
kim lynn

wild she looked down the window looking at the rain splash down the side walk making pretty sparkles she then glanced at child jumping in the puddles she laughed a little the woman next to the child her assuming it's the mother the woman tugs out a rag in drys the little kid face, kim! she heard her name yelled across the room she turns her head too see miss Gilbert staring at her in the rest of the class, what? kim says with a smirk staring at her miss Gilbert tapping her nails against the desk pay attention too class or leave miss Gilbert says trying not too shout at kim I rather leave kim said standing up everyone in class always expecting it kim was a bad kid in school kim believe her father left cause she was a bad child in left with her mother she never spent time with kim she was lonely in weak but was just afraid to admit it

hello people I'm in 7th grade home schooled my writing might suck just for you to know ?

cats_lovescreators' thoughts