
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
8 Chs


Aurion Targaryen

Age: 8

(290 AC)



I run to a silver haired woman sitting on a rocking chair in the patio. Her skin's glow had long disappeared, but her beauty still turned heads wherever we went. 

Although, we rarely left the house. We are living in Braavos, with an unknown Lord. As a result, our home is a far cry from the ones described in the book I am holding. But it is safe, and our family needs safety. 

My hands are clutching another book about our family's history that I sneaked off with from the nearby library. Mother doesn't know I leave the house almost everyday, I think.

"Can you read this to me and explain the events?" I begged her. I have always been interested in knowing the past since the day I learned how to read. It fascinates me. And the fact that there is so much of it that I might never be able to read it all...is exhilarating.

"Of course, Aurion. Come here." She sits me in her lap and begins to fill my ears with music. I can read this book on my own, but the way she read it - it keeps me intrigued. "Ah yes, the Great Council. Jaehaerys the Conciliator called upon the realm to choose their next ruler, and they chose King Viserys. Princess Rhaenys was the other candidate, but she..."

And so, once again, I learned the history of House Targaryen for a few hours. Until the devil interrupted me.

"Aurion! Come play with me!" Daenerys pops up right beside me and screams into my ear. 

"Uwahh! Don't scream into my ear!" I hiss back at her. "I'm busy reading with Mother, go play with Viserys."

"Now, now, Aurion, perhaps you should take a break." Mother tried to persuade me. 

"Mother, you know what qualifies as playing in Daenerys' mind. She's just going to try and get me to train again." I click my tongue in annoyance. "If she wants to break her bones, she can, but I will take no part in it." 

"Shut up, you coward! Your books are lame and boring!" Daenerys shouted, but was quickly reprimanded. 

"Daenerys! You won't call your brother a coward! And you, Aurion, go play with her. Books will only teach you so much."

Ugh, why do these two always make me do this. We don't have any need to learn how to fight in Braavos, especially when surrounded by all these Targaryen loyalists. And even if we go back to Westeros, Viserys will be the King. He will have Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan with him, so why do I need to fight...

I sigh as I make my way to the gallery with my sister. Suddenly, she turns around and whispers in my ear. 

"Viserys is taking me to a secret spot. I wanted you to come with us."

"A secret spot? Are you sure it isn't the whorehouse-" She punched my arm before I could finish. 

We heard footsteps coming towards us, and Daenerys jumped slightly to hide behind me. But as soon as she saw who it was, she ran to hug them. 


"Easy there, Daenerys. You'll make me fall over!" Despite saying that, she swings around while holding my sister in her arms. Then she came to me.

"And where is your greeting, young man?" She pinched my cheeks with a smirk.

"I whas going tho." Speaking while your face is being disfigured is quite hard.

The Dornish woman snorts but lets go of me. "Lyanna was asking about you, shall we go meet her?"

"Uh...we are going to play right now! Maybe in the evening!" Daenerys speaks with a blush. Does she know that she's an open book?

See, Elia is looking at her with suspicion. Unfortunately, she nodded, "Okay, go have fun. Don't go too far without a knight." 

What the hell! I thought my sister-in-law was going to save me!

She gave me an evil glint to me before running off. Ah, she did it on purpose! Ugh, I hate Dornish women, just like I hate Daenerys!

That reminds me, I wonder if my twin has an aptitude for magic. 

Mother hates magic, so I have to read about it on my own. 

Elementals, Necromancy, Resurrections, Wargs, Divination...it's just all so interesting. 

Dragons are also interesting, and magical, and we know that they were still alive a hundred years ago. So why did magic perish away? Hopefully one day I can find the answer to that.

 Its a shame Dany is so interested in swords and spears, it's clear as day that she has no talent in that field. Oops, I can't call her Dany outside my mind, she hates that nickname. 

Ah, looks like we arrived at where Viserys asked Dany to meet. 

"Welcome, siblings of the Dragon."

"Yeah, yeah, just get on with it." He scoffs at my dismissive response. I raise an eye at the fact that there are no knights around. Viserys cares not for safety, but only for adventure. 

"Tch, you ungrateful little shit. I'm taking you to a beautiful scenery, and you are just-" 

"Viserys, let's just go! We need to be back by nightfall." My sister urges him to do his job. 

Soon, we are walking on a rocky coast, going towards nowhere. 

As far as I can see, there's only rocks and water. 

"Look there! There it is!" My brother shouted, pointing to the side of the rocky mountain.

"Where..." I murmured.

He ran, and we ran after him.

A shiver ran through my body, but I chalked it up to the cold winds from the sea. 

Nearing the 'secret place', I could see a vague outline, an entrance to a cave. 

Don't tell me this tiny cave is what he wanted to show Daenerys.

"The entrance is small, but the inside is bigger than our house. No can see it if they're not looking for it. It's the perfect hiding place! I've actually come here a lot of times." 

He comes here often huh...Viserys isn't exactly a cautious person, so someone could've easily followed him here.

Another shiver ran up my legs, this time accompanied by a headache. 


I clasped my head and shook the slight pain away. What the heck was that...it sounded like I heard a voice in the winds. 

"Aurion, are you okay?" Dany asked from my side.

"I'm fine!" My response was harsher than I wanted it to be, and she took a step back. 

Guilt filled my heart, but I didn't back track, not in front of Viserys.

Speaking of Viserys, he was already about to enter the cave. 

Then I saw a light from within. I thought it was a candle that my brother had left lit the last time he was here, but then the light moved. 

Specifically, it moved towards us. 

Viserys was pushed back and fell onto his butt. He cursed, but stopped when he saw the dozen men now standing before us. 

Looks like he wasn't lying when he claimed the inside of the cave to be huge. 

I thought they were fishermen who lived in this cave, and wanted us to leave them alone.

But then I saw the weapons in their hands.

And the predatory look on their faces.


