
Got Hitched To Him: Magnificent Dream Of My Youth

He was like a mirage to her...someone who always seemed to be there yet he was never. Being the only daughter of the late CEO of Jiang Corporations, she was the next heiress. But wait...what? She went on to become a doctor??? Oh, to continue what her late father was not able to complete. While her cousins: "You want to become a surgeon? Go ahead. I will handle Grandfather." "Go Elder Cousin, I am always rooting for you!" "Make sure not to kill anyone." "..." -- She was like someone from a caravan to him... every time he wanted to give her affirmation of being there, he was held down by the laws of nature. Being the CEO of Lin Corporations at the age of 18, he was quite ruthless with his ways. When he first entered the business play, a rival said, "He is still a child. It would be easy to take down the business from him." The very next day, along with being the CEO of Lin Corporations he was also the largest shareholder of Lin's biggest rival company and managed to take it down. Another rival said, "It would be impossible for Lin Corporations to bloom in the foreign business market now that the CEO is a 20-year-old boy." In six months, the year-end foreign business statistics revealed Lin Corporations being at the top of the list succeeding with more than 10 billion dollars to the second on the list. But was it enough? -- At 26. "Boss, a man is trying to woo Mrs Lin now that you have been absent for almost two years." a young man stuttered while his sweat rolled down from his forehead. "Oh." "!!!" "It's time to return." "..." -- He loved her secretly for years but every time he wanted to approach her, every single time he was held back by destiny. "Mr Lin, say, you were absent for two years. Had there been a woman outside that you were busy taking care of?" "Mrs Lin, indeed there was a woman that I was busy taking care of. But that woman is inside my heart." "!!!"

Pink_Bluebells · สมัยใหม่
63 Chs

Bewitched By Long Hair.

That day, probably because of ongoing exams and the upcoming inter-school competition, Lin Yuzhong was already tired and felt too lazy to even peddle so instead of taking the cycle like he usually does to the library, he changed his way and entered the building of first-year high schoolers.

There was a shortcut to the library from the terrace which many students were not aware of. Because the lunch hours were already over by that time, no one was lingering in the corridor and were already back to their classes.

The building comprised of five to seven floors and all these floors represented different streams. The top two floors were specifically assigned for the science students as it was restricted from the outer noise and one would only know what was going on outside if they were to open all the windows of the corridor; causing the floor to be silent enough to make even a dropped pin echo.

There was a lift in this building but it was only reserved for the students who couldn't walk up the stairs due to medical reasons otherwise all of the students were supposed to take the stairs. As seniors were not allowed to enter the junior's buildings during class time, Lin Yuzhong was very fast with his movement, thoroughly avoiding coming into the sight of any teacher.

Reaching the top floor, he pulled down the cap of his hood to cover his face and swiftly passed by the classrooms when he noticed the teacher checking the notes of students through the glass window.

That was his cue to be quick in his action if he did not wish to get caught roaming in the corridor at a time when he was not allowed.

During those days, the last ten minutes before the school used to get over for the day, the last subject's teacher was responsible for randomly checking the notes to check students' regularity.

Right when he was about to take the last turn to the stairs of the terrace, he bumped into something soft and...


He fell backwards on the floor the next second and groaned internally because of the pain he felt in the back of his head. A sweet and pleasant vanilla fragrance hit his nostrils and he realised that someone was...on top of him!

Due to the cap of his hood covering his eyes, he could only see darkness but the scent of the person on top of him was so attractive that for a second he felt like holding the body close to him.

But he was immediately brought out of his thoughts when he felt the person on top of him moving and getting up. He internally cussed at himself on realising what he was thinking of doing just now.

Was his brain getting influenced by his best friend's one?

Shooking his head, he brought himself to the sitting position and pulled the cap of his hood backwards. Lifting his thick eyelashes slowly, he revealed his dark black eyes to find a very beautiful girl standing in front of him...looking all flustered!

Her pink cherry lips were the first thing he noticed and then her eyes which in a flash pretended to look somewhere else when she noticed him staring at her.

She was caught off guard. And that was apparent in the way a tint of redness appeared on the tip of her nose and ears.


Registering the thought that again crossed his mind, he scolded his conscience for having this weird thought about the girl he just bumped into. Lin Yuzhong opened his mouth to apologise but was stopped by the ringing of the school bell and glanced at the time on his wristwatch.


Lin Yuzhong lifted his one eyebrow on hearing the sound of the opening of the door and instantly got to his feet. Looking behind him, he caught the sight of the teacher making his way out of the classroom and grabbed the girl's wrist before pulling her along to the terrace.

Her eyes widened at the contact and she was about to resist but stopped after hearing the husky voice near her ear, "Shh! If you don't wish to get in trouble, come along for now."

She knew that she would get in trouble if she was found out of her classroom during class time that's why she was hurrying downstairs to the ground floor before the bell could ring.

But who knew...

Running up the stairs with her wrist now replaced by her hand tightly in his hold, they entered the terrace where that warm contact got immediately lost when Lin Yuzhong left her hand to close the door behind him before leaning against it.

Since it was late in the afternoon, the evening rays of the sun were slightly darker in contrast making the orange sky look even more appealing as a background.

Involuntary his eyes moved to his feet and noticed a shadow falling upon them. His eyes followed the long stretched shadow starting from the head at his feet to the toe of the girl.

Pulling his gaze upwards he noticed the girl standing all awkwardly with her back facing him. But a shock mixed with slight admiration was revealed in his expression as his eyes explored the thigh-length hair of the girl secured in a loose ponytail.

Those hairs were so beautiful!

After a very famous singer had cut her long hair short, the whole country was filled with frenzy. Within a couple of days, it became a trend among the high school girls to keep short hair such that almost every girl in their school including the campus's belle and some of the female teachers had shortened their hair to shoulder-length.

The craze was followed by females to the point that even boys who were never interested in girls have had enough and were sick of watching each girl with short hair around them.

But now looking at the girl in front of him, he was suddenly remembered of what his roommates were talking about in the dorm couple of days back.

"Do you all know that nowadays our pretty campus belle mostly remains in fury?"

"Yes! Yes!! I have heard about it! Isn't it because of that long hair angel from the junior's class?"

"How do you know about her? Have you seen her?!!!"

"My cousin is in the same class as her. So I went with an excuse of using my cousin's name to see the new beauty."

"What? Why didn't you inform me you ass****!? I wanted to see her too!"

"Stop! Stop beating me, Brother Zhao!!! I was not aware that you wanted to meet her too."

"Moreover, I was not able to fully see her! She has kept her long hair tightly clutched in a bun on top of her head."

"Huh? Is that allowed?"

"My cousin told me that she had taken special permission from the school's principal in doing so. But she still looked very pretty and cute!"

"Are her hairs that long??"

"Yup! My cousin told me that her hairs are till her thigh! She got lucky enough to see her in open hairs one time!!!"

"Really? Is she really that pretty though? Do you think she can replace our campus belle?"

"If you were to compare those two...there is no way our current campus belle could win against her. She is that kind of beauty..."

Maybe that's why his roommate had so extreme response, the sight in front of him...was simply refreshing.

Lin Yuzhong tossed one last look at her hair and went to the backside of the terrace towards the small attic that was used as a storeroom at the further most corner. As he was moving to the storeroom, he felt a gaze following him but ignored it knowing very well who the person could be.

Standing in front of the wall which was partially covered with a galvanised sheet in the middle, he pushed the sheet to the side with both of his hands and soon a door came into his view.

The door was not locked and did not have any handle that's why the watchman had covered it with a galvanised steel sheet which was of the same colour as the attic to hide the door from the students.

Exerting the force on the door towards inside, the door was opened disclosing a very dusty room having huge cardboard boxes jumbled all over the floor with some wooden planks thrown here and there.

Looking at the room filled with dust, a small frown appeared on his face; pointing out his dislike. Before going inside he took out the handkerchief from his pocket and covered his nose and mouth with it.