
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs


[ I am going to keep it simple and clarify any confusion for the readers, this is AU, and a lot of stuff either won't happen or will happen differently. For example, Aerys died in 284 instead of 283. ]


284 AC

Narrow Sea

Rhaella Targaryen


Shifting as slowly as possible to not make any noise and wake the twins I feel a pang in my lower back and grunt. I look over at the two infants they are still sound asleep and so I continue to sit up.

"Mom?" Shaena wakes up beside me and I run my hand through the hair covering her face.

"Shh, I just want some water." I whisper and she nods as she starts to get up. before I can even tell her to stop and that I can do it myself she is already out of bed.

She walks across the cabin and pours two cups before returning while sipping on her own. she checks on the other kids who are sleeping not far away on a makeshift cot before handing me the other cup.

"This is terrible." she complains as she slips back into the bed, I can't help but agree even if this is the only way we could leave. Most of the troops wanted to hand us over to Robert after the storm took out the majority of the fleet. It's a good thing we had made a deal with Lord Monford Velaryon, he sent ten ships which was a little less than half of what he had left, but he still has to put on an act back a Driftmark once Robert learns we escaped.

I look over at little Eragon and feel a bit of guilt at engaging him before even his first name day. Unfortunately, Lord Monford Velaryon was adamant about wanting a marriage into the family for sending what little he could with us.

"It's better than whatever would be our fates if we stayed." Shaena has already covered herself up in an attempt to fall back asleep but she still huffs in response.

I begin to think about the future and can't help but worry about what troubles await us when we arrive in Braavos. We have enough gold to last us for a while if we stay frugal and that benefits us anyway. We don't have many loyal guards left and living in a smaller dwelling would be easier for them to patrol and keep us safe.

Looking at the chest I had brought with us I feel a shudder run through me, those cursed things. I have had them since the fires of Summerhall, they can be used to buy an army if that's what is decided at a later point. All that matters to me at this point is keeping my kids and the kids they left behind alive. But if they decide to fight for the throne later on then they can sell the seven cursed stones to get plenty of gold to spend.


284 AC

Dorne, Starfall

Eddard Stark


Looking at the castle of House Dayne I feel a pit in my stomach, I didn't think I would be seeing her again. Certainly not when I came looking for my sister, word is though that the Kingsguard relocated here from the tower of joy.

"It's odd." I hear Howland Reed speak from my left, I turn to look at him. He gestures with his chin to the bridge that leads to the castle. "They should know we are coming, yet it seems they aren't wary."

Taking a look again I reassess the defenses and other than the lookouts and the men stationed at the door they don't look all that alert. A Trap?

Something catches my eye in the Palestone Sword Towers window, an outline of someone standing in the window. To far to tell who it is but the pit in my stomach aches once again I grip the reins tighter.

I am here to take my sister home, I am married to Catelyn.

As the horses begin moving once more I can spot who it is standing at the gate on the end of the bridge. White armor and cloak with a sword equally as pale, Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning.

I dismount from my horse as do my company and we approach the Kingsguard, his hand on Dawn.

"Lord Stark." his gruff voice calls out.

"I looked for you on the Trident." My men all put their hands on their hilts.

"We weren't there."

"Why weren't you there to protect your prince?"

"Our prince wanted us elsewhere." he shifts in place a bit causing nerves to flare up.

A moment of silence passes as we stare each other down, I take a deep breath and ready myself.

"Where is my sister?" His eyes bore into me as the silence continues and right when I am going to draw my sword he speaks.

"Do you want to know what happened to her?" my heart feels like it stops as I begin to draw conclusions.

"What?" I feel my blood as cold as the north, did she die?

"I can tell you if you come inside." why would he have to tell me inside?

"Why not right here?" he looks around at my men and it dawns on me that he doesn't want anyone else to know the truth.

I look out of the corner of my eye and see Lord William Dustin making an uncomfortable face, looking to my other side Martyn Cassel isn't much better. It seems they came to the same conclusion, that or there dreading having to fight him.

It's not like we can storm the castle even if we kill him and no one dies in the process, I feel that I should accept. If he wanted to kill me he could have archers rain arrows from on the wall, or maybe even cut my head off himself even with the others standing here.

"Alright." I let go of my hilt and my men look at me concerned. "I will go in with him and hear him out." I begin to walk forward and he motions to my sword and gritting my teeth I began to unbuckle my belt. "Hold this." I toss it to Howland Reed and walk forward once more.

The gate opens and we both walk in as it soon closes behind us, Arthur watches me as we walk.

"Alright we are inside, What happened to her?" he continues to walk toward the door of the keep and I follow behind.

"You will see soon enough." As we walk inside I spot Ser Oswell Whent.

"I am surprised he followed you in." he grunts.

"Come on." Ser Oswell follows behind me as I follow behind Ser Arthur, I begin to feel uneasy as we approach a door with the third missing Kingsguard standing outside of it. Lord Commander Gerold Hightower, his eyes narrow as he watches us approach.

"I still think this is a stupid idea." The white bull stands Infront of the door.

He steps to the side and Arthur pushes the door open and walks inside, I follow him in after looking at the other two standing on either side of the door.

Inside my eyes meet with familiar grey eyes and I feel my legs go weak.

"Lyanna!" I begin to rush to her but get held back, looking back at the hand on my shoulder I see Arthur shake his head.

"It's alright Ned." I look back at my sister and only now notice she is holding a babe.

I am confused by the sight of my wild sister holding a baby until A horrid thought comes to my mind. Who's is it?

"Lyanna?" she stands up and walks toward me, wrapping one arm around my side I return the hug being mindful of the baby in her other hand.

"Want to hold her?" I look down at the baby with wisps of raven-colored hair, I shake my head. "Come on Ned, hold her." she pulls me to the chair she was in and I sit as she places the girl in my arms.

I look from her to Arthur waiting for some answer but neither supply any. A noise pulls my attention and I look down with my eyes meeting a small pair of dark purple eyes.

"What is going on here?" I can't hold it anymore, if this is who I think it is baby then she is in danger. Robert would rage if he knew Lyanna had Rhaegar's child, but it's the only reason she would be here with a baby. and it would explain why the Kingsguard were with her, to begin with, but why three?

"Its Rhaegar's, her name is Visenya Targaryen." Targaryen?

"Targaryen?" I ask while looking at the baby.

"We were wed, so she is a Targaryen." Oh no.

"What about Elia?" A pained look comes across Arthurs's face.

"He took me as his second wife, like Aegon did with his sisters." I shake my head and don't even know where to begin with that.

"And you just agreed to this?" I can't believe my wild sister would marry, let alone marry a married man. Well actually now that I think about it, that does sound like something the she-wolf would do.

"I did, Ned can you tell me what happened with Elia and her kids? We came here shortly after I gave birth and haven't received anything credible, besides the letter from the capital to come and swear fealty." Seeing Arthurs's worried look it must be true, they likely think Elia and the kids are dead.

"Ser Jamie Lannister killed the king and ran off with Elia and the kids, or at least that is what was being believed when I set off to come to find you." she tears up and hugs my side, Arthur looks very conflicted hearing about Jamie not only killing the man he was meant to protect, but also ran off with his Prince's wife and kids.

"Any idea where he was taking them?" Arthur asks as the baby starts to cry and I hand it over to Lyanna.

"None, best bet is Sunspear or the free cities." I watch in awe as my wild sister gently rocks and coddles her daughter.

Silence descends onto the room and I am not sure what to do, I want to take her home but that would end up with the baby being found out. The baby is a Stark just as much as she is a Targaryen, wolf's blood, and dragon blood. Robert would only see the Dragon if he heard of her existence.

"Did you come here with someone?" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Lyanna.

"Yes, I should let them know I am fine. but what do I even say? I assume you don't want me to say you are here?" They both shake their head and I let out a sigh.

"We can let them in if they disarm and wait outside while we talk." Arthur speaks up and I nod.


I walk back inside escorted by Arthur after having my men stand by, walking back to the room Ser Oswell opens the door. Inside there is someone else with Lyanna, her black hair flowing down her back as she faces away from the door talking with my sister.

Arthur looks incredibly awkward and steps aside while I fumble in place, her head turns and her purple eyes meet mine. my heart feels like it gets crushed when I see her, but then she smiles and I can't help but feel better.

"Hello Ashara, I don't know what to-." my breath hitches when I spot she is holding a baby, I thought it was Visenya when my eyes glanced over her but Visenya is in Lyanna's arms.

"Hello Ned." she stands up and walks toward me with a bright smile and I stand firm, if I don't I feel I might fall over.

As she approaches I look between her and the babe and can't help but notice it looks almost identical to Visenya. This baby has a bit longer face and her skin isn't as pale but other than that they could be twins.

"We need to talk." she smiles but this time I am feeling a distinct lack of happiness.


Thank you for reading!!!

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