
got reincarnated in the wrong parallel universe

I got reincarnated at the wrong age and that wrong parallel universe.

fattynomore · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

3rd one WRONG!

So my mind is cursing up a storm and am stressing myself because am dead god dammit how did I end up here am I that lame that I would die like this am too rich to die like that."everyone dies it's the cycle of life" guy across from me says"because of your good deeds thrue out your life we can send you back that morning so you don't make the same mistake". My whole mind went blank am soo excited I wanted to go and hug the guy but I don't know him sooooo I just jumped around the chair. Soon as I calmed down he said "because your going back to the morning you can just go behind and walk through the door behind me" am soo excited I didn't finish listening and just jumped up and ran thrue a door (Listen I feel like anyone who was in my position at the time would do the same don't lie) and went through I heard him call me but I blanked it all and ever went blank again. I feel a wet sensation on my forehead and don't know what the hell it is my body feel week and hot and I can't seem to move that much I open my eyes and see someone beside my bed crying about her poor baby am looking at this person like damn I hope her baby fine. Then boom a massive headache that feels like their is a person with a jack hammer right by my head then I black out again. I wake up feeling better than the last time and weird ass memories that's mine but not mine at the same time because this is not this morning and am not fucking 35 anymore did I end up in the wrong fucking place!😒