

Sarriel vanished and her palm appeared on Ryu's chest in an instant. Ryu could see it clearly, or so he thought. The twisting deceptions that danced around Sarriel made it difficult to tell what was reality and what wasn't. It was hard even to trust his own senses to twist space and warp time when the line between illusion and reality was being blurred so easily.

If the passive ability of his Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils was [Third Perspective], then this casual twisting of reality could be considered the same for the Truth Pupils. Even when Sarriel turned it off, a thought of hers could shape and mold the laws of the world.

This had only grown more powerful after she formed Lord Control.

Sarriel was clearly much like Ryu, not caring for the speed of cultivation very much, and yet instead excavating every hint of her potential every step along the way.