

Ryu finally showed a trace of emotion when he heard this. He could hear the exasperation in Rinushka's voice because this was definitely information that would be common knowledge in this world, but to Ryu, it was all new. 

He was shocked to hear this because that would mean... the Beast Dao Gods of this world were true monsters. 

Ryu rarely respected anyone, but he suddenly really wanted to meet these Beast Dao Gods. 

No Ancient Beasts? How ridiculous. It could be said that every one of the Beast Dao Gods of this world were Ancient Beasts who managed to become Ancestors of their own Bloodline Lineages. 

But the irony was that it was because of this that they couldn't pass down their teachings. They had undergone too many mutations over the course of their cultivation, scrounging together all the resources, paths, and breakthroughs they could to cobble together their own unique bloodline.