
Goodbye Father

Sara wanted her father's blessing for her wedding, but with all the rejections, she still had some hope. This last attempt would change her life forever, as guilt grips her and her attempts at a happy marriage.

Kimberly_Scheffler · LGBT+
2 Chs

Planning a Wedding

She sat on the patio furniture outside the Cafe, sipping on her herbal tea anxiously. today was the day that her father would say yes or no to her wedding.

"Hello darling!" shouted an old man's voice from across the road. His voice was a mix of excitement and apprehension, that suddenly took a dark turn as he began to cross the road "You're not marrying him, over my dead body-" suddenly he was cut off.

Sarah felt a drop of liquid hit the side of her head. she didn't want to look at him before, but the sudden cut off of words made her turn. Her father, who moments before was a boiling pot of rage, was now nothing more than a pile of mush attached to the side of a bus.