Long time reader first time writer. This is a story where Robert and Cersei's firstborn lives and how it will affect the grand scheme of things. Male oc x Margaery Tyrell I own nothing but my original characters the rest belongs to HBO and George RR martin
284 AC
Cersei POV
By the seven it hurt, who would've thought that giving birth would be so painful. She's been laboring for more than two hours now with handmaidens constantly putting wet cloths on her head. Well at least the pain diminished with her lover and twin holding her hand, while her Oaf of a husband was out hunting.
"Stay strong Cersei it's almost over" is what her twin said to her while holding her hand tighter "Just one more push" and so she gave one final push immediately after that she heard the most beautiful sound she's ever heard the cry of a baby, her baby.
"Congratulations your Grace its a Healthy Boy" said the old fool Pycelle, "Give him to me" I commanded of him, and so he did putting my baby boy in my arms, once he was in my arms his cries started to settle down and then I looked at him he was perfect in every single way imaginable he had my cheekbones and nose but Roberts jaw and hair something I didn't immediately like but after he opened his eyes those beautiful blue eyes that made my heart melt and I immediately loved him.
"He looks like you" said Jaimie "He does doesn't he" I responded "What shall you name him" "I'll have to wait for Robert to decide that"
Two days later
Roberts POV
I was finally back from my hunt in the Kingswood with Ser Barristan and Ser Mandon after finding out my first child was born. The moment iI entered the Red Keep I asked a servant where my child was the servant told me he was in Cersei's room, and so I rushed there with my Kings guard trying to keep up.
"Where is he?" I asked after I entered the room to see Cersei and the Kingslayer next to a crib, walking there I looked down where my heir was and by the Gods I was pleased looking at the tuft of raven black hair on top of his head.
"Have you given him a name" I asked Cersei to that she said that she was waiting for me to name him, I nodded to that, reaching down and picking the boy up I instantly knew what to name him "Stefan that will be his name" out of the corner of my eye I saw Cersei nod at that and smile "Yes a good and strong name for a future king".
Seven years later
Cersei POV
I was standing on top of the balcony with Jaimie looking down as Stefan was learning how to wield a Warhammer with a foreigner named Xahalo while Ser Barristan looks after them , Xahalo was a big man standing at 6"8 with big muscles, tan skinned brown hair and eyes of the same color, Robert found the man after Stefan decided he wanted to wield a hammer like his father stating that he wanted to be as big and strong as Robert in the future, coming out of my thoughts I look down and smile as i see Stefan lift the practice hammer and swing it at a straw dummy grinning while doing so.
"He's a natural at it" Jaimie said from beside me, I scoff at that of course he was gifted he's a Lannister after all just as smart as her father and witty as her younger brother but with the strength of a Baratheon, a rather deadly combo if she says so herself.
Three years later
Stefan POV
Today is a good day, I thought as I walked the corridors of the Red Keep towards the throne room with Ser Barristan behind me "Why do you think my father summoned me Ser?" I ask the old knight who in response looked at me and said "I don't know my Prince probably something to do with your name day tourney" at that I groaned, sure most people would be thrilled about a tourney being held in their honour but not me after all I've seen dozens of them and they get more boring every time, well maybe except when Thoros of Myr participates in the melee "Well then I guess we will find out soon enough" I said just as we arrived in the doors that led to the throne room where two Lannister guards stood outside keeping watch, the moment they noticed me they bowed muttering a quick "My Prince" and opening the gates.
"Father i'm here as you requested" I said while bowing my head towards him looking up I saw the faces of Jon Arryn, My mother and siblings along with the rest of The small council and Kingsguard.
"Bah you don't have to bow to me boy, I assume you don't know why you were summoned do you" "No father I don't" "Well I've decided that after the tourney ends you will be present in every small council meeting so you can learn how to rule properly" to that I widened my eyes knowing that it was a great responsibility "Thank you Father I will not disappoint you" "I know you won't, and I've also decided that in this tourney your sworn shield will be decided after all I can't just have the Kingsguard follow you all day" to which i bowed and asked if i could take my leave to dress properly for the tourney to which he nodded, turning around and walking back to my room while smiling.
A few hours later (Still Stefans pov)
Not surprisingly the tourney was boring as usual uncle Jaimie won the jousts and Sandor Clegane the melee and as the winner father declared him my sworn shield something that made me happy knowing that i'll have a strong and loyal fighter by my side, after that we went to the feast so I could receive all my gifts for my nameday, and gods I received a lot of them all the ones I received so far have been from minor lords of the seven kingdoms all of them mostly giving me decorative weapons, paintings, jewellery and such once done with those now came the good part which is the more noble lords of Westeros, first came my uncle Stannis giving me a design for a massive ship that was being built in the harbour, next uncle Renly who gifted me with some of the finest silks and textiles in the world, next coming Lord Arryn gifting me with a majestic pitch black hawk which i named hunter, then my uncle Tyrion giving me a book called the Lives of the four kings which i've always wanted to read, my mother gifted me a lot of horses including steeds, warhorses and more next the Tyrells game me a beautiful black hound named Fury bred by Willas Tyrell, from the Riverlands Ser Brynden Tully one of my personal heroes presented me with a goldenwood bow, my grandfather Tywin presented me with two valyrian steel dirks, and the best present of them all was gifted by my father his own Warhammer.