar. A vortex of white gold and dark gold spiraled out, seemingly wanting to rip a hole through the miasma in the skies, almost like it had entirely ignored the Dao Lord Inheritance between itself and it. 

Ryu's eyes flashed opened, a radiant pulse within their depths. He could finally see, truly see. Although the abilities of his Heavenly Pupils seemed to still be sealed, Ryu was familiar enough with normal eyesight to know that this was most definitely not normal sight. In fact, it was comparable to his eyesight back in Sacrum without activating [Third Perspective]. 

While he couldn't see the flow of qi since his [Ephemeral Tapestry] ability was likewise still sealed, it felt like this mattered less now that the true abilities of his soul had been unsealed. He felt like he was a step closer to unsealed his eyes and this might have been the largest step he had taken toward that goal.