
GOT: The Golden Lion

None can battle against the gods; only accept all they may throw at you. Joffrey, a dying man a moment ago, now enlightened, watching the Battle of Blackwater Bay right before his eyes; a battle that had already been won, a battle that had already passed a year ago. But no more would he cower, for the knowledge he possesses gives him the tools to play the game like never before—Alliances, sacrifices, blood, betrayals, magic, love, lust, and a whole lot of sex awaits. But a ticking countdown Joffrey silently hears, foretelling the slow march of The Others to the land of the living with each passing moment. A Series by MrPlotThickens Aided by Ms.Squirtle

MrPlotThickens · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
31 Chs

Chapter 10: Key To The North, The Riverlands, The Vale II

Catelyn spent a reasonable amount of time alone that day. Sulking and remembering her son, taking care of the last rites. She oversaw the pyres and the burning of the bodies. It broke her thoroughly, mentally and emotionally.

Despite his slow conquest of Catelyn, Joffrey was also focused on his other primary task. It wasn't a lie when he proclaimed he wished to end the pathetic, pointless War of the Five Kings. Stannis was dead, Renly was dead, and Robb was also gone to the Stranger. That left only him, Joffrey Baratheon, and Balon Greyjoy.

"Ser Arthur, send ravens to the Vale. Inform the houses of the treachery that the Starks faced and who came to their saving. Inform them of the demise of Robb Stark and the end of the War between King Joffrey and the North. Do the same for Riverlands. As for the North, add word that Lady Catelyn lives, and the young boy, the last remaining Stark son, remains in the deceitful hold of the Boltons. Invoke honor and such horseshit in the raven to inspire them."

The Unsullied commander, Ser Arthur, followed Joffrey's command like words engraved in stone. "Where to proceed next, Your Grace?"

"We continue to the North in the morning. The eventual destination is the Wall. But before that, we shall try to take back the North from the Boltons and Greyjoys. A few houses still remain loyal to the Starks. We'll bring them together and unify the land once again under my rule." Joffrey explained his plans and added another order without elaborating much. "I need you to kill any Bolton you find from now on, behead them, and place their heads on pikes in Bolton's territory where the heads can be found. Start with Roose Bolton."

Seven Hells! That crippled Stark is going to be a pain in my arse. Joffrey cursed within as he gritted his teeth. He knew the cripple was going to realize his scheme someday and turn Sansa and Catelyn against him. Until I deal with him, I can only be discreet.

"Understood, Your Grace." Ser Arthur immediately left to fulfill the command and pass the orders to the captains.

Here she comes. He noticed Catelyn's emergence from the tent out of the corner of his eye. Oh, how he felt like ripping those tight robes off her body and claiming her. Let's guess. First the Frey, and then Sansa.

"You killed all of the Frey?"

I'm getting better at this game.

He smiled with self-praise and faced the woman. "I had to. Robb was to be an uncle to my and Sansa's child. I promised Sansa I would end the war and make peace with the North… How will I face her now?"

"I-Is she really… Is she really with child? Your child?" Catelyn asked just to be sure since everything from the previous night remained haunting. The dead faces still flashed before her eyes.

Joffrey nodded firmly, "She is, Lady Stark. It is the reason why I wish to end all wars and return home in peace. I wish to spend time with my child and perhaps leave behind a good legacy."

There was a faint smile on Catelyn's lips when she heard that, but the darkness in her gaze never left. The trauma was too much, and her desire for vengeance fueled her. She looked at him sternly, locking eyes. "Your Grace, is Rickon truly with the Boltons?"

"He is, or so I was informed by the informant living inside Dreadfort. But I do fear what they'd do now when Roose Bolton lies dead, his schemes uncovered. Your house has been betrayed at levels you can't imagine, my lady. The schemes of Petyr Baelish, Freys, Boltons, Greyjoys—"

A drop of tear slid down Catelyn's eyes right then. Joffrey noticed and promptly stepped closer to her. Being a little taller than her, he easily wiped the tears off her cheeks with his caressing fingers. But he maintained the palm on her shoulder.

Catelyn seemed to not mind, "It's as if my family has been cursed by the Gods. First Ned, then Bran, and now Robb…"

Should I do it?

He went ahead anyway and pulled the sobbing woman into a warm embrace against his chainmail armor-clad chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pressed her bosom on himself.

His one hand eventually dug into her red hair, giving comfort. "I can understand the loss, my lady. My father died before my eyes, and then I lost Lord Stark to my mother's schemes. I have been nothing but a puppet all this time… I've failed this realm as the King."

Did I go too far?

He could feel his own heart pounding harshly, wondering how the Stark matriarch would react now. He hoped she'd buy the whole Cersei killing Eddard story.

"I always told Ned to stay away from the South." She sobbed against his shoulder, finding rare comfort in the most unlikely person. "Cersei is vile. I have witnessed it myself."

"That is why I sold all I had to obtain this army of loyal Unsullied from Essos." Joffrey continued to caress the back of her head while the other arm moved down to her waist and intimately hugged her. She was wonderfully curvy, and he could feel his loins acting up. "I refuse to sit and watch this realm burn anymore. I refuse to be anyone's pawn."

Catelyn suddenly looked up, their faces so close. Her cheeks held a faint blush when she felt his warm breath touch her.

"Ah…" Her body reacted on its own, and she stepped away from Joffrey. But she returned to what she was saying. "You have changed, Your Grace… Quite a lot."

"Almost dying in a battle does that to you, my lady," he replied.

Catelyn agreed, having seen it firsthand. "I… As a Stark, I hold no gold or treasure, so I can't ask you for anything. But as a mother, I request you… No, beg you to help me save my only son. He's all I have, Your Grace. He's the last Stark son the North has."

Joffrey's brows furrowed right then, and he folded his arms. He looked down at his own feet, acting as if in deep thought. "I… I don't know. I'm not prepared for a prolonged war campaign. I have found and saved Arya. She must be on her way to King's Landing to meet Sansa as we speak. Why don't you join me at King's Landing, my lady? I'll plan a whole campaign against the Boltons there. Even if I need to take a loan."

"No!" Catelyn panicked. She stepped closer to Joffrey and grabbed his crossed arms. "Your Grace, that would be too late. The Boltons will kill my son… I beg you to help… please! I'll do anything to repay you."

Joffrey hid his smile. A fake look of worry masked his face. His gaze was locked with her at first, but finding her standing so close, he couldn't help but look at her sizable globes and the valley between them, visible through the wide neck of her dress. Yes, this was what he wanted, in a way.

Catelyn gulped, noticing where he was looking. Despite her age, she was well aware of her looks and allure. This wasn't the first man to look at her in that way.

But this time, it was different. "Anything, Your Grace… just help me save my son. I'll do… I'll give you anything."

A long moment of silence lingered. Joffrey kept staring at her beautiful cleavage, so lush and spotless from above. But then he glanced up and noticed her pitiful face. The horrified brows, the helpless eyes.

Sadly, I want more than just your flesh, your mind too.

"If I was Joffrey of the old, I would have agreed to what you offer in a heartbeat, my lady. I'm sure any man would be tempted." He spoke about her offer openly, making the woman feel ashamed. "But I'm a King above all. My duty is to the realm, and I cannot die from needless risks."

Catelyn was on the brink of collapsing into utter hopelessness.

"We'll need to do a lot of planning before we make a move, " he added, igniting a ray of hope in Catelyn's heart. "We'll need to visit a few houses and gather allies."

The pain of losing Robb had reduced a slight bit with this new hope. It was evident by the changes in her face and demeanor. She gripped his arm forcefully, "The Mormonts, Glover, Umber, Reed, and maybe even Karstarks will surely listen to us and consider an alliance. With the army of Your Grace, they will be tempted to support us."

Joffrey smiled like a handsome devil, "I hope so, my lady."

"Thank you." She added with a slight change in her tone. "Y-You're not like your mother or grandfather."

Worse perhaps. But in a good way?

Joffrey visibly sneered, "I bring my father's Warhammer everywhere I go, my lady. I am a Baratheon, not a Lannister."

It was then she noticed his blue eyes. To her best recollection, she didn't remember them to be that color. "You have Robert's eyes."

Thank the Sevens.

"I hope I possess the same strength." He responded and quipped, "Except for all the drinking and fornication."

She smiled wider this time, "Striving to become a perfect man? I can see why Sansa is enamored by you."

"And I can see how she turned out so beautiful," he complimented her back. "Oh, only if you were younger."

Awkwardness arose between them once again.

Catelyn chose to timidly step back, "I shall retreat and send ravens to the houses still loyal to Starks."

"I'll prepare my soldiers," he replied and silently watched Catelyn leave. Her dress was a long, fitted gown that curved around her waist and spread around her seductive hips. He watched her sway even in those multiple layers of clothing.

A great start indeed. He felt he had earned a small victory.

Night had fallen, but the camp was still very much active. Small bonfires were lit in places as the Unsullied prepared to start moving in the morning. Since the North was going to be much colder, they chose to take whatever was left in the Twins to make clothes for themselves.

Joffrey held a meeting with Ser Arthur and the captains. Planning how to proceed and what to expect from the terrain ahead. Since he had the memories and understanding of the future and had traveled the road with his father before, he knew a few things.

"House Reed is completely loyal to the Starks, so we don't need to waste time on them. What matters is that we take back Winterfell. On our path, we'll meet with the remaining members of House Dustin, as the rest perished in the wedding. But they might switch to the Boltons if left alone." Joffrey gave a little crash course to his leading men. "We'll take them under my banner and move on to House Manderly. They're wealthy and strong, and they suffered losses at the hands of the Boltons and Frey at the wedding too. Lord Manderly lost his second son, and I'll gift him the sweet nectar of revenge."

With Moat Cailin already liberated by Robb, Torrhen's Square and Deepwood Moat were the only remaining strongholds of the Ironborn in the North.

"Once we take back Winterfell, we'll send a small group to Deepwood Moat to help House Glover defeat the Ironborn occupation. With that, the North will be free, and only the Boltons shall remain as our enemy. Let's not forget the Botlons have already been weakened by our counter at the wedding." Joffrey stood up after giving his final words, "My brothers, start preparing the siege engines and the Exploding Scorpions. The Seven Kingdoms are to witness the greatness of the Golden Legion!"

Ser Arthur looked left and right at the Unsullied at that, "Golden? But we only wear black, Your Grace."

Joffrey chuckled and started to leave, "Where the Boltons fall, our rise begins. Make sure to clean that wretched castle from top to bottom. The blacksmiths and goldsmiths of King's Landing will be very busy soon."

With that, Joffrey arrived at his resting tent, the only standing structure in that whole camp of soldiers. And here begins my secret battle.

He walked in through the heavy piece of cloth hanging as a cover on the entrance. It was very dim inside, the candles halfway burnt already. On the bedding, he noticed a figure sleeping under the quilt, her back towards him.

Her red, long hair was untied and sprawled on the pillow. Her tender curves were visible even then, notably her hips.

Oh, Sansa. Why is your mother so stubborn? He sighed and walked to the edge of the bedding before sitting down. He took off his vest, then the tunic, and began changing the bandages on his shoulder on his own.

"Ugh!" It was really painful. "Fucking Boltons."

Technically, it was high treason. Accordingly, he had every right to end Frey and Bolton houses to the last person holding that last name. And it was precisely what he was aiming to do.

He poured the medicine on his wound again and tied it back while keeping a piece of cloth between his clenched teeth. He knew Catelyn had woken up by then, as he wasn't that silent.

Eventually, he finished up and stood up to discard the rest of his clothes, mainly the breeches and the lower small clothes. Once again, completely naked, he slid into the bed under the quilt. But this time, he maintained some space and tried to 'sleep'.

The wait was annoying and tiring as he tried to appear asleep. But once he had enough, he moved under the quilt, making it rustle. With a swift turn, he again planted his front on Catelyn's clothed back.

"Umm…" He mumbled to appear as if he was sleep talking, "Sansa…"

Following that, he hugged her body with his arm and planted it right below her magnificent swells. It was a tight hug, squeezing her body so hard that his slowly rising cock probed her ass. There was no doubt she felt him despite the clothing.

But what mattered most was that Catelyn didn't protest. She didn't try to move away or remove his hand. She was awake, her heart thumping like a sprinting horse, but she remained steady in that position.

Victory at last.

Joffrey hadn't planned to do more than that for the night. So he shut his eyes and went to sleep.


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