
Gone Mad

Alicia Wild can see and hear things unlike all the other people around her and she’s been able to do this since she was a small child. She sadly even was a witness to her parent’s tragic murder by a magical being making others concerned over her sanity. Along with the spunky blonde is her little fairy friend who’s been by her side while Alicia was placed in an institution to deal with her ‘imaginary friends’. She is finally released from the hospital and hopes to blend in around the boring people who live on this mundane planet. But Ally has more energy and internally struggles with acting the basic normal standards of society.

Madsry · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The Pill

The bell rung loudly enough for the entire building to hear that morning as Alicia heard attendants assisting other patients. She had already placed her clothes on putting her hair into a high ponytail.

Washing her face and parting it down with a clothes, she scurried to her bedside.

The blonde had been up for over an hour making herself presentable wanting to please the nurses that were about to open the locked door. She had played many pranks upon the woman and was trying to be extra sweet in order for her to tell miss Lawrence about her progress.

"Miss Wild? It's time to wake up-" Came the same monotone voice from the female attendant who obviously was miserable with her working condition. But as the dark haired nurse entered, she was surprised to see the girl up and ready for the days activities. Although Ally had been doing this regularly, the nurse expected her to drop the routine after so many times.

"Wow. Alicia. I'm impressed." She complimented with a small smile as she walked into the room seeing the blonde sitting on her mattress looking ready to explore the day. "But it's time to take your medication."

Alicia didn't flinch at the words looking at the fairy who was already flying next to the nurse. Tiera gave her friend a wink as she followed the pill being placed in Ally's hand.

Th medicine was placed in the blondes hand and she began to close it quickly placing it up to her mouth seemingly putting it inside. She swallowed it down with some water opening her mouth showing the nurse.

The dark haired attendant smiled impressed with how much Alicia Wild had changed these past three years.

The blonde child was a troublemaker and could almost outsmart the staff, yet they were able to catch her at every escape at the last second. She was the reason for the extra security and some of the gray hairs on the attendant's head.

Ally gave the woman a smile walking behind her out the door. She quickly glanced over her shoulder noticing Tiera placing the pill into the mattress where she hid all the rest. She smiled as the fairy quickly flew back standing in her shoulder so she wouldn't be stuck in the boring room the entire day.

"You almost snatched me when you closed your hand! What if you broke off my wing?!" She hissed pouting toward the human who was her only source of companionship.

"Oh hush!" Ally whispered chuckling softly hoping no one would hear her comment or see her little interaction with some imaginary figure.

Walking down the hall, the blonde glanced around toward the fellow patients who were all so completely different. Some seemed drained of life almost missing some part of there souls. Whenever their eyes looked into Alicia's, she couldn't see any light lingering inside.

One individual quickly ran up to her screaming in her face before his attendant grabbed his arm dragging him back to a room Ally hoped she'd never enter.

The black hair nurse turned to examine her patient after she jumped a bit scared of the man who had been aggressive. After eyeing her carefully, she decided no harm had been done since Alicia seemed unaffected.

"And they think you are on the same level as that man?" Tiera scoffed.

Ally didn't answer but frowned once her nurse turned around leading her outside for the morning activities.

She hurried and looked back seeing the room door shut and she knew the patient was being roughly handled. She shook her head feeling guilt and concern for the man, but in order to leave, the girl had to play her cards right.

She tore her gaze away from the other patients knowing some really weren't happy in this facility, but most were required to remain here due to judgements.

The door opened for Alicia automatically as her attendant lead her outside where the grounds were well kept. Although the inside remained a neutral white, outside was covered with different colored flowers making it Alicia's favorite place.

"Oh look!" Tiera shouted pointing over to the right while jumping up and down on the human's shoulder.

Ally followed the little fairy's gaze seeing the garden beginning bloom with different vegetables.

"Let's put some in your pockets and sneak it into your room tonight!" Tiera said knowing Ally could do it easily.

"No." Ally murmured still walking behind the attendant not trying to move her lips as she spoke. She carefully glanced up noticing cameras placed in certain locations in the garden. "We don't have many more days to get out Tiera. Don't ruin the plan."

Tiera folded her arms looking away from her friend obviously annoyed since she knew the tomatoes were ripped.