

Melisandre rode out of the island's dreary castle surrounded by the mounted guards she'd been given command over, ready to carry out the mission assigned to her by her lord.

It had taken her more effort than she'd thought to get to this point. Another sign that the Great Other's taint had already spread far and wide.

She'd been denied an audience with the Lady of Dragonstone by the guards on her first attempt, but Melisandre was well versed in using her womanly wiles to achieve her goals. The men-at-arms didn't stand a chance against her seductions, and she soon had the unattractive Florent woman's ear.

Selyse was a simple woman; exhausted from her recent childbirth, Melisandre easily guided her into the light of R'hllor after curing her frailties, the efforts of her fellows in Volantis making the Lord's power flow through her like never before.

And now, she was heading to complete the simple task of rooting out the evil that she'd noticed upon her first arrival. If Melisandre had it her way, the whole port town would burn in her Lord's loving flames. Sadly, she couldn't go that far just yet and would have to settle for removing the false religion from these lands as her first step.

As her first target, Melisandre entered a shabby tavern—the busiest gathering spot the town held—and with her guards following behind, the noisy chatter immediately died as the room's eyes turned to the strangers.

It was a common occurrence with such smallfolk. They didn't dare speak up in the presence of the armed guards who could take them to task with only the slightest of perceived affronts.

"My good people, who among you worships the Lord of Light, R'hllor?" she asked with a smile, the tavern's occupants remaining quiet.

"M'lady, I thought the Lord of Light was called Lux Tenebris," a young servant girl broke the silence, an older woman rushing over too late to cover her mouth.

Melisandre grinned; this was what she was looking for. There would need to be an example set to weed out the vile religion, root and stem.

"Seize the possessed child," she ordered, a few larger men—likely sailors—getting to their feet.

"She will bring naught but death and ruin," Melisandre continued, the drawn steel of her guards doing more to dissuade the disobedient ones than anything as two moved to drag the girl over.

"My child, the Great Other has a tainted hold over you that can only be purged in R'hllor's flames," she told the girl, her scrawny body shaking like a leaf as those nearby let out audible gasps.

With haste, Melisandre commanded a pyre built on the open grounds outside the tavern, the angry onlookers following as the wailing girl kicked and clawed all along the way.

And as the pyre's kindling lit, Melisandre turned to the gathered crowd, pleased to see the awed expressions on their faces—as was only proper.

"Praise the Lord, his grace smiles upon us," a woman shouted, tears of reverence flowing down her face.

Yes, everything was going as planned.

"Lord Lux defends us from this witch," another voice sounded.

Wait, that wasn't right, she frowned, turning back to look at the girl who should have been burning in her Lord's flames, only now realizing that she'd not heard any of the expected agonized wails.

Melisandre gasped, the beautiful flames of her lord now a sickly, transparent black, the heretic girl looking around in surprise as the unholy fire harmlessly surrounded her small body.

And even though she used every bit of her heightened magical prowess to purge the invading evil, it was all in vain, the comforting presence of her lord waning as wicked embers spread.

"Lord, we beseech you, give us the strength to rid your lands of this red witch!" a peasant cried, knocking her out of her shocked despair.

Whipping back to the deranged crowd, the blood drained from her face. "No, no no no no," she stammered, a horde of horrifying, abyssal-black eyes staring into her soul.

"Death to the witch!"

"Lord Tenebris is with us!"

"Burn the false prophet!"

Melisandre didn't know what to do. It was the first time she'd felt abandoned by her lord, and the slowly backing away guards that'd been at her side didn't seem to have a clue either. But it didn't look like she'd be getting any further time to contemplate the situation as the possessed mob rushed forward, latching onto her limbs with strength beyond what should be possible.

The demons dragged and dragged, slowly inching her closer to the flames that lacked the usual soothing warmth, and despite her struggling, her efforts only had her blessed pendant falling off in the commotion, her true wrinkled form exposed as the cries of "Witch," intensified.

"Please, let me go!" she couldn't help begging as the dark flames licked at her clothes, the false Lord of Light followers unharmed while she experienced a deep, agonizing pain like never before.

Yet her please went unheard, and as she felt her mind fracturing from the pain, Melisandre could only comfort herself by the fact that her soul would soon be within the loving grasp of her lord, R'hllor… only that wasn't the case, and she panicked feeling dark, slimy tentacles ripping her away from her rightful place besides her lord, her being now held in the hands of a black and gold haired man with a cold smirk on his handsome face—which was surely a disguise to hide his rotten appearance.

"It'll be fun breaking you in," were the last words Melisandre heard before losing her sight.

A New God's Conquest

Bella popped into the cell of their other unruly hostage, the ugly duckling occupying the room startling at the sudden interruption. While her master was handling the Lannister bitch, he'd given her the honor of taming the Greyjoy girl.

"Looks like I've interrupted something rather interesting," Bella giggled, finding Asha on the cell's rock-hard mattress, quickly pulling her dampened fingers out of a pair of simple linen trousers that she'd been given.

"Fucking bitch… Knock or something. Better yet, let me the hell out of here," Asha growled, fixing her clothes.

"Lucky for you, it's likely that your wish will be granted today… With some conditions, of course," Bella informed the grumpy girl.

"Shove ya conditions up yer arse, I'll get out of here myself if I have to," Asha claimed, and Bella rolled her eyes, not minding the incessant barbed words. She'd simply remember the insults while putting Asha through the hellish training she had planned.

Honestly, the girl's temper had drastically calmed over the days. On her earlier visits, Asha would try attacking like a disheveled alley cat, only to be frozen in place by a quick spell. And each time, one of her cell's amenities had been taken away as a form of discipline, leaving it as the nearly bare room that it was at present.

"From today, you'll be my apprentice. Know that from now on, I expect nothing less than absolute obedience," Bella told her, pretending not to have heard her earlier protest.

"And when did I fucking agree to this?" Asha asked, clearly not understanding the point she'd made about obedience.

For her apprentices first offence, Bella decided to be a bit lenient, sending a weak stinging hex at the girl's left tit, receiving an indignant squawk for her impeccable aim. "Girl, be thankful that I've taken a liking to you. You remind me of my younger self."

Asha went to speak, likely about to give another scathing reply. But before she could get a word out, Bella menacingly pointed towards her other tit, making the girl quickly close her mouth, apparently thinking better of it.

"Now come along, we've got a ritual to get to if you want any chance of becoming mildly proficient with magic," Bella said, watching in amusement as Asha's eyes shone with clear greed for power.

It was obvious that the girl would use anything that Bella decided to teach in an effort of betrayal, but breaking a new pet into obedience was half the fun… at least that was what her master had told her.

Her Master was right though, with her precious daughters growing up and spending time with new friends, Bella could use something like this to fill her free time.

Of course, she'd tried convincing her master to bless her with another child. Sadly, he told her to wait a few decades for that. So, Asha here would be her plaything in the meantime.

Grabbing the power-hungry girl by the arm while she was likely fantasizing about killing her way to freedom, Bella apparated them into the large ritual room she had prepared, forty-nine naked men turning to the disturbance—seven groups of seven—each group locked within invisible barriers, runic carvings beneath their feet, all surrounding a plain stone slab.

Human sacrifice was the best choice for the plans Bella had with her apprentice. It was a good thing there were plenty of Wildling prisoners who couldn't adapt to her master's commandments, she thought.

"W-What the fuck is going on," Asha spluttered, obviously more than a little apprehensive about this whole thing.

"Nothing to worry about, dear. Like I said, just a little ritual to get you up to par with the rest of us," Bella consoled, and for whatever reason, her words didn't seem to lessen the girl's worries much.

Shrugging, Bella waved her hand, silver chains shooting out of the stone slab and dragging a shrieking Asha onto its cold surface, the girl's arms now bound above her head and legs spread apart.

"P-Please, don't sacrifice me," Asha cried, making Bella smirk at the girl's crumbling façade. Bella wouldn't fault the girl. At that age, she didn't think she'd be doing much better either.

"Shh, I wouldn't sacrifice my apprentice. That would be so wasteful." Bella said, laying a hand on the girl's stomach, her comforting gesture doing nothing but increasing her terrified shivers.

"Fine, be like that," she frowned, snapping her fingers before the ill-mannered girl's clothes vanished, chains rattling as Asha tried covering herself to no effect.

Bella's face scrunched at the nude form laid bare. "While the natural look can work for some, that doesn't seem to be the case for you, my dear. At the very least, you've kept yourself clean."

"Worry not, I'll just go ahead and take care of that before we get to business," she told her speechless apprentice, casting a simple charm that had every shred of bodily hair disappearing in an instant, goosebumps forming on her now smooth pale flesh.

"W-What did you do? Where are my clothes?" Asha spluttered, and Bella decided to ignore the useless questions as she traced lithe fingers along the too skinny body.

"Plenty of work will need to be done, but you at least have something going for you," Bella drawled, moving her hand to the girl's lower half. "Did you know that you have a very pretty pussy, girl?" she asked, any words from the girl cut off by a low moan as she reached the small nub at the top of a neat slit.

"I know I interrupted earlier. It would be rude if I don't help finish what was left off," Bella purred, inserting a finger into the tight hole that had the bound girl bucking her hips into Bella's movements.

"Such a slut. I wonder if you've remembered that we have an audience," Bella teased while curling her inserted finger, toying the rougher patch of skin to her apprentice's pleasure, the girl doing her best to muffle her moans.

"Look at them; they can't keep their eyes off of you," Bella continued prodding, the girl shuddering one last time before drenching her hand and the previously dry stone.

"Oh, quite the exhibitionist, aren't you," Bella said, cleaning the feminine ejaculate off her hand and slab with a wave. "Of course, I only aloud these men to witness such a scene considering they'll be shriveled corpses in a moment. After today, as my apprentice, you'll belong to my master."

"F-Fuck you and your whoreson of a master, if ya think an Ironborn can be owned," Asha spat after regaining control her heaving breaths and, apparently, some of that audacity.

Bella scowled, roughly pinching the panting teens engorged clit between her thumb and index finger before channeling a wandless Cruciatus curse that had the little bitch writhing and wailing in agony. Bella could get her revenge slowly overtime for the insults to her person, but those aimed towards her master would have to be punished immediately and harshly.

"I hope you've understood your mistake," Bella asked, gently wiping away the tears running down the girl's whimpering face.

Sure that her apprentice received the message, Bella left the ritual circle, activating the runes once clear, watching as the engraved pathways blazed, the forty-nine sacrifices howling in pain as their skin cracked and shriveled, the purified essence of their souls flowing in unison towards the struggling girl at the center.

With the ritual infusing her apprentice with the magical potential she'd lacked; Bella guided any excess energies to mold the less-than-attractive fleshy body into something she knew her master would appreciate.

As Bella worked, Asha's pimpled face cleared, her sharp nose becoming a cute button while her short raven hair now glistened after the enhancements.

Moving on from the face, the girl's flat, yet somehow flabby, tits formed into a perky pair that remained only half a handful in size. Bella knew that her master appreciated all sizes and saw no reason to have her apprentice wasting time regaining her balance when it wasn't necessary.

Finally, the long legs that were already somewhat attractive further filled out, giving her a nice bubbly butt that was sure to grab her master's attention.

Just as Bella finished putting the final touches on her masterpiece, the circle dimmed and she appeared next to her finished product, the withered sacrifices falling to the ground, forgotten.

Bella nodded her satisfaction; her master would surely be pleased, she thought, sending the unconscious girl off to one of the castle's nicer rooms before leaving the mess she'd created for someone else while she went to check on her daughters.

A New God's Conquest

Noire sauntered into the new courtyard that'd been built for her father's most recent stray, a heard of plump sheep cowering in the corner as the big stupid dragon snored atop a pile of burnt bones.

"Hey, fatty, wake up," she called out, one of his eyes opening before the imbecile snorted, ignoring her and returning to its sleep.

Noire cutely growled, how dare this dummy ignore her great self, she thought, running up to its ear to give the lout a piece of her mind.

"Listen here, I've only decided to grace you with my presence to inform you of your position."

"First, it's me, my sister, and pops up here," Noire gestured above her head. "Then there's the luscious grass that I relieve myself upon," she lowered her paw. "After that, there're the servants who have the honor of cleaning up after myself," she again lowered her paw. "And then, there's finally you," Noire told it like it was, pointing to the ground.

And of course, the dumb dragon still didn't seem to understand its position, its spike tale whipping around, attempting to bat her away.

"Hmph," Noire huffed, meeting the attack with a single one of her mighty paws, the large tale doing nothing but stirring up some dust.

She really didn't want to do this, unfortunately it seemed like it'd be necessary, she decided, quickly growing to match before surpassing the dragon's colossal size.

Noire smirked at the big dummy's stunned eyes. She much preferred her small and adorable form, but needs must, she supposed, ready to lay out a beating.

A New God's Conquest

Poor Hannibal, Lux thought. Maybe he'd take the big guy to burn down a village or two. You know, to get some of that confidence his dragon had surely lost.

Give Stones

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